Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

Heisenberg’s review of Emperor Black:



Hardest part is going to bed with so many ideas and plans for the next day. And forcing myself to stop working is the battle I’m having rn lmaoo


Last night after YEARS I approached two women, they rejected me(typical in these countries, most people here find GF’s through workplaces…
But I Approached them and this is important to me.
I am running Emperor Black and WANTED, I forgot to journal some days, I listened to Emperor Black+WANTED 3 days ago. And last night I went out and all of a sudden women were giving me IOI’s.


Proud of and for you, buddy.

I’ll be joining you on the EB x Wanted thing as soon as my custom arrives (Wanted/SM)

“Wow Johnny, I tell ya. That Sage… He minds his business and it seems like he never leaves his place… but he always got somebody coming and going.”

For the sake of the purity of this thread, we’ll ignore that I could have spelled coming a different way.


Keep up the process , it’s a numbers game …been through plenty or rejected phases in the past .

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I realized that the sensations I feel sometimes in my throat area is that globus sensation. Which can be caused by stress and anxiety.
Last night I listened to a full loop of EOG ST1 and today at 4:30, when I went down for a nap, it started.
After observing it closely I realized that after the vanishing of this sensation, I felt a calm and tranquility in my whole body, like something was healed.
I write this here since I have Emperor Black in my stack.


Why don’t you go for the girls giving you IOIs?

And then if they decline, work on your process because something is disqualifying yourself


It’s not that simple here
These chicks are fighting for cancelling of obligatory hijab. But that crazy mindset is still.

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Ran it last night. I feel the same way. It gets you thinking tactically and strategically. Like chess.

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@Alphamale - love these results, bro. Please continue at the same pace you are doing now. You will become more and more powerful naturally.


honestly it depends on you.

for me, everything is in one custom, so it doesn’t really matter much haha, but try EmpB right before working out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: it’s pretty nice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Decided to jump on Emp Black as well

Gonna see how well this helps me hunker down and focus on improving areas of my life


Lmao I’m running this with HOM… My strategic thinking is on another planet rn.

Built an entire personal notion and work notion workspace… Project took me like 150 hrs lmaooo


Well I did my new stack today, while still doing my own listening schedule, and today has been a resounding success with my stack. Emperor Black, WANTED, Stark, and Emperor Fitness ST3

  • Had a great workout.

  • Appetite and water intake increase. No major bloating post big meals.

  • Social wise I am very stoic, calm and very present and engaging. Went to my old school to see all classmates were all happy to see me and all missed me, it was very nice. Also while I love the social aspects of Stark, I don’t want it all the time and while I can “shut it off” to a degree, Emperor Black makes it easy! If I want more solitude I have it, if I wanna be social I have it! Plus still get the other benefits of stark.

  • Cognitive boost and executive function has increased further since I listened to this with stark

  • Finally fixed the stairs that needed to be fixed.

  • Manifested a new type of self help book. It’s very interesting and so far it’s decked me in the halls (:christmas_tree: :santa:pun) pretty hard with some truth. None the less enjoyable read so far.

  • Emperor Black seems to give every sub a stronger masculine edge. Being stoic, grounded, present in the moment etc.

  • Also when I do talk to people I make more people laugh

Day 1 so a lot more results are bound to manifest, although that means it’s time for a new journal.


I downloaded an offline chess game on a whim this morning, makes sense to me.

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Too many revelations passing through my mind (or too heavy?) for me to speak of them.

But “personal reality” huh? What if you have the strongest reality upon this planet, you would scare tigers and lions in the wild.

God split the sea for Moses. He gave life to the dead through Jesus. Peace be upon them.

Why can’t God move mountains for you?


I have a complaint ngl, unlike the oldest versions of Emperor that mimicked whatever Emperor Black had, but also with the scripting for you to choose on to whom to impart… rather potent speech (very esoteric wisdom) upon, than just about anyone.

This title will make you search deep inside of your spirit alright, and has massive status & dominance scripting, but it’s sort of brain dead, it’s more like a huge dose of focus in your life, that you can use to stack with other titles.

It lacks the guiding hand of what an Emperor is.


… either that or I need to run it enough.

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There’s a guiding hand. It depends on what you choose to stack it with.

For me Im stacking it with HOM and man… Every ounce of my soul is filled with the spirit of business and entrepreneurship. I think in Systems and Strategy.

Ex. I create a system in notion that allows me to instantly keep tabs on all my competitors. I know everything about them, their employees, their offers, VSL, funnel, Landing page, ads, Social Media Content… what they posted recently… Everything.

Lmao it’s like that opening scene in Narcos where Pablo makes the most insane entrance ever. Gets stopped and immediately recognizes who stops him, their families and interest. Crazy level of detail.

I find my thinking and decision making process completely revamped. You know the Eisenhower Matrix? I think like that all the time. Saving time. Evaluating. I’ve become a master decision maker and processor.


Yeah, it’s definitely like you said, I think EB excels when stacked with whatever suits your need best at said point in time.

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Good results
What is your 3rd title?