Main Disc. Thread - Ecstasy of Gold ZP v2

Not in one month though. Maybe if you add some other modalities and inner engineering tools to it, then maybe yes. A month is not a lot of time to see life altering changes.


The basic premise behind it is, if the limiting belief is in you, you created it.

If the limiting belief is in you, YOU’RE the only one who can summarily surpass it.

The old adage “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” fully applies here, no matter the mental gymnastics the limited mind will seek to disavow.


That I agree with. That’s why something such as Dragon Reborn run multiple times in its entirety following the instructions has the potential to alter a person’s life dramatically if not entirely.

I do feel that running EOG, especially with it being ZP V2 now , would do the same


Will listen to this tonight!


We don’t need to eliminate everything. Just enough to tip the scales of momentum.



Can this neck pain recon be a result of cognitive healing? Physical and mental.
Does EOG ST1 have physical brain healing scripts? If yes, how much compared to limitless.


Are you sure you didn’t overload? It could cause taxing effects on nervous system. (Just a guess)

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No I don’t think so.
It’s the first days, recon is typical. Yesterday I had recon also. For the first time I kinda argued foolishly, maybe that was my authentic WA TED emotions, I dunno really.
But it was EOG’s healing. Today after certain hour I got heache and it’s typical, I also got sth similar to it on QL.
I am strictly following recommendations and since ZP v2 I think I can handle 15 minute loops.


Must be recon then, it shall subside. Alternatively, you could experiment with less minutes of loop, for example - 3 to 5 min, also I personally tried and was really surprised to know that even microloops worked. But it still kind of feels impossible to me (lol), so I am not going that path.

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More recon(not overload)=more results.
I just finished my WANTED loop and am in the middle of Emperor Black.
My neck pain subsided after WANTED haha.
There are 2 possibilities, either ZP V2 is MUCH MUCH more effective in handling recon or smaller loops is not for me.
I was running Small loops and I was not getting good results, it was kinda laways recon. Although I had more rest day even with the 3in exposures. I was changing subs often though. But my intuition tells me the problem was beyond just subhopping. I think full loops gives me better results and less reconciliation.

Edit: As saint said longer exposure gives DEEPER results meaning when sth deep is resolved you will have better results for sure, but you gotta pay the reconciliation.
I think if I get back to ZP v1, I would still run full loops.

Another thing one can do is microloops but of a different 30 seconds each day.

Really each sub is just 30 different 30-second microloops in one audio file.

If 3 minutes is enough to get the entire script, that’s just 6 sub days, each looping the following 30 seconds from the sub day before.

Quote of the month

Edit: but I think it’s wrong, 30 seconds does not cover all the scripts. So the 2nd 30 seconds is different from the first 30 seconds.

I never said 30 seconds covers all the scripts. Read closer :wink:

3 minutes is enough to cover the script in most titles.

EDIT: and the plan I outlined would give one the full script over about 6 days while still allowing for micro looping. I’ve done this myself. It helps avoid unpleasant recon symptoms

By this do you mean “longer” as in number of days the sub is ran or the listening time

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@Palpatine I apologize,:grimacing:

In that post I meant per listening session.
Do you think it’d create a difference if I meant longer listening in terms of how many days?

No I originally thought it was for listening the sub for longer days. I wasn’t so sure about the amount of time per listening session. Some people seem to get stellar results with less listening time. But one thing is for sure, the longer period of days you listen it to, the deeper and compounding the changes.

I think after sometime you should start increasing the loop lengths.

So what exactly was the confirmed updates from zp v 1 to zp v 2? The primer to script ratio ? Or is there more @SaintSovereign