Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

3 days in so far. The greatness aspect is there. Rocket fuel for greatness.

Darkness is there. I genuinely know it’s the sub, because I’ve made some bold statements and refused to back down from my position. Not fighting words, but just the lil taboos. I feel like I live by my own rules. It’s a powerful, raw masculine feeling.

Of course I can be a big softie so I have to balance out that inner ruthlessness to achieve 🫡🥷🏿 with da feels :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pleading_face:… ya know, to feel right at the core and be congruent. It just feels really good to not give a fuck, not ask for permission, not being a lil… bitty person.

My Journal on Emperor Black


For the folks that have ran the older versions of Emperor…

Is there alot of resemblance between Emperor v3 and EB:ToG? It seems that this is like v3 without the sex/romance and with a layer of spirituality.


The intricacies, people willing to help you and chances are crazy on EOG ST1, Emperor Black, WANTED stack.
I took off my airpods for detoxing myself of music dopamine and then I was thinking about putting my phone down and stop watching Instagram videos and all of a sudden I encountered a motivational video which told to put your phone down and make this your last video. And I did it.
After starting Emperor Black there is a feeling of connectedness between events and your desires and thoughts. Powerful manifestation tool.


The only resemblance I’ve noticed is the drive and the sense of power. Emperor is oriented to exerting your external power (building an empire) whilst EB:ToG towards exerting your internal power.


I think the power levels on EB: TOG is wayyyy higher


Mates please write your ideas on this topic


WANTED lmao but I’m not even focused on girls… I just wanna become my most attractive self everyday


Exactly. No direction or goal won’t help

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One of the best books on productivity, in the true sense of the word, free on YouTube as an audiobook. Can’t miss this one.

One thing that can really help your productivity is to learn how to do the thing that needs to be done. Not just doing the thing in front of you, well.

What if it’s the wrong thing? Or, even, what if it’s good to do that task, but better to do another one.

A deep dive into effective productivity, for those who want to understand the meaning behind getting more done in 5 hours than most people get done in 12

Hint: it’s not that they work faster, it’s that they work on more important things.


I cannot tell since I haven’t run Emperor in the new tech. I only can tell the difference in the thinking, emotional and behavioral patterns both program form in my psyche. And that’s what I wrote above.

EB:ToG is a liberator whilst Emperor is a ruler.


Just based off this, running the two together should have some amazing synergy.
When you speak, it makes me want to change my stack. You’re a dangerous man :joy:

Yes, indeed. I’m planning to run it along with my next custom that is based on Emperor (and RICH).

I think I should be a salesman than. :blush:


Emperor Black
It definitely feels different from other subs thus far. Deliberately feeling the need to step up and improve my life. Started by realizing I am stagnating at work and want to upgrade my skills real hard (like an rpg character) so I’ve taken to resume learning to code.

I can finally get a job programming, get better pay, benefits, place to work, new skills and meaningful applications of those skills. It’s literally like a big fish jumping from a small pond into a larger one - so much more to explore.

Only ran 1 full loop so far and a micro loop but so far the results have acted like an internal light switch getting flicked on.


Dear @SaintSovereign
Can we have Emperor: House of Medici ZP V2 to stack with Emperor Black?
Thanks for considering it.


I think I might not have ever been loved by my parents, is why I’m so obsessed with power, lol.

I mean, I would still be obsessed with power, that’s just my disposition, but this me, it won’t be satisfied ever, I think I have some sort of void, that can only be overcome by embracing my complete darkness.

Become truly and utterly “evil”. Not really, because I have believe in God, so I have a set principles to follow, just that, what is deemed to be the “shadow” would be integrated completely, I would have no qualms doing whatever, if I perceive it to be correct. It is what will quell the angst in my mind.

I can’t say “if this hadn’t happened, I would still be easily like this, just without the bs”.

We need trials to grow, absolutely.

This post was unnecessarily edgy. Because this is who I always have been, yes, I’m just that compatible with Emperor Black.

TLDR; Affection is for the weak, it destroys you. Embracing your anger makes you strong.

(p.s. this doesn’t mean to still not love people, it’s just a certain type of personality, which allows for a close connection to the animalistic side of man and easy expression of anger & lust (general passion towards life), resulting in an extreme personality that is predisposed towards strength & control, search up “type 8 enneagram” if you wish to know more)

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The type 8 personality type has an extreme aversion towards expressing or showing vulnerability, like I just did now, their literal growth point is opening up, moving towards the innocence that they tossed away from so long ago, that is deeply engraved under the heavy shell of tough emotional armoring around them.

I guess the life I lived, is going to allow me to embrace complete and utter darkness (something absolutely inevitable (no pun intended) due to who I am, I literally cannot function without it), whilst staying very much in touch with the light. lol.

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When one goes emperor black there is no coming back :slight_smile:


Once you go black, it stays in your stack :wink:


This sub is literally kicking me in the ass like right now to get up and go to work. LOL
I think I’m gonna go hahahah

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Emperor Black is the healing title we never knew we always needed :sweat_smile:

My productivity, efficiency, and general desire to get things done just skyrocketed with EB, and so also my self-esteem and self-image. Last week was insane.

Oh, and the non-distractibility? Truly a godsend. For an ADHD/ADD-brain that normally actively and automatically SEEKS distractions in order to boost levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine, because it needs it…?

Not only do I remain undistracted throughout the day now, but I also started to get dopamine surges from just doing my normal day-to-day job. It basically re-wired my ADHD-brainage into liking getting stuff done at work more than whatever things I used to distract myself with before.

Now I can’t even open a new browser tab to “just check a thing”.

I mean… come on…! :joy:

Now I just wonder what will happen when I pair it with Stark and QL st4.
More research is required :eyes: