Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Astrology Warning. Proceed with caution.

There’s a lot to Dragon Reborn to me that feels very Aquarian, very 11th House.

Note: For any easily triggered readers, this does not mean that astrology was used to create this program. Libraries, Museums, 12-step groups, martial art dojos, TED talks, and professional conventions are also really Aquarian, 11th House kinds of things. (The astrological archetypes are a kind of shorthand for characteristics and patterns that existed long before anyone thought of the word ‘astrology’.) Sort of like how you could look at the people in your life and ask, ‘Which of the Avengers are you most similar to?’ They are archetypes.


Kinda sad you need to give that Disclaimer but I get it.

However, considering the Great Astrological Year is also moving into Aquarius, this could be the reason? Because DR is so deeply introspective and works with energies a lot (apparently), this could just be an extension of that?


Yo, I’ve got a question, it’s been a year since I last ran Dragon Reborn, didn’t finish Stage 4 for personal reasons.

A year after, I’m aching to run it, should I begin all the way from Stage 1 to 4, 45 days each or can I hop to Stage 4 right away? Opinions?

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Start with ST1 for a cycle. Since it’s much different than the Legacy/Q/QV2 versions were.
One cycle of ST1 will tell you how it fares with you.

I’d personally just start fresh with ST1, and do each stage for a cycle. If you do it like that you’re only looking at 3-4 months if my math is right.


Just to be sure, a cycle is composed by 45 days per stage, right?

One formal listening cycle is 21 exposure days plus 5 processing days = 26.

But if you do two of those back to back and don’t count the final 5 processing days, it becomes:

21 + 5 +21

So 47 days of exposure. Close to 45.

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I wasn’t actually remembering or thinking about that. I’m not really sure.

I was just reading through the objectives and a very important part of Dragon Reborn is about identifying who you are, your nature, your path, and the best ways for you to walk your path.

In turn, Aquarius (the 11th sign/the 11th house) is about PATH. Individuality. Non-conformity. Your own perspective on what you’re doing, where you’re going, and where things are going in general. And also the interpersonal connections that you make based on your individual path.

Uranus is the planet associated with Aquarius. You can find the same kinds of themes associated with that planet.

It was striking me that Dragon Reborn captures a lot of those same themes.

(From the objectives)

  • Detach from the views of others — be true to yourself

  • Free yourself from your misconceptions and the limitations others placed upon you

  • Destroy, heal and transcend any and all societal or self-created limitations, traumas, negative beliefs preventing you from reaching your goals

  • Discover exactly “who you are,” what you believe your life mission is, and how to overcome all obstacles preventing you from reaching those goals.

And now here pasted below are Steven Forrest’s brief descriptions of the 11th Sign, the 11th House, and the planet Uranus. Notice the points of similarity with DR (though not only with DR, QL, and even somewhat Stark, also share a lot with these archetypes).

It’s actually clearest in the Uranus description.


One good Action to accompany Dragon Reborn is any kind of processing of your life, your identity, and your experiences.

Anything that enables you to Process and Update your sense of who you are, who you’ve been, and what you’re doing.

It could be experiential (doing things or having interactions that promote processing) or reflective (considering perspectives, ideas, memories that promote processing) or analytical (actively investigating your life to make connections and to identify patterns). It could be all three or beyond.

Some people use therapy to help them process their experiences and their identities.


If you think you should reap the benefits of all the stages just do like @Palpatine suggested. I’ve done st1 and 2 (almost done) and I’ll be switching to HoM for some time and I’m planning to run st 3 and 4 in some months only. I always bear in mind what @Simon once said about multi-stagers and I see how much better it applies to ZP. He said that they’re like a toolbox, one should choose whatever suits them best when it comes what one needs/wants to work on. So there’s nothing wrong in say running DR st 3 only if you need to get a fresh perspective on your path and the limits that make it harder to follow it.

If you think you don’t need to work on those aspects st 1-3 is aimed at much then go with st4 straight ahead. But bear in mind, st 1-3 prepares you for st 4 nicely.


I might be one of the few here who appreciates this post, but great one!

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yup, and then when you get to ST4 you might run it for a longer time depending on what you need.

