Main Disc. Thread - DIAMOND ZP with / without ME [Now Available!]

@Melior Interesting that you choose the word “warm”.


This reminds me,

Elme Sex Mastery Journal

also, Invictus mentioned that he was more social on Diamond. So it seems that sexual energy is responsible for that.


so it wasn’t just me :rofl:
during the test I felt like I was using a social sub because of how effortlessly I was talking to strangers and made new friends, and it has been making me wonder something ever since;

wouldn’t this make it a better option for some people than something like Daredevil?
I mean, you get to be social and charismatic, while being the most “pleasing” person around :wink:


isn’t one of the effects of NoFap is that the built-up sexual energy makes you more charismatic and social, or something like that?

could be related


Wow, i am using diamond in my stack and that is totally true. With Sex Mastery the energy is more raw and animalistic, reading your comments i noticed that i am way more fluid in conversations and ppl want to connect with future events and all that.

Thak you guys for adding this to my awareness.


Oh my, diamond seems incredible!!

Would a loop or two do something in a longer term? (like next few weeks after having ran it), could be good to supercharge the sexual energy

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Lasted for 48 min, minus foreplay… around 40min. It’s as if our souls were intertwined. I have never had a girl moan like that, I thought the neighbors were gonna start banging on my door. And the way she was pumping me up, she unleashed a part of me I never thought I had.

I was dominant - very dominant… and here’s the cool part, it was only one position but with variety of emotions. Ranging from slow deep eye contact to hands on neck and hitting the g spot with a faster pace.

[Edit]: I forgot how many times she came.


Great result!

How many loops did you run? Stack it with anything else?


Total is 7 loops, same with Wanted. By that, I mean 1 loop of it and Wanted every other day.


Bro! Now that’s something I aspire to.

Did you use DIAMOND with the male enhancement or the one without.


I’m using the one without.


Oh and you played the ultrasonic for both of you?

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No, coming to think of it… it would have been more amazing if I did

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Man! If this was the experience without both of you running it together, then incase you listen to it together…oh boy oh boy oh boy

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Bro🤯but I’m good with just me listening until I get into a serious relationship… cause the bond we share now is quite intense, I thought this was gonna be a one time thing but we both wanna do this again.


It’s looking good so far :wink: All the best, dude!

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Any pheromones at play?

No, I’m not using any.

Finally got the chance to try Diamond Zp with ME and was hoping for the sex mastery effects I saw some users report but it seems that it does the same thing diamond ultima does which is increase my sensitivity to 11. Don’t get me wrong it feels amazing but it literally halves the time I usually reach orgasm which is not Ideal. I stopped diamond ultima after that experience but I’ll continue with this one and hopefully it fixes this issue.


Am sure it will increase your stamina after a while. Since you got an immediate improvement in sensitivity, the initial times you have sex will be trying to get used to that. After which you will get used to (and enjoy) the sensitivity + increase staying power over time.