Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Dreams ZP

1 loop of RoD before bed.

  • After loop ended I felt an urge to sleep. Body started to relax and fell to sleep in about few minutes (I guess).

  • Definitely, MUCH more dreams which changed after each other. Different themes about going beyond possible abilities. Like superpowers.

  • Dreams were not that lucid but very close. Very intensive and “going beyond possible themes” are highly pronounced.

  • I talked to people in dreams. My English is not that fluid but people in dreams started to understand my native language. Polyglot module?

  • Each thought was expanded beyond its limit. Hard to describe but definitely this title tries to expand what is possible to think about.

  • Waked up like I worked all the night :laughing: Like it was a full day but at night.

  • Definitely this title expands original concepts of Dreams title a lot. Thoughts about the essence of life, why people, animals and bacteria reproduce…whats the point of this. And how Big Bang, dark holes and stars creation is of same category of life trying to reproduces itself has in common.

  • No, I’m not smoking weed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  • Overall, RoD is a huge improvement and, I guess, best subliminal title for dreams ever created.


Results after the first night:

  • I remember having four dreams, but only details of the last one remained after waking up in the morning.
  • That last dream was long, vivid, and internally consistent, more like daytime logic than dream logic.
  • I went to bed late and didn‘t catch quite as much sleep as I liked, but had a pretty good deep sleep cycle compared to last week, which was also a bit short on sleep (as measured by tracker).
  • The ease and flow of state checks continues this morning, again without having to think of it.

For just one listen it‘s doing quite a lot already.


benefit from the same night of listening:
vivid dreams in with i can see more detail and small items

can remember when i was transitioning to a new dream

the dream felt real as in i knew i was dream but the way it look made it seem like something that happened during the day

  • Ran one loop early morning yesterday. Thought I would go back to sleep since there was time. Instead ended up activating the Paragon Sleep part of the Revelation of Dreams script and sat up fresh. As if the previous night of short sleep was enough for me.

  • Ran another loop the night before I went to sleep. Got the weirdest dream I ever had. In it I saw money (both paper notes and coins and that too in British Pounds) floating on top of the water in the commode (luckily the water was clean and there weren’t any “waste” in it lol). The dream logic was that it was put there (and in every commode of the house) so that I would get good luck! I didn’t know when I could flush it down but I wasn’t supposed to when I saw it. Thankfully I didn’t feel any urgency to use the toilet in the dream. Like a wise man said, if you see a toilet in your dreams, don’t use it haha.

  • Yup. Weird dream but it had some important message for me. “Don’t flush money down the drain”. Seems like I might need to have a wealth title like Ecstasy of Gold in my next stack. That’s what my subconscious wanted to tell me. Also my subconcious seems to have a penchant for toilet jokes.

  • Am waking up from my naps and sleep way fresher now. I think it will improve if I continue with this title. Not sure to add it to my stack but the Paragon Sleep part of it works like a charm. Have not purchased the Paragon Sleep main store title so it was nice to see it in action here.

  • There is some reality bending going on thanks to this title too. A few months ago, my sister had issues with her husband. Some domestic problems. I used to have nightmares about it since the reputation of the family was at stake. And she called me again yesterday with more issues. But today it is getting resolved very quickly. Not that my brother-in-law changed his behavior (at least not yet) but my father gave some good advice to my sister to solve this along with a sound back up plan in case the situation doesn’t work out. Now I can sleep in peace since she can too.

  • Not sure if Revelation of Dreams will continue to be in my stack since am looking forward to the other new titles which are going to be released. But it was nice to break a two week washout with this title.


Reminded me of …



Haha. Looks like I unlocked the Toilet Dimension.

Revelation of Toilets (aptly shortened to RoT).

The video was cool. Very Lovecraftian narration.


Damn, RoD looking more and more appealing. Really like the idea of working with the subconscious in the dream world as a way of manifestation/bending reality. Seeing a lot of potential with this. The more I run RoM as well, the more I see how I could through conscious guidance just use a revelation stack to manifest my desires for/wealth/romance etc. Taking a week washout to see what titles are all released but something I am for sure considering.


Alright now I’m starting to get a bit more impressed. Second night has 3 dream segments actually remembered. Including one that felt real where I was flying but more like levitating (upright) in the dream and rose up onto a place where I thought to land before noticing the landing spot was a gigantic spider web with multiple possible poisonous spiders living there, then had to BTFU.

Possibly another fragment of same dream had me using this staff in a game of something that was called Cluedo, but really wasn’t and had a little staircase magically appear and open up on the ground for you to walk onto that had a golden aspect to it and seemed to float in mid air.

Third segment I ended up at an open air bar with a tv playing and sat down on soft leather with cushions at the back where there were two girls laughing and enjoying themselves who turned to me and checked me out but were clearly not interested, but then to my left are two other women of whom the less good looking of the two has bright red hair almost like a wig , and chubby yet hearty personality, and reminds me of my first internet fling, she warms to me and strangely I to her as she was not really my type, and she ends up putting her head on my chest somehow as we’re hanging out here and we’re laughing together as if there is some funny in joke, but at first she want tell me much about herself or even a name. Then I see the tv monitor and there she is, here to celebrate the opening of her new film. She’s an actress.

