Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

Is Genesis Fire’s creation?

That is very interesting :thinking: fascinating! So revelation title (haven’t had so much experience with trying them, been focused on forex) can be used in a way to impact the physical world!

For sure, it follows subclub’s modus operandi :wink: Anyway those results are very impressive and I’m glad I was able to run Genesis at it’s launch!

Also, I see lots of skill focused subs coming up this week, was there any plan to create a sub (and I know we have medici but that sub is massive and touches a lot of subjects, and rich crypto was mixed results for me) for market with day trading.

Copywriting and programming are currently two popular skills to make money and it hit me today that maybe day trading was a sub incoming especially since it’s a pretty popular source of income (when we are talking about subs).


It is.


Since my loop of Genesis yesterday morning, Ive been in an exceptionally good mood that feels unstoppable.
I feel light, social and free to express myself… pretty nice!

Can’t wait to run it again tomorrow.


While listening today for the first time I felt this sensation of heat moving through my body.

I feel much more laid back right now with my 13 year old. Light hearted humour too.

Where I would typically yell at him when randomly smashing the drums, I found myself being tamed by an inner voice & decided to lay on the floor in reverse savasana and breathed instead. :sweat_smile:

The inner goofball is also re-emerging.

Watch out world. :rofl:


This @SaintSpring

I remember when I ran a solo loop of RICH and the next day my mom told me she found gold coins my grandpa had collected.
Expect nobody knew he ever did this.
They were worth $5k.


More like, by all the research I’ve done so far on time and the subconscious, is that history aligned with the present desire the sub exerted.
I know how this sounds, but the more I have these “coincidences” the more it makes sense.

Plus, train your mind to believe that ANY coincidence or weird thing is from the subs.
It will skyrocket your results.


With ZP, yes, since the first ever ZP private test, where @SaintSovereign that I was getting such a high flow factor that I was basically quoting most of the script back to him :eyes:

It’s always changing with my customs, but the one common thing in my customs is Ascension Chamber core, which I love more than any other core, simply due to how quickly I just manifest whatever I feel like I need in the moment, but other than that, I’ve had Cosmic Wealth, Sultan, Jupiter & Yggdrasil (for manifestations), way of ROI, RICH core, these are the ones that I always at least have one of those in my customs.


So I have only run the one loop of Genesis Saturday
I ran RICH and True Sell Sunday
Last night, Monday, I went to a bathhouse.

I was going to complete my discussion of Genesis for now but something quite interesting unfolded.

I without trying or thinking approached two woman during the course of my time there. They were both insanely attractive and just my type in different ways. This is the 2nd time I’ve left my house since Genesis for any period of extended time and both times I’ve bumped into woman who are exactly the kind I most attracted to in many ways.

Woman 1 walked past me in to get behind me in line and made eyes with me.
While in line I turned around to stare at her, I find on Genesis I am extremely open and bold in my interest, in my extended stare I noticed she was holding a fantasy book I have been reading, so we started talking about it, and she was goo-goo gah gah with me. The convo ended and then a series of events unfolded with the staff messing up on things and us ending up at a table together. We got into a convo, and she asked my name, invited me to a party, and took my number. She has not texted yet but pretty cool off the bat. Later I bumped into her again and we jokingly high fived and she would not let go of my hand.

Woman 2 was with a giant group of guy and was one of the sexiest woman I’ve seen in my life. At the end of the night she was dressed and I just went up and started talking to her without thinking. We had incredible chemistry and it was so fun. Then I didn’t push anything to move things forward.

I have some interest on dating and romance but its been a zero conscious goal for me at all
I am literally not trying any of this, or making any intention or attempts, it seems the manifestation around this is strong and I am just pulled to engage.

On a sales note, I like Genisis for the emotional state and maintaining positivity, something True Sell is missing for sure in my opinion. Any pure sales role, needs to deal, even incredibly effective performers, with rejection, managing cynicism and resignation, incredible confidence, conviction and belief in ones self, Genesis seems to bring these forward and is a very nice addition to True Sell.

