Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici


See (core vs store title):

From reading the sales page, it looks like mastermind and marketweaver are definitely in HOM.

And transcendental connection are 100% confirmed.

So yes, all 3 would be in the HOM core in the custom store…

The way customs work is that something like HOM-CORE is actually the entire script of HOM, not just the “most essential parts of it” or anything like that… which is what I thought it was when I asked the question that got linked to.


This Sub is truly an outstanding sub. Like if you’re in business this sub teaches you exactly how to leave a legacy and it all starts with relationships and partnerships. Unreal to me how underrated this sub is. @SaintSovereign @Fire This has changed my biz life man. Thank you!


if custom eog+medici+stark - > have solid wealth, innovative ideas, relationship orientation, and collaboration in the long run?


Do we have the ZP version of this one?



Anyone using this nowadays? This seems like one of the best wealth building subs in the catalogue.

When you have reached a certain level of capital and want to increase your net worth by investing and trading…


I’m working my way towards it. It doesn’t seems to be a sub for newbies or people with severe money mindset problems. I ran it last year for a few months only to be hit with massive reconciliation. I’m running EOG right now to establish a wealth foundation, then I’ll jump on HoM.


What kind of reconciliation did you have?

I personally never minded reconciliation it creates an inner motivation to advance towards the objectives.

However, it must be viable too not too much reconciliation lest you get bewildered


Read about it here:


Just tiredness? That’s not much of reconciliation if you ask me :sweat_smile:

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Tiredness → low energy
Low energy → lethargy
Lethargy → low productivity
Low productivity → less things done
Less things done → no new skills learned
No new skills learned → less things accomplished
Less things accomplished → less acknowledgement
Less acknowledgement → low self confidence
Low self confidence → over-work as compensation
Over-work as compensation → mental exhaustion
Mental exhaustion → mental well being damage
Mental well being damage → negative attitude towards life
Negative attitude towards life → mental health problems

And we don’t want that :slight_smile:


More like total exhaustion that doesn’t go away even after a long night sleep. Falling asleep at random times of the day and feeling like your very life energy is being sucked out of you. Imagine going through that for a week or longer.

Currently running it. Will be posting soon about the results. All I can say for now is that, almost everything that is happening now is because of it. Family and work.


Are you running the full 15 minutes or 3/5/7 minutes?

5 minutes

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Yeah been using it for 6 months now


What are your results so far?

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We don’t want to post in older version main threads either.


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These listening amounts get me all confused I ran 15 min twice yesterday and my results have increased drastically…

Ps no recon no processing feels like I can easily do another 2 today but will take a rest day just to make sure. Feels like the amount of “daily” growth that had on Q.

Could literally run Ascended Mogul two weeks and by the end of those weeks I was working on a business, waking up early, feeling strong and disciplined, coming up with wealth ideas etc and feeling extremely energised to work and get things done.

What @Sub.Zero is doing makes lots of sense.