Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

.FLAC review -

Asch + Libertine + SS

Got a ONS from Tinder without a date with a MILF. She was visiting the town .

This is my 1st ever ’ Hotel Date ’ .

When I went to her room , she was waiting half naked. :wink:
Then she threw me the biggest shit test that I had to make her squirt before I f**k.
I never had made a women squirt but I didnt budge . I remembered some videos I watched looong back . I made her squirt 4 times . The double bed was totally destroyed .
Then had a good sex :wink:

Now reflecting back , I feel like I experienced some Porn movie script :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

After experiencing this , concluded .FLAC works and ordered a custom in .Flac in ZPT2 . :sweat_smile:


Was this a random thing or have you thought about some sexual encounter before?

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I was actively searching for opportunities .
So , not random .

Asch helped to manifest I feel .


So she gave you a compliance test and you went right for it? :wink:


@SaintSovereign @Fire Please enter this in the flac data base.

In a good way, of course. :grin:


Few Random Reviews With Objectives


So, Ascension Chamber was originally intended to be enhanced with guided meditation. Did that ever happen? Is it going to? Or did you determine that the ZP Refreshed is all that’s needed?


I believe the plan has not changed: to add the guided meditation track and also start the line of other LIFE(chargers).


Ran .Flac Version on Tuesday and I have to say that I really like it . When I closed my eyes and started visualizing it was almost like the visualizations were hyper real and like I was seeing them with my eyes open. Hard to describe and just so yall know my visualization skills aren’t the best so this was nice to experience.


So I’ve just run the pre-updated version of AC because of the recon I’ve been getting since yesterday. The recon is related to the healing I got (and I’m still getting) on DR and LBfH I finished running one week ago. The amount of insights into my psyche and ways of “fixing it” I’ve been getting since I ran the loop 10 minutes ago is crazy. I realized how my demons have been attacking me and crippling me for whole my life and how much power I can “get back” by harnessing them. I also realized that it can be done via physical exercises (taking proper body positions that yet need to be discovered) not via conscious work. There was also that “voice” in my head (self-talk) that uttered really aloud: more respect for yourself, mate! I uttered it myself quietly.

I didn’t experience anything of that kind when I ran this sub for the first time. That was a second time.

Hopefully, these insights will improve your already established yogic practice.

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Yeah, I suppose I need to find “the right” postures to practice now. Thank you.

How about your experiences with AC?

Somehow the recon has passed and I feel really light, ethereal and I’m in the high spirits. Cool stuff. :sunglasses: The only “drawback” is a light pressure in my head as if somebody was… caressing my mind…

I’m downloading the FLAC version and I may try it out next Friday.

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Ya know, I haven’t sat down and thought about it for a bit now. I’ll consider it after some freeform writing.

The frequent peeing I was experiencing at the beginning when I was listening to LBfH has come back. That’s peculiar since when I listened to AC four months ago it didn’t happen. I also had a dream last night in which the smartest girl in my Primary school (but as an adult in the dream) asked me to look into her eye and then said I had beautiful eyes.

I feel solid and at peace. All the ZP (apart from the prototypes I tested last Autumn) I’ve listened to so far felt as if I had been surrounded by a mountain mist - light and ethereal - whilst this kitten feels more substantial, more concrete like a reflection of mine on the surface of a lake.

This sub keeps me quite energized in the morning. I slept almost six hours. Let’s see how it goes throughout the day.

Edit 2 - 4 hours later:
I’m still in the high spirits and I found myself singing softly to myself: now it’s time to live.

Powerful stuff. :blush:




Care to develop?

Maybe because of this my manifestation ability stuck

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You can think about your desires as much as you want - but its “how” you are thinking about them.

If the thoughts are “from” already having it, or knowing it’s done. Thats fine.

If it’s still from wanting it, or frustration because it’s not happening, thats blocking it.


Beautiful women falling from the sky on your laps is real ! :sweat_smile:

This has got to be the mind bending manifestation for me .

I saw a girl in my neighborhood and described her to my friend how hot she is . He told he knows her and showed her in Insta just by hearing the specifics I told him . I was just mind blown by her beauty and told him - I want to open her .
This was like 1 week ago .

Just now in the gym , the same girl opens me - How many sets are you gonna do ? out of nowhere while I was doing my shoulderpresses . :sweat_smile:
That was an easy open , and I spoke like 5 mins or so .
She closed me - Hopefully we see each other soon .

And the real kicker - I played Ascension Chamber 10 hours before


ahh, I will change my thinking now

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