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This is a really good question. I would encourage you to enter a support ticket, and then please post their reply here.

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It’s fine, really. Personally I’m beginning the journey of Dragon all over again. Hours ago I’ve finished my first loop of ST1.

I think it’s the ideal choice, yet also Voytek’s reminder of Simon’s personal input is also great, being not only a time saver but also being an effective way of using the sub by choosing an specific stage and sticking with it.

This really depends on one’s current situation, which goals and needs are required to be met and most importantly, timeframe and your gut feeling. In my case, I can afford the whole healing, kinda excited in observing how ZP handles the job.


Get ready for a new life, mate. DR changes you a lot… especially if there’s a lot of stuff to clear out.


From my journal.


I mentioned this, probably somewhere up above on this same thread, but during this run of Dragon Reborn (and I think specifically when I was running it combined with CFW), I was contacted by the family member of my ex-girlfriend, and this was 28 years after I’d last heard from any of them. That was amazing.

On a less dramatic note, there have been a couple of times now where I remembered some magical or good moments from when I was with her. So something clearly got processed.

There was a day last week when, while meditating, I got vivid recollections (complete with their full-names) of a few people who I’d met when I was 5 and 6 years old. Again, haven’t seen them since then, wasn’t particularly close to them, and don’t think of them often. But there they were. And except in the case of 1, I recalled the full name.

And then it floated up and dissipated.


I feel that the biggest mind f*** with the SubClub healing subs especially Dragon Reborn is how I have gone from focusing on things that weren’t always for my best interest such as chasing women which probably sounds weird since I have been married for 17 years , taking up a hobby that requires a long drive to get to such as a jiu jitsu gym on the other side of town , or thinking I needed something that I could have easily done without saving myself a lot of time and money

I feel that in ways Dragon Reborn not so much forces a person to mature but helps them discover what they really want or don’t

Dragon Reborn really helped me realize and understand how much I enjoy silence and solitude. That I don’t necessarily need anything or anyone to be happy.


Sharing @COWolfe’s post here:


Changes coming on:

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If your most deeply held prayer is for your life to evolve and transform, consider this:

When your prayer begins to be answered, there is an extremely high chance that you won’t recognize it, you won’t realize it.

By its very definition, the change will involve experiences with which you are unfamiliar and which you are, therefore, hard-pressed to anticipate, predict, or expect.

This is a good thing.

If what you are praying and hoping for is a transformation and a change, the mediums and the pathways to that transformation are likely to be with you right now, UNRECOGNIZED.

In other words, there is always more hope than you realize.

(And if anyone says “Virtue Series: Hope”, I’m throwing an uncooked fish at you. :fish: )

where that epiphany came from:
I was just reflecting on some thoughts and questions when I suddenly realized that an offer that I’d randomly got by e-mail yesterday was actually a Dragon Reborn manifestation.

  • Manifest friends, colleagues, partners, etc. who will help you achieve all of your self-development goals

I was just reflecting (via the framework of astrological archetypes) on my career-related placement of “Mars in Pisces in the 9th House”. Mars describes the configuration and proper placement of your driving motivations. Mine happens to be spot-on. Pisces involves: empathy, fantasy, psychic phenomena, poetry, mysticism, “spirituality”. The 9th House represents higher education, international travel; basically it’s about the expansion of boundaries (and the crossing and transcendence of boundaries) in the pursuit of knowledge and truths.

I’ve found this to be a tricky combination. So I was just thinking about how this might be resolved.

Then it suddenly hit me:

Yesterday I received an e-mail inviting me to be loosely affiliated with a project involving spiritual adjustments made after significant life changes.

At the time, I was just thinking, ‘Hmm…could be interesting. Do I have time for this?’

It won’t be a huge time commitment, actually. So I thanked the person and said, ‘Sure.’

That was yesterday. Then today as I was reflecting, it suddenly hit me: ‘Whoa’.

That was a manifestation.

I. Did. Not. Recognize it. At all.


Anyway. Going to post this in my own journal. But I also wanted to post it here. DR is a Healing program, and sometimes we pigeonhole it in terms of internal changes. But it does say right on the tin that it also powerfully manifests external results as well. And here is one example.