Two core vs three core customs (Experienced users ONLY)

Hi frens, been wondering about this.

Obvious disclaimer at the beginning; Guidelines exist for a reason, do not put more than two cores into a custom, dont use more than two or three titles maximum, etc etc. You will experience horrible recon otherwise and you will die. wink.

That being said, I am interested in actual experiences considering recon and execution time, meaning how much longer it takes/feels to notice results.

Obviously it heavily depends on the general stack, the cores (there are much lighter/denser ones) etc.

Also this should only be done by experienced users (MULTIPLE years of subliminal experience) and people that do not have problems with recon in general.

There are other factors to consider as well:

  1. Your internal orientation to change and challenge in general. (This is the much-lauded “flow factor“; and is somewhat alluded to when you talk about “not having problems with recon“).

  2. What kinds of changes you’re trying to pursue or invite in your life. This is related to the previous point. Because there are some changes to which you will be much less resistant. Some changes are wrapped up in baggage-laden issues that are deeply embedded into your identity. Other changes are simply things that you have never tried yet; but you don’t necessarily have so many deep rooted issues around it. Those latter changes are going to be easier for you to make.



Personally I wouldn’t recommend 3 Cores. I have tried both 2 and 3 Cores in a custom and 2 Cores is way more focused and also manageable.

This is especially true if we haven’t made customs before. In which case, create a custom with 2 Cores. Try it out for a while. And later make the same custom with 1 more Core. That way we get to compare and decide for ourselves.

The thing is that even if I say that 3 Cores is doable, it might not work for the person listening to me and trying it out. Heck, sometimes even a 2 Core custom might be too much.

Customs work but they should be considered as advanced programs that one creates for a specific purpose and not as a way to squeeze all the programs we like into 3 customs so that we can run and get results.

Over the years am introspecting a lot about the way i use subliminals and am more and more convinced that less is better especially to build that initial confidence in subliminals. This applies to both major store titles and customs.

Take the slow and sure way. There is plenty of time to try it all.

Hope this helps.



The slow and sure way is faster.


If you can align all of them, truly align them, then it’s doable. But kinda a waste of time tbh. Focus = better results. Running 5 cores last year, I made progress, but about 75% of the objectives were ignored by my subconscious and I felt constantly conflicted because I was asking my SC to do 5 different things at once. In the end, I ended up only expressing what really mattered to me, the minor objectives were ignored.

Sit down + Stand up = …well I’m just not gonna move then.


And how has it been since you honed things down?

(That’s kind of a crucial detail of your point.)

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Smoother and faster progress toward the target goals with less mental chatter trying to pull me in different directions. The “getting pulled in different directions” part is the real key here. It’s very distracting when all you REALLY WANT is to get laid, and you can’t seduce the damn girl because Emperor is telling you to start a buisness and Wanted is telling you that she’s not good enough for you and you should pull away to test her, and Primal Seduction is telling you to grab her by the neck playfully and nuzzle her ear, and Daredevil is telling you not to sleep with her because she’s your coworker and also telling you to text your friend. Meanwhile she’s staring at you like your insane and she’s wondering how, why, and what the hell you are because she’s attracted to you on 4 different levels and none of them make sense to her or to you.


:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :pray:t6: :pray:t6: :muscle:t6:


Just wait 5 more minutes.

She’ll start spontaneously orgasming while throwing all of her money at you and having intense identity-level breakthroughs that lead to overall life-improvements for her.

(And at that point, all that’s left for you is to moonwalk out of the room shrugging your shoulders.)


On that note…I just finalized my dual-core custom with Wanted and PS. :rofl:

Time to ascend to the level of the moonwalking reality breaker.


I think you’ve just invented my new favorite Netflix show.

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I did build 3 customs, each has 3 cores.

Its tight focus on one direction and it works for me.

Power can Corrupt
True Sell

Chosen from Within
Chosen the Way of Nature
Lovebomb for Humanity

True Social
True Sell

If I go over 11 min I end up in ultra bad reconciliation
If I do 10 min I am perfectly fine and I only need 1 loop per week. In this week I make progress thats so fluid and normal as if I have run a St 4 program for years.

Gona stick with 3 core customs

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10,000 word essay as their first ever post on the forum, I wonder who it could be… :joy:


Where is my post :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:, it had very good ideas and suggestions in it!

And I’m august the 8 month of the year :crazy_face:

I have some bad recon headaches though for a long time now so bear with me :blush:

If you have headaches, stop listening. Be kind to your mind friend.

What are you thoughts on
certain highly successful members here using 5+ core customs lol?

These people are grounded AF and super aligned in my opinion.




Yes some can get away with it but these are exceptions and not the rule.

I do wonder whether we can work our way to using 3+ cores customs but I don’t think generally speaking it would be a good idea to risk our sanity for that lol.

Even @Invictus (bless him) gives disclaimers to others to not do what he is doing. Which is wise since even for him it is a challenge to get those dense customs working and am sure he has to handle recon and take loads of action to get results.