Main Disc. Thread - Ecstasy of Gold ZP v2

Another thing one can do is microloops but of a different 30 seconds each day.

Really each sub is just 30 different 30-second microloops in one audio file.

If 3 minutes is enough to get the entire script, that’s just 6 sub days, each looping the following 30 seconds from the sub day before.

Quote of the month

Edit: but I think it’s wrong, 30 seconds does not cover all the scripts. So the 2nd 30 seconds is different from the first 30 seconds.

I never said 30 seconds covers all the scripts. Read closer :wink:

3 minutes is enough to cover the script in most titles.

EDIT: and the plan I outlined would give one the full script over about 6 days while still allowing for micro looping. I’ve done this myself. It helps avoid unpleasant recon symptoms

By this do you mean “longer” as in number of days the sub is ran or the listening time

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@Palpatine I apologize,:grimacing:

In that post I meant per listening session.
Do you think it’d create a difference if I meant longer listening in terms of how many days?

No I originally thought it was for listening the sub for longer days. I wasn’t so sure about the amount of time per listening session. Some people seem to get stellar results with less listening time. But one thing is for sure, the longer period of days you listen it to, the deeper and compounding the changes.

I think after sometime you should start increasing the loop lengths.

So what exactly was the confirmed updates from zp v 1 to zp v 2? The primer to script ratio ? Or is there more @SaintSovereign

Avoid subs that you have little to no pathways to act on.
I don’t think EOG or Wanted fit with where you are in life right now.
Mogul, AM, Rich, TrueSell, LBH, etc. are ok. Maybe also the new Emperors.

Set goals that you can realistically achieve in under 6 months – like your own place for example, and use subs accordingly.



I agree with regarding EOG to a point(but on that also WE create the pathways)
On WANTED, no. Ok, they reject you. But it does not mean it’s impossible.
And now I am at my 20s and in most uncertainty regarding my purpose and stuff. So I prefer not to take everything very seriously.

I am currently running 4th cicle of EOG st 1 already feeling ready for stage 2 because st 1 did it’s job almost completely… However recon from st 1 still surprises me. It’s that feeling at workplace at job, that I should already be making me own money, and hopeless feeling in job, to end this employment hard labour slavery. However yesterday I have made my first dropshipping money on my own. It was great feeling that I made that with my brain and on my own, (well it is me and my friend page but I did most of things) way better than payment from any job. I just need to fight thought it, and keep going, as any of you who running EOG first stage, and it’s already employed in soul sucking job.


I am running Eog ST1 for the last 3 or 4 months, Once I went to ST2 but now back to ST1.
My problem is procrastination in these 2 cycles, I want to sit through PC doing actual work then I will move to ST2


Stage 1 is not really productive stage. Stage 2 is more productive,when we read the description. I wouldn’t worry about it, got for 2 if you feel your blockages for wealth has been removed. You will know that by thinking about big money, that you can make big money, and for sure you will, and your inner trust that you WILL be rich. If have that inner setting, go for st 2. Consider pairing it with alpha productivity sub. For me Stark bring big productivity boost and also extra inteligence, or go for emperor or emperor’s Black, or AM.


I am on Stage 1 but also on QL st1 and I am very productive. At work, I can focus all my work time long, and then after work and after some small break, I can work on my own project till sleep time.
But I also take some supplements to help me with that.


I am thinking of buying emp black to stack with EoG st2. The moment I take care of the dating side, i am jumping to this side.

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Good plan bro try it. Dating is big distraction from wealth side, long term relationship, marriage, kids all are very time consuming , however they are wonderful and beautiful things that human can experience. Emp black monk mode seems very Good to remove as much distractions as possible to achieve wealth, and with EOG it will be bomb :bomb:


Imagine your beliefs or wealth ceilings might be in layers. You remove them, think that is all but then other beliefs might appear that you didn’t know previously. That is why it could take longer to get rid of all limits.
But be aware that this is just a model how it could work and models are also just beliefs.


I feel like this is the point and purpose of EOG. That’s why it takes a while to see significant progress.

I also feel there is merit to running ALBfH as @ksub mentioned with wealth titles

I see it as what Allen Watts called " The Backwards Law"

When EOG ZP V1 Came out I said that now there is no reason that a person is unable to become wealthy. Or something similar. I am curious if ZP V2 will increase that exponentially?
@SaintSovereign @Fire

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