All 3 segments had strong sense of realism and some aspects of whimsy to them (like… really? You make a staircase appear on the ground? Your staff transforms back into a pen? You shake that pen and throw it into the air expecting it to transform into a staff again, but fail to do so and get surprised?)

Will keep updating subsequent stuff on my own journal… but I thought the detail level of those 3 tiny fragments were worth capturing for their novelty


So I’m just about to finish my first pass through Dreams + Regeneration. No lucid dreams yet but somewhat improved recall. Regeneration is really moving stuff around though.

My question is: given that I’ve only done one set of Dreams, is it okay to replace that with RoD in my next pass? I gathered from the original description of RoD that it was experimental etc and very powerful.

I’m sitting at the gym while the wife does her workout. Reading, went to download Dreams to my laptop to start the syncing process and the SubClub website is blocked by the gym’s firewall for promoting “sex education” lol.

Guess I’ll wait until I’m home.


Yesterday was rest day but I still had a very vivid dream.

In it I and a couple of others were in a delegation to meet the Prime Minister of our country. I was in a room by myself when I realised that I wasn’t wearing any clothes. Well, I have had dreams of being naked before and I know it meant that I was feeling insecure about something or vulnerable about sharing things with others.

There was a knock on the door and I went to it. The voice on the other side asked me what’s up and that the Prime Minister was here so lets go to greet him. I told the guy that I couldn’t find my clothes and he told me not to worry about it and he went to fetch me some.

When he got back, I wore what he bought and we went to meet the Prime Minister.

The interesting thing about this dream was that normally when I have a dream where am wearing my birthday suit, I usually wake up embarrassed or scared. But this was the first time someone helped cloth me and I went ahead with my dream.

The message from this dream was that it was okay to have times when we are fearful, insecure, worried or feeling vulnerable. But we can always ask for help or solve our problems and move ahead with our life.


So here is what I’m noticing from RoD:

1 Different themes.

For example, a common theme for me might be that I’m wandering in a house. It’s empty. Sometimes I can’t see well. Things are blurry or dim. I can’t find the exit. The exterior doors won’t open. I can’t open or break the windows.

Last night I was in a building. However it was a conference center (not a house). There were others there (I wasn’t alone). It was well lit (not dim). The features of the conference center were clear (things were not blurry). I could easily go in and out of the building (I wasn’t stuck or trapped inside; navigation is easy). I was there with a purpose because there was a seminar (not just wandering around).

2 Different emotional experiences.

For me, it’s common for me to be having these intense adrenaline type experiences. I’m a zombie killer who is armed to the teeth. I’m confronting my fears in a kung fu death match, using tiger-crane-golden-mantis-eagle-claw style. AND I wake the next morning EXHAUSTED!

Since RoD, I would describe my dreams as almost jejune. No emotional ups and downs. Mellow. Like you know, like just like kinda calm and peaceful and tranquil, like every day, man. And thank goodness, because those “action packed” dreams were more like traumas disguised as excitement.

3 Educational or didactic?

As I walked into the seminar room in the conference center dream, the speaker said, “If you want more ideas or creativity, walk into a wall.”

Huh? Well, when I walk into or through a wall, I go through this void of quiet and nothingness. It’s a place of the space between the thoughts. So I knew what he was referring to. Perhaps for more ideas when in a dream, seek out a wall and literally walk into the wall and wait for the silence to speak.


Yes, you could do a lot in dreams. Dreams have a different way of communicating, the deeper you go the more challenging it may become. As a child I always dream of flying but also got myself stumble on tree tops or roofs, it goes on for a long time. The waking state influence your dreams, the fears you brought from the waking state affects your dreams.

While doing my transcendental meditation, I dream that I am the person inside the coffin and I thought I would die, but it means life transformation. The way you manage your emotions during the waking state affects how those dreams develop - This RevD will help a lot.

In lucid dreaming is similar to believing-something that wasn’t there, only it is on a dream.

For example you wanted to have car, you have to make sure you drive it, touch it, anything you want. It doesn’t require you if you know how to drive, or you have the money to buy it-just put yourself longer in that car.

You can even use special powers into this realm. After I overcome the flying abilities, I never fly like superman, I fly standing without resistance. When you keep on flying in your dreams, you will find yourself going to places in you own reality.

If I have some problems in life, I would explore that in my dreams, but I will not attempt to solve problems. I will simply watch it to show me the solution.

It was also crucial to prepare yourself before going to the dream portal. I make sure I am aware by doing a short meditation. You have a good sleep if you remember your dreams.


I think another great way to use this program is this:

To establish and deepen familiarity with and understanding of the levels of mind that allow subliminals and manifestation to work.

With a sufficiently delicate touch, you’d even be able to watch your subliminals being processed and integrated in real-time.


