Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

Hey everyone, when I use Stark + Libertine + Wanted, can I still add Ascension Chamber or would that be too much. I know it’s 4 ZP’s but since this is a booster would that still be valid?

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I think officially this is still being tested, but a big part of AC is that it can be run alongside your existing stack of 3 subs, so, yes.

But figure it out for yourself.

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That is very awesome, and thank you for sharing! I think Stark and Chosen would be great foundation to that end. Add some love modules in there and add AC and you’re good to go! :smiley:

Why not dual-class as King-Magician? That’s what I did :relaxed:

But then again my core archetype would be something more akin to Tzeentchian. Yeah I’m fresstyling this :smirk:

Small is the gate and narrow the road, but power is merely a tool. And I am sure you have both the heart and mind to wield it well. And in the end, what does the desire to do good mean,if we have no power to actualize it? :slight_smile:


Where/what are these archetypes you guys are referring to? Sounds interesting


Ask and ye shall receive! :smiley:

The linkage to the test is a few posts down :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Much appreciated

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True yet PCC :wink:

I’m going to stick to AC since I’ve got some more manifestations that at first appeared to be “negative” yet in the end they were positive. More on that when I’ve experienced more on AC. It’s a really interesting tool.

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I ran DR and LB this morning, then realized I should run AC too. I ran it for about 10 seconds when I realized it may be too much. I’ve not been following this thread lately, so when is a good time to run AC if I’m running 2 titles on listening days?

AC is powerful, so I’m being cautious.

Recommendation is after your stack.

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That moment when you try to get closer to someone at work from another department with a bit of “harmless” manifestation, and the lady in question ends up as your new boss effective immediately. And Yeah, that really happened. She’s sitting next to me now… I mean… come on! Now what do I do?! :rofl:

Damn Ascension Chamber is no joke ladies and gents. Don’t apply it recklessly or you just might get what you wish for!! :sweat:


From username SaintSovereign:


Had something a bit similar happening. Eery stuff indeed. Kind of, what are the odds.

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Haha yeah, that’s exactly how I feel! This is what happened. Total time from intention to manifestation? 1 month.

What are the odds indeed.

Ascension Chamber is a monster :sweat_smile:

Also, I should post this as a review for AC, shouldn’t I? :joy:


Did anyone notice higher blood pressure because of AC? I’m not sure if it’s about AC but since I started listening to it my blood pressure has been significantly higher. 150/100 whereas usually, it used to be 120/80.


How many times did you check it ?

Two days ago and today. I did it twice each day. The pressure was almost the same. I ran AC for the first time last Monday.

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I highly doubt that Ascension Chamber is causing this, as the script is remarkably simple and parts of it is in all the other Zero Point titles. However, if you believe this to be a cause, please cease use immediately. I’d also see a qualified medical professional to rule out biological causes.


It may be just a coincidence since I must admit I put on a lot lately. From 94 to 100.

Yes, that must be done. Thank you for your concern.


My blood pressure has gone back to normal and I’ll be running AC in the evening.


Ran my first loop of AsC yesterday night. I played it while I made affirmations the entire time.

Don’t really see or feel a benefit yet. Is there something I’m missing, or what should I do exactly? Didn’t feel anything after running the sub either, unfortunately.

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