Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

@Invicuts @Billions @Avengers68 @Lion @Sub.Zero @SaintSovereign and other Emperor Black users

Some help please:

How do you think Emperor Black would complement my newfound love for Stark and my exercise custom (EF4 + GLM + et al)? I would like to see increased social and wealth drive and build a powerful and healthy body.

Thanks. Appreciate your feedback.


Iā€™m running it along my ZPT custom (Optimus) based on Stark and Spartan. It boosts the results nicely when it comes to the discipline and focus, naturally.

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@Sinusoid - havenā€™t started Emperor Black yet. Will report when I do :pray:

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With stark: youā€™ll get an extra boost in the following: Social skills, verbal fluency, cognitive function, executive function. Productivity, less avoidance tendencies to get things done, easy flow mode.

With exercise customs: be ready to have the most intense workouts of your life.


Fair enough, I can only go by what I see posted on the forum.

With that said, I do want to stress that I meant no offense whatsoever. Your reported results on Emperor Black were the trigger for me to decide to run it as well, once my washout is finished.

If anything, I must thank you for being gracious enough to post your results and to keep us all updated on the trajectory of your journey. It helps a lot of us make the decisions required to influence our own journies.


I have been doing a washout until I wait for my custom to be delivered. I only listened to two loops and at times it hits and I feel quite woozy for a hot second and reality seems to shift. I have a wierd feeling that I cannot escape. This is all a good thing. Itā€™s like I am going to improve myself whether I like it or not. There is no willpower to deal with. I am swept up in a current that is molding me. TWO LOOPS. Thatā€™s insanity. Granted it good also be the rest of my subs finally getting caught up after more than a 5 day rest in a cycle. This is fun stuff. I think this new ZP has a lot more fun and exploration in it even when i feel the darker undertones of EB running.

Iā€™m not chasing results but exploring them in a new world within the old one while the old one is crumbling down. Itā€™s so hard to describe.


Thanks @Invictus. So my stack would be Emperor Black - Stark - Exercise Custom

When is the best time to run this stack? Right before a workout? An hour before? Night before?

Also, what is the best running order (which title first, second, and third)?

Thanks again for all your help!

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Okay so I gave this 2 loops early this week, followed by a washout cause I wanted to see how I would feel on this and see if I want to add this to my stack and if I wanted to change my stack. Here are my observations and results!

  • Holy sh*t. The power this generates is insane, in the beginning it was pretty overwhelming but integrated nicely.

  • Got told 3 times this week after my first loop, that my voice is perfect for being an anime villain. Also I should read erotica and people would probably buy it.

  • For a very long time I had been so focused on changing who I am on the inside, even though I was focused on the outside as well I was almost obsessing on inner change. I came to the realization that right now at this point in my life that I can confidently say that I am who I need to be on the inside, and to change my outer world for the better. No longer trying to fix something that isnā€™t broken.

  • Became very popular with multiple people hitting me up. If I didnā€™t want to talk that much or hang they understood. While I greatly value my solitude even more now, I do appreciate the times spent with close friends more.

  • Going through a breakdown of negative experiences that are a part of who I am, to learn lessons, let go of them/heal etc.

  • Godlike posture

  • Certain things that used to annoy me, donā€™t anymore.

  • Mental and physical strength increasing.

  • Feels very natural to me. I am naturally a loner as is so that could be the case too.

  • Cognitive function increases

  • Women seem more feminine around me, noticing more signs of flirtation. Donā€™t care atm though lol

  • Thinking of a plan to work 2 jobs after the new year begins

Ngl this sub is something else and itā€™s insane on what two loops do haha. I will start a new stack with this sub tomorrow or Sunday, depending on how I feel of course. It might be a stack that I experimented with while I was very inexperienced in my sub journey, and I think Emperor Black will make it possible. Plus itā€™s a good stack for my life right meow anyways.


Heisenbergā€™s review of Emperor Black:



Hardest part is going to bed with so many ideas and plans for the next day. And forcing myself to stop working is the battle Iā€™m having rn lmaoo


Last night after YEARS I approached two women, they rejected me(typical in these countries, most people here find GFā€™s through workplacesā€¦
But I Approached them and this is important to me.
I am running Emperor Black and WANTED, I forgot to journal some days, I listened to Emperor Black+WANTED 3 days ago. And last night I went out and all of a sudden women were giving me IOIā€™s.


Proud of and for you, buddy.

Iā€™ll be joining you on the EB x Wanted thing as soon as my custom arrives (Wanted/SM)

ā€œWow Johnny, I tell ya. That Sageā€¦ He minds his business and it seems like he never leaves his placeā€¦ but he always got somebody coming and going.ā€

For the sake of the purity of this thread, weā€™ll ignore that I could have spelled coming a different way.


Keep up the process , itā€™s a numbers game ā€¦been through plenty or rejected phases in the past .

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I realized that the sensations I feel sometimes in my throat area is that globus sensation. Which can be caused by stress and anxiety.
Last night I listened to a full loop of EOG ST1 and today at 4:30, when I went down for a nap, it started.
After observing it closely I realized that after the vanishing of this sensation, I felt a calm and tranquility in my whole body, like something was healed.
I write this here since I have Emperor Black in my stack.


Why donā€™t you go for the girls giving you IOIs?

And then if they decline, work on your process because something is disqualifying yourself


Itā€™s not that simple here
These chicks are fighting for cancelling of obligatory hijab. But that crazy mindset is still.

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Ran it last night. I feel the same way. It gets you thinking tactically and strategically. Like chess.

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@Alphamale - love these results, bro. Please continue at the same pace you are doing now. You will become more and more powerful naturally.


honestly it depends on you.

for me, everything is in one custom, so it doesnā€™t really matter much haha, but try EmpB right before working out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: itā€™s pretty nice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Decided to jump on Emp Black as well

Gonna see how well this helps me hunker down and focus on improving areas of my life