If you have ever tried the Gateway Experience you will understand that the subconscious ‘speaks’ in symbols whereas the conscious mind uses words. The language of symbols is a real language, at least as complex and nuanced as written language. It is possible to attain a state where upon hearing a word your mind automatically translates it to the connected image or symbol. I believe this is the source of the Tarot. The sages of the past were able to ‘write’ in the language of symbols to allow communication between the deep mind and the person in the boat.


yes, i think all of RV’s answers are correct and a direct answer to your question.

but let me give you an indirect answer.

i’ve always had a very mild level of lucid dreaming ability, stemming from “night terrors” (intense nightmares) since I was 6 years old.

unconsciously learning how to deal with night terrors has given me the ability to change my environment any time that I’m uncomfortable with the situation of a dream.

i’m often completely aware that i’m dreaming, even saying “wow, Dream Ouroboros really just kissed her!!!” when watching myself interact in the dream…

however, I have no control over myself in the dream, only the environment, scenery, location, and circumstance.

with a big enough emotional push, i can end the dream entirely, teleport to a whole new scenery that’s less confrontational, or even realize that my dream self is not acting in a way that’s proper and “inspire him” to act differently with that emotional push. I say inspire because i have no control over what happens apart from the emotional push i provide to change SOMETHING in the dream.

so that’s my level of lucid dreaming, currently. i’m sure i could pick up lucid dreaming if i wanted to, it’s just never been of interest to me.

the reason it’s never been of interest to me is because my dreams are perfect the way they are as the center of emotional processing i go through. unless that processing is traumatic, i let it take it’s course.

when i ran ascension, i would constantly have this dream that i was watching my friends get beat up, and i was powerless to help.

that was my dream state working on that fear i had.

one day, in my dream, i had gained enough power to fight back, i punched one of the guys in the face.

it was symbolic of the fact that my subconscious had gained internal power and i felt like i could make a difference, even in a world of men “stronger” than me.

i woke up permanently changed, and i knew that i had an entirely new belief as a result of that dream.

the practical benefit of dreaming is that we can live experiences that, to our brains, are MORE real than reality, meaning we learn in that world faster, more symbolically (how our brains actually work), and more quickly.

you can ruminate on a break up for YEARS in the conscious realm and never find true meaning out of what happened, but if you were to lucid dream about the situation, you might come to realize some “Truth” about the situation, yourself, your purpose, your underlying beliefs, much more quickly.

Perhaps if I had lucid dreaming capabilities, instead of just dream awareness, I could have punched those people hurting my friends a lot sooner, and then i would’ve built up my “internal power” much quicker.

However… i’ll be honest, i’m skeptical about that, due to the fact that if I were lucid dreaming, I never would’ve put myself in that situation where i was powerless to help my friends in the first place, meaning i never would have been able to overcome it in the dream world, because i would’ve never chose it.

So, with great dreaming comes great responsibility… it’s easy to fly, fudge, and frollick in the dream world, but it takes a true psychonaut to choose to go through hell when he could be flying down a launch pad made out of Pamela Anderson’s glory days.

to wrap this up, i’ll just add a funny anecdote that i know a guy who is obsessed with lucid dreaming, his ONLY reason being so that he can meditate while he sleeps


I’m re-reading Robert Waggoner’s book “Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self” in preparation for when I can run RoD.

Forgot all the good stuff in this book.

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There are also the lucid dreaming books by Stephen LaBerge.


He’s good.
Not very good as a hypnotist haha.

He has a guided meditation recording designed to “install” lucid dreaming skills.

But seriously the recording starts with him saying:

Close your eyes
Get comfortable

Like. Wanna elaborate a bit? Haha

But I AM grateful he brought scientific and academic discipline to lucid dreaming.

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The nature of this question goes against the very essence of what the “Revelation” titles means. It’s about self-exploration and figuring this out on your own. That’s why we call them “subliminal experiences” rather than a major title. It serves a different purpose than the rest of the major titles and that purpose is so different and inexplicable that we don’t even bother to explain. If you’re drawn to it, you’re drawn to it. We’ve gotten frustrated messages saying that we “can’t explain because the spirit’s not real” or whatever, but to that, we just say “if that’s your perspective, then it’s valid for you.”

If you know, you know. If you want to find out, you have to find out.

Think of dreams as a much more complex and grandiose Rorschach / ink blot test. The ink blot on the paper has no objective meaning, the imagery and meaning is assigned by YOU, and the meaning that’s generated is a reflection of your own inner reality. And through that reflection, you can begin to understand who you are inside and what you can do to change that landscape if you want.

A dream serves the same purpose. If you and I both went through the exact same event – let’s say, watching a volcano have a very powerful eruption. We were in the same place, at the same time, saw the same event. Our dreams regarding that event would be completely different in ways that can’t be easily explained. The meaning, the feeling, the imagery used, the colors, etc. All different, with the only bind between the two is the fact that it came from an actual event.

Perhaps I would have a nightmare about it. You might have a dream in which you see the volcano’s eruption as beautiful. The fact of the matter is, every night when you go to sleep, you create WORLDS that seem to be non-local and are beyond time and space. Do you want to explore that, or not? That’s the question that one must answer when delving into any of the titles in the Unfolding Series.