Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v2

Consider it done, mate.

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@AnswerGroup With all the new and the updated titles that have highly appealing copy and scripting (congrats on that!) , are you working on the release of an upgraded version of emperor too?


While not exactly an upgrade (it’s an artisanal title with different goals), this would be the closest to what you mean.

As of right now, no, we aren’t focused on upgrading Emperor - however, with ZPv3 all titles would get upgraded.


When you say this, do you mean the scripting will be upgraded as well to reflect the latest learning’s in the best practice of HOW to write a script?

EG the recent discovery of manifesting positive experiences to better solidify new beliefs

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How would Emperor mix with Genesis in a custom or even just run seperately?

I believe the iconic Emperor ZP V2 deserves to receive a MAX Out of all ZP V2 power as the new titles.

It will be a very interesting experiment for all Emperor’s User’s…

Why not?


The description you wrote does not necessarily defines power or influence in there. It surely has it’s effects. But on Khan you actively engage with people, socialize with them, build connections. So that in the future you can use their resources. On emperor you are just like:don’t mess with me and I want nothing for free. On Khan you USE that dominance as explicitly said in the sales page.
Khan is much more chill than emperor and maybe even ditch some confrontations for the sake of social power.
Run Khan and you will know that what real power and influence over people is. Just lile you did not know before Emperor.


Noooo not in that sense😂
Just run it man

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Khan IS more in touch with his feminine side. But only when necessary. The feminine charm of khan can a secondary thing, JUST WHEN BEING MASCULINE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE GOAL. Nowadays being purely masculine ends you up in jail. Even EB which is mostly pure masculinity is for solitude, if you try to achieve khan goals with EB. You’d be in serious problem.
There is an objective of Khan which talks about developing an incredible sense of dominance which let’s you get anything you desire. Meaning even sometimes being diplomatic and feminine. Khan is something beutiful.
If you want pure ancient masculinity, run EB.


If possible, are you able to share your experiences with this custom? Not necessarily the tangible outcomes but the thought process and actions that came about as a result.

Thinking of the Be > Do part of the Be > Do > Have formula.

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Started my 3rd cycle last week (of 3 sub stack) with Emperor as the core, and want to comment on how surprised I was with the sexual scripting in this sub (because I may have assumed it would be overshadowed by the other goals)…

“New position unlocked,” was what she said after she stopped spasming. She’s kind of a nerd. :laughing:

All I did was not stifle any impulses that came up while we were in the middle of things, and that led us on an adventure.

Ok, that’s as PG as I can keep it…don’t sleep on this sub for improving your sex life alongside the other areas.


Muay Thai is alot more practical than Krav Maga. If you get pretty good at muay Thai and add in some grappling you’d be very well equipped in any physical altercation . There is alot more to fighting than tactical aggression .

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There’s always Kali

I train boxing mostly but used to train in an mma gym that heavily favored kickboxing . But you have to realize something fighting is a thinking mans game which even though it has a significant physcial element . You must focus only on the mental aspect if you want to become actually dangerous .


(post deleted by author)

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Okay back to Emperor, please.

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Emperor results so far

  1. My voice becomes way more manly

  2. Don’t get nervous talking to attractive women

  3. More balanced mindset on things like training and working on my business . Haven’t been to boxing in awhile (haven’t really been progressing like I want to due to an old injury ) so I was going to head to training today but I realized I have not worked on my business all week .

  4. Had a dream where I fought and beat up some wrestler dude and then I fought and knocked out Brock Lesnar. I found it interesting because there was no fear and even when I got hit

  5. I want to test my limits against impossible challenges in all areas of my life .

  6. Also lost like 4 lbs in a week which is interesting


Recon is a you know what but at the end of it there is always an interesting result . This result came from a kicking myself about missing an opportunity with a girl that i liked . long story short she showed interest in me like 2 months ago and i somehow convinced myself that it was something else essentially hand waving the results . so today i just kind of sat there and questioned what the hell she actually saw in me because i couldn’t wrap my head around a girl who was exactly my type actually growing to have some sort of romantic/sexual feelings towards me . Because I’m no longer in peak physical condition , my sense of fashion is kind of boring and I’m quite weird 50 percent of the time but then the positive self talk came in like a blazing sword and essentially countering all the sad wallowing thoughts and replaced them with the truth . I am actually pretty cool to be around and somehow make women feel really safe around me . And then I asked my self "when did i let the worlds standards dictate my success in anything "

Another fine result is the return of my focus and ability to finish tasks when I really don’t want to do them . Stopped skipping workouts and actually got through all my Spanish lessons without feeling overwhelmed with mental energy to spare . My imagination has returned back to where it was when i was a teenager when i spent all my time devouring books. I also want to develop stronger leadership traits and have been really tackling some of my interactions with friends and family .


Remembered an interesting result that I attribute to the physical shifting (and a little reality-bending influence) from Emperor…

Visiting with family a few weeks ago after my 2nd cycle with Emperor, a female cousin – who likes to “tell it like it is” – made a comment that made me wonder what she saw that I didn’t.

She said, “Whoa, wtf?! You went from fat to Captain America!” :laughing:

I’d only done resistance training consistently for the couple months I ran Emperor (with GLM alongside) before she saw me, so there were noticeable gains in my shoulders, traps, arms, and reduced gut fat…but I didn’t see “Captain America” when I looked in the mirror.

(For context, I maintain a decent general fitness thanks to martial arts, and still have about 20-30 pounds of fat to recompose before I’m at peak physique again, but I carry it decently.)

So, I’m impressed with the speed of physical shifting for sure, but I’m most impressed by the reality-bending effect this sub had in shaping how I appeared in someone else’s mind.


So It finally clicked as to why I always got instant results along with intense recon when I run emperor. It’s because I am actually quite immature and choose to live with my brain turned off about the things I encounter .

I was relying on motivation or being fired up to get things done but emperor has shown me that the more I get done without being fired up the more mundane so called hard tasks become .
I noticed this with my kettlebell workout I had to hype myself at first to do it but now I can blaze through 500 of them without feeling like I need to be super amped up .

One annoying result is that I keep seeing how I could have approached a past opportunity with a girl and actually seduced her .