Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v2

Ah!! yes the OG’s journal. Definitely quite similar to that.


EoG was the first sub I listened to consistently. This was before Q.

I switched to Emperor during the Q test. Been listening mostly to Emperor since then.

I’ve been considering building a HOM+EOG4 based custom once the new tech is released.
Too bad designing it feels like work.


Have you ever run a title focused strictly on building internal power for a couple of months? Titles like EB, Ascension, Primal of GLM? If not, here is you’re answer to the mediocre results you’re getting. Healing and building up internal power is essential for “subliminal evolution”, especially when running titles that tap into internal power massively, like Emperor. Emperor has that component but also a lot of other programming and that’s why it’s going to take much more time to build up your inner power to “the right level”.


The first time I ran GLM (pre-Q version), I didn’t think it did anything for me. I also was running Emperor at the time, so who knows.

Then I stacked GLM with LBFH and the results were bonkers. It actually left me mildly traumatized. :joy:
I removed GLM from the stack and continued with LBFH.
Yes GML can cleanse your internal weaknesses. It’s not a sub that operates with subtlety. The results can be really “in your face”.
LBFH + GLM didn’t give me recon but it dug deep and quickly. If you have a weakness or uncertainty regarding your masculinity, GML will find it and attack it! That’s all I can about that.


This has to do with the way these titles are frames / have been framed by the community as “beginner”. Beginner doesn’t mean shit. They are focused title. I am running Primal and it is not a baby title. Especially now in ZP.
If anyone can say he manifested all Primal objectives, what else would he want. (I am exaggerating but you get my drift).


Most of us lack a high level of internal power and focus, and that’s essential to unlock our capabilities and achieve our goals.

Healing->building internal power->unlocking specific capacities and achieving specific goal.

Read the EB sales copy and you will know. Don’t get hyped though :slight_smile:


Just that the sales copy makes me think EB + Genesis :slight_smile:

To be honest I am a little scared by it, it feels like it may wake up a power I would not be able to handle or something.

Will read the official thread. Current cycle end by end of June so we will see.


Good for you. However, building up your internal power would boost your results on Emperor a lot, unless you need more healing. Perhaps you do, and LBfH is the answer.


Do you have any experience with modules that achieve that goal?

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Nope but there are plenty that could help you with that. Personally, I would go for GLM and LD in a stack for 2-3 months at least, provided that you’re done with healing. Meaning, no major traumas to resolve.


What does internal power mean to you? And is this now also a personal journey for you?

i remember you running Emperor in the early releases of it, you came of strong with a bit of a temper, which is a sign of internal power to me.


To me, internal power = I run life. It doesn’t run me.


Here are the modules of my EoG4 and HoM custom. You can use it as a jumping off point. Replace the parts you don’t like. Repeat the parts you like. Or just put in new things that seem to be missing. It was designed July/August 2022, so it only has modules that existed at that time.

PATHS of Wealth ZPv2
  1. Ecstasy of Gold Complete
  2. Emperor: The House of Medici
  3. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  4. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
  5. Sultan
  6. Debt Annihilator
  7. Wealth Limit Destroyer
  8. Positive Being Attractor - Wealth
  9. Secrets of Akasha - Wealth
  10. R.I.C.H.
  11. Dynasty
  12. Secret Source
  13. Mystery
  14. Mastermind
  15. The Lines
  16. The Way of ROI
  17. Organization Perfected
  18. Machine: Action
  19. Machine: Rest
  20. Purity Without

I played it from 1 October 2022 to ~11 April 2023. Right now, it’s on break, and I’m playing my Emperor + Quantum Limitless custom (called Sapiens) that focuses on Empathic Facilitation and Innovation (also playing KB:The Crucible).


sounds pretty badass

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Can you breakdown your results from this custom? did you hit your wealth goals?

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I understand this point. However, I never have seen any clarifications regarding if a XXX Core in Qstore, with the same name of Main Store title contains all the script of Main title.
This had been more confusing since producers had said that the old “module” frame does not apply to Q or ulterior developments.


Still very much in process. I have not hit my wealth goals, but I am making more than I was making when I first started running it.

I’m taking a step back to concentrate on my ability to create wealth structures. And taking a further step back from that to align my building and creating projects with my nature, my purpose, and my values.


Yes. The core contains the entire script. That’s why we limit them.


Thank you for the response. This topic deserves it own Q/A topic.

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How many cores for the zpe/ voice embedded update?

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