Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v2

I train boxing mostly but used to train in an mma gym that heavily favored kickboxing . But you have to realize something fighting is a thinking mans game which even though it has a significant physcial element . You must focus only on the mental aspect if you want to become actually dangerous .


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Okay back to Emperor, please.

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Emperor results so far

  1. My voice becomes way more manly

  2. Don’t get nervous talking to attractive women

  3. More balanced mindset on things like training and working on my business . Haven’t been to boxing in awhile (haven’t really been progressing like I want to due to an old injury ) so I was going to head to training today but I realized I have not worked on my business all week .

  4. Had a dream where I fought and beat up some wrestler dude and then I fought and knocked out Brock Lesnar. I found it interesting because there was no fear and even when I got hit

  5. I want to test my limits against impossible challenges in all areas of my life .

  6. Also lost like 4 lbs in a week which is interesting


Recon is a you know what but at the end of it there is always an interesting result . This result came from a kicking myself about missing an opportunity with a girl that i liked . long story short she showed interest in me like 2 months ago and i somehow convinced myself that it was something else essentially hand waving the results . so today i just kind of sat there and questioned what the hell she actually saw in me because i couldn’t wrap my head around a girl who was exactly my type actually growing to have some sort of romantic/sexual feelings towards me . Because I’m no longer in peak physical condition , my sense of fashion is kind of boring and I’m quite weird 50 percent of the time but then the positive self talk came in like a blazing sword and essentially countering all the sad wallowing thoughts and replaced them with the truth . I am actually pretty cool to be around and somehow make women feel really safe around me . And then I asked my self "when did i let the worlds standards dictate my success in anything "

Another fine result is the return of my focus and ability to finish tasks when I really don’t want to do them . Stopped skipping workouts and actually got through all my Spanish lessons without feeling overwhelmed with mental energy to spare . My imagination has returned back to where it was when i was a teenager when i spent all my time devouring books. I also want to develop stronger leadership traits and have been really tackling some of my interactions with friends and family .


Remembered an interesting result that I attribute to the physical shifting (and a little reality-bending influence) from Emperor…

Visiting with family a few weeks ago after my 2nd cycle with Emperor, a female cousin – who likes to “tell it like it is” – made a comment that made me wonder what she saw that I didn’t.

She said, “Whoa, wtf?! You went from fat to Captain America!” :laughing:

I’d only done resistance training consistently for the couple months I ran Emperor (with GLM alongside) before she saw me, so there were noticeable gains in my shoulders, traps, arms, and reduced gut fat…but I didn’t see “Captain America” when I looked in the mirror.

(For context, I maintain a decent general fitness thanks to martial arts, and still have about 20-30 pounds of fat to recompose before I’m at peak physique again, but I carry it decently.)

So, I’m impressed with the speed of physical shifting for sure, but I’m most impressed by the reality-bending effect this sub had in shaping how I appeared in someone else’s mind.


So It finally clicked as to why I always got instant results along with intense recon when I run emperor. It’s because I am actually quite immature and choose to live with my brain turned off about the things I encounter .

I was relying on motivation or being fired up to get things done but emperor has shown me that the more I get done without being fired up the more mundane so called hard tasks become .
I noticed this with my kettlebell workout I had to hype myself at first to do it but now I can blaze through 500 of them without feeling like I need to be super amped up .

One annoying result is that I keep seeing how I could have approached a past opportunity with a girl and actually seduced her .


Interesting, I also noticed becoming more mature with emperor, it’s like I am just showing up and doing it. Last week I had some harsh recon and I thought that I had to add modules to get me active, but now indeed it is like I am just doing it, without needing to be psyched up.

What your describing sounds very much like developing discipline, is that also how you see it?


Discipline is a part of it but the also the way I look at things around me has been shifting . Like a big thing for me is fantasizing about a perfect me that is super tall handsome and an invincible fighter but one day i just stopped and thought "what am i telling myself about how i perceive my own value " .

even during the times I’m learning i stop acting like a dumb teenager who is just waiting for the lesson to be finished and actually becoming an active participant in my learning .


This is what im hoping to get out of emperor, how long are you running it already?


I’ve been on and off with it for a long time, ever since Qv2. In the last few weeks, I’ve started to listen to it more consistently. When I stacked Emperor with Rebirth, it felt like I was in for a wild ride of enhanced results. It’s important to stack wisely. After a few days, I noticed this shift. Playing around with setting intent, especially based on what I felt I lacked in my life, might have also played a role in it.


I think this is my issue too, I’m waiting on a jolt or jumpstart to get me in the groove, thx :+1:


Another aspect of maturing that emperor is imprinting in me was learning to be uncomfortable.


Emperor has lead me to certain situations that point out where I am lacking in my current development. when im dead alone at night or just walking alone after work my mind becomes very surgical in the way I look at myself . First off my obsession with sex is not even about the sex itself its the validation of the act and realising that with the things I want to achieve I can not be overly obsessed with female validation the way I am now .

Another interesting thing I had two close friends give me their honest opinions about me and it was mostly good but the biggest criticism is that I act like a boy sometimes instead of a man and some other childish behaviors. While they were giving their opinions I didn’t get sad or defensive I sat there and accepted it .


So relatable, I have a lot of those moments where I am questioning why I am wasting my time so much and what I am doing with my life. Like I am internally not aligned. Lately I have been feeling like I want to do something about it but at the same time I am indifferent, there has been gradual shifts around that though. It is so much easier to just go from stillness(in mind) to action.

Friendships: I don’t like my old friendships, I fly solo now. I don’t respond to invites by texts or calls. My friends miss me. That is okay, for now. I know this is a deep thing for me and time to level up who I spend time socializing with.

Edit: one of the things that crosses my mind the most is the value of perception and how to use that in my benefit.


With Emperor NWE potentially coming out around the week of November 11. I might just give it a second try with Index Gate.

@SaintSovereign would Emperor NWE be good for when you work for a startup not as a founder but as a employee but that places a big role in the startup?


From my experience, Emperor works fine as an employee - but you do speak very candidly and probably need to be in a position where you can take on more responsibility and develop on an ongoing basis. Don’t know if the NWE will change that.

Hopefully, we will at some point see a sub specifically designed for people who want to accelerate their careers within a company/law firm/management consultant firm etc. and go for the top top positions.


Isn’t that what Stark and subs like Ascended Mogul are all about?

I believe that Stark is fantastic, but I think it has some elements that isn’t necessarily needed in as a corporate climber, but is more geared towards an entrepreneur looking to realize a big idea. Based on my experience, it wasn’t the best for high stake negotiations and at times I simply just talked too much.

AM is awesome as well and is fine for the first many years of your career. But for the more senior positions I think it could use some finesse, business tactics and scripting that makes you even more comfortable with making really big decisions. What I’m looking for is probably a blend of AM, HOM and PCC.

But back to Emperor :slight_smile:


Let’s make it happen: