About studying psychology

I was pondering and I realized that I have been repressing my desire/urge to think that psychology is my dharma. You may noticed that sometimes I try to explain what is happening in the mind regarding some of our behaviors, related to subs or not. I am not talking about my expertise on the matter but the fascination.
So today for the first time I went to a psychology class on university. And I found it very appealing and the subject was kinda related to esoteric stuff. For example we had and indication of Astral projection(he said the persian of it and I said the english word for it).
They were talking about the brainwaves and it was so fascinating that how these topics get related to human brain’s activity.
But something was pooping up in my mid which was the thought about wether this knowledge can be useful or not.
I mean when I get fascinated with such topics and then study them, can I be of substancial help to humanity with this knowledge. And that is because I think subs are the ultimate psychiatry​:joy::joy::joy::joy:
Please enlightene.
I am not mentioning saint since he reads all the topics.
But please give your ideas.

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I was a masterful student in psychology. It’s something I’ve dabbled in and has been a hobby for a very long time.

The reason I learned it was I was at a time in my life that I really wanted power and knew very manipulative people. Will I ever get a degree? Idk

There is a brand of psychology you cannot buy and learn in university and it’s experience. You have it, you just have to bring it to the forefront and integrate it. A wise man who has been through battles will always have a lesson to teach to the junior psychologist from the school.

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what are your thoughts on the Micro Expressions from Dr, Paul Ekman? or the topic itself? I really want to get into the course but not until I reach certain goals in life first.

I personally think this skill would be really nice to have…

I think you should read about it yourself, it’d be more helpful.

Thanks for your time.
I think there is a difference between 48 laws of power psychology and the psychology you study as a MAJOR.
Honestly I don’t need any psychiatry myself, but this subject fascinates me.
Studying everything from the perspective of human psyche.

@RVconsultant has studied microexpressions if i am not mistaken he has done the course perhaps he can share his wisdom.

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I would encourage you to take it. He occasionally has sales. I think I got mine at about 20 to 25% off.


Yessir! I will it’s been in my plan for a few years, I’ve skimmed through the FACS Manual and have picked up a few signals… it’s shocking to see contempt being so common.

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RVConsultant is one of the most imtelligent men i have ever met.