I don’t know yet if genesis fits in with my current goals and visions even though it’s incredibly tempting subliminal.


I’m loving Genesis.

I’ve been making consistent solid growth daily for the past 2 months or so but since adding this it’s skyrocketed. It’s unlocking whatever was holding me back, I’ve never felt more myself before. My relationships with people have been incredible. I don’t remember who originally was looking for help with this but Genesis has absolutely destroyed my inner mental chatter, i’m so present and in the moment it’s crazy to ever imagine a time I wasn’t. It’s boosting the effects of my stack to surreal levels.
I’ve asked out 3 separate women this week and they’ve all given me their number and I smashed out my end of year assignment stupidly easily, which is something I would have previously stressed and procrastinated over.

I’m currently running 2 customs, Ascension/Primal and Wanted/Heartsong, along with Genesis ofc.

Ascension/Primal will always be in my stack, it gives me the consistent solid foundation and development that I want, i’m considering remaking it to include Genesis though because I think that i’ll always want what it adds. Wanted/Heartsong is just my side goal, that title will change as my needs will. I really don’t like listening to 3 subs however, it feels like i don’t get enough exposure. I’m sure i remember reading at some point that 2 cores was the max for customs, is that correct?


I purchased Genesis cuz I needed to loosen up a little bit of Emperor. Emperor is big beast for me for my current level of growth. And I am glad I did this sub kick ass.

Confidence is crazy high even more than ascension, it has that stark social feeling for me also, sexual drive is over the top, I am starting to like working on my business again, motivation to work out, feeling good. There been health problems in my family, Gf in hospital, my mother is after surgery, I been having dental problems, but with Genesis I am handling it all pretty well. Best sub I ever tried. Thanks Saint and Fire


Turn It On Again - A Genesis Journey

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Yes 2 cores are the recommendation. There was a discussion about this topic here recently.


Is that in freaking 13/4 time?! I can only make sense of the main section by counting 6 and then counting 7. I need to go back and listen to that old Genesis. That sounds great.

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Another entry:


I just bought it. It is a good feeling and looking forward to a bright future.


Seems like you’re really enjoying this title.

Scratch that part I posted yesterday about not getting romance results. Not even 9am and a girl I barely know asked me out on a date. Ppl…especially women also keep glaring at me harder than usual

Also established an overall greater love of all aspects of my inner self, light and dark. Both sides of me have come to love, respect and embrace each other, to the point where there is no distinction. It’s all just me “flaws” and all.

Genesis is also digging up some things emotionally and mentally that I haven’t been thoroughly addressing. I’m questioning why I still carry myself with a harder demeanor although lately my life is very positive and even the kindness ppl have been showing me is at an all-time high.

The sub is helping me that it’s not ok to be soft but it’s ok to start letting my guard down and open up again.


From the internet (so it must be true):

The opening to the song is heard in inconsistent time signatures, including bars of 4/4 and 5/4, and when the initial riff is heard, the time signature alternates between 6/4 and 7/4 (which could be considered 13/4, although there is a sense of division as though there are two measures heard within the main riff). The chorus delves into cross-rhythm, moving into compound meter where the rest of the song is heard in simple (duple) meter.


I remember when I lost a bunch of weight back in 2017/2018 (after being my heaviest with difficulty losing it) & dreaded going around people because the anticipation of them pointing out the obvious or judging me. I got super depressed and anxious at that time.

Your post brought up some realizations of how far I’ve come on this journey of transformation. I used to avoid wearing certain clothes because the fear I had lost more weight & when I put on weight and nothing fit it was a whole other battle. I would avoid social events or even posting photos on the socials.

I listened to Genesis yesterday for the first time.

Not sure why I feel this deep care & love towards you atm! :joy: we’ve never even talked before…

Cheers :metal:t2: