Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

It took me a while to listen to this one. But I had my first listen today.

I went in to it with a meditative state in mind and allowing imagery or experiences to flow to me naturally.

First thing I noticed I felt like it helped me pull in energy externally from me. Then in my minds eye there was a beam of energy that came out the top of my head and formed a bubble around my body. Best way I could describe it is feeling like I was shielded off from negative energy. From there it felt like I was in a cocoon of safety and stillness from the world. At the same time there was that direct beam connected to source energy, whatever you want to call it, basically free energy outside yourself.

All in all this was a very external experience, similar to as above so below. I’m actually horrible at these kinds of visualizations and this all came really naturally to me.

A few minutes after still feeling very grounded. I actually had a migraine today and with those comes a lot of muscle tension and anxiety. It’s not gone completely, but it feels like that frantic bees in my brain energy calmed a lot.

This kind of feels like if you mixed the certainty and calm of sanguine, the energy cultivation of as above so below, and the internal sense of power and direction of Ascension. A supportive but also driving force, really good stuff.


I experienced the same. I’ll be doing something and I’ll peripherally see a shine of light, or a shadow glitch or just feel a weird sensation and go to move my attention and it feels like a sudden snap to reality. Happened 2 or 3 times this past week.

Was wondering if I was developing paranoia but now I’m starting to understand


I’ve been having similiar experiences. But I just ignore them. I’ve been taking the if you want a ghost to go away just ignore it approach to this stuff (I’ve not seen ghosts by the way). I used to watch ghost hunters and have friends who do that kind of thing but it’s always where they look for the negative. I did that for a bit and it can get carried away looking for things and trying to get evidence… So I don’t even entertain that sort of thing anymore.

One thing I did learn though is if you see something out of the corner of your eye go back to thinking and doing as you were right before you noticed it. I found that for whatever reason if you’re aware of the peripheral stuff there’s always just a basic explanation for it. Like it’s just how your eye perceives it based on anatomy and whatever else goes into that. I found that I can recreate the phenomena. So now I just ignore it really. I think it’s just perception opening up and shifting really.


I made one gallon of gas last me triple what it normally does. I just told myself that I wanted to make one gallon last a long time and I was careful about my driving, but this is amazing. I was not expecting anything like this.

This sub has not been easy for me to figure out, hopefully this is just the beginning and I get much greater results than this.


This sub is realy worth gold

It takes so many shapes and forms and yet if we look closel…yup it’s AC doing it’s thing and working along your mind


I think AsC does a really good job as a results booster at an absolute minimum, I’ve realized that despite the limited effect I’ve felt I feel like my results from Paragon have been boosted exponentially. My fractured foot is basically at 95% healed which I’m really happy about, and my tricep bruise (which I got from falling off a ladder last week) has been healing really well. Pain’s still there but all in all, AsC did its thing I feel.

I recommend using it for anyone who feels their results with a particular sub plateauing at any point.


AsCh was doing a great job this morning for me with my first loop.


For those who want to get a better idea of how AC can be used, skip to the last bullet point and the section right under it.


I’m scared narrating my experience here. This kind of thing has never occurred to me. I travelled through space and time in my dream. This shit’s so scary. I listened to Ascension chamber i can’t begin to explain what just happened. I travelled to London in my dream. It was so surreal. I was in a huge round mall or shopping complex that didn’t seem to have beginning or end. I’m even scared narrating my experience here


I was meant to listen to R.I.C.H today before my washout but I’ll be starting my washout earlier. Since I stopped smoking weed for a week now, I’ve been having very lucid/vivid dreams. I don’t know what that means does the presence of lucid dreams mean the subconscious is processing more? If so does it mean that smoking marijuana slows down processing and in effect slows down results? Should I have listened to Ascension chamber the same day I listened to my stack? I’m just recovering from an illness and while ill I kept on listening. I was meant to listen to Khan, asch and R.I.C.H but I listened to khan st4 zp only on Monday and listened to Ascension chamber on Tuesday because I was just recovering from being sick and I was feeling lethargic. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this strange occurrence

The Infinite Mall Dimension. Sounds like The Infinite Toilet Dimension.


It felt so real and the rooms were endless. I was getting tired the more I walked, everything I felt in the dream was so real and scary. When I woke up, I was still trying to come to terms that I haven’t left my room at all and that all that happened was just a dream and this is reality

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Were the dreams actually lucid or just vivid?

Vivid dream. Everything felt so clear like I was living it, my whole senses were in the dream. Couldn’t distinguish it for a dream.
At the same time it was kind of lucid because I was acting out of free will, looking for something, wouldn’t want to go into detail. At a point I was asking for directions it was like I was in a reality, different but at the same time confused, taking conscious actions but wasn’t aware I was in a dream

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ah ok. just making sure since many people confuse lucid with vivid.




I just got intensive dreams with minds eye
I ran minds eye only 1 cycle but I didn’t track stuff like I am tracking right now

I decided to read my goal statements the whole time I listened to Ascension Chamber the last time I listened to it. I have 4 goal statements and yea, just decided to read them to myself for the whole track. Just to try something new. Also to give it some material to work with, some conscious guidance if you will.


Do you meditate?

Anyone still using this sub?

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