Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

well no disrespect to her…she is not even 3 out of 10…but when your ego got hurt then you just try to prove your worth even to the donkey…that was me until now

she is not the one… but there are a few or many incidents from my childhood where I felt left out…not getting any recognition I deserve, I was shy, with zero confidence…I thought i was ugly…don’t look good

I was even afraid to look at myself in the mirror forget about selfies & photos videos…

but I like girls from my childhood & get none except one which I had right now

I want to learn the art of seduction to take care of myself physically emotionally mentally, it’s tough but it improved my quality of life

I take selfies even I make videos daily where I put behind many boys who I thought was bolder than me

wanted just make me bold as fuck

hahaha, I already tried 2 sessions with her friend which is far better than her…she is my friend but I was thinking that she was reporting my activity to her…


There seems to be more power available through meditation than just through thoughts. You’re thinking about her anyway, you might as well focus that energy into a more powerful form of influence. She even confronted you about the fake i.d., so if you want to begin to change her perception of who you are then meditation will be helpful. Not that it really matters too much about what she thinks about you anyway. She’s not that powerful, but since you’re thinking about her then you might as well do it in a way that is powerful.

The Robert Zink meditation called “attract a person who doesn’t want anything to do with you” is really effective for detaching and it will open you up to attracting someone new into your life. The love meditation “most powerful meditation for attracting a relationship” by Aaron Doughty is excellent. It will pick you up and make you feel love during those time when you’re feeling down, and will also open you up to meeting someone new. I had so many love on me and approach me while I was using this meditation.

But i wont stop approaching more that’s for sure
You got the right attitude!! There are almost 8 billion people on the planet. Probably 1 billion are women who are available.


actually, I am thinking that I am writing too much addressing one member so other people will get confused…so I was just trying to reply to each member with a new post

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Nope…I never reveal on her face that I was the one with a fake id…when she ask me via her friend that I was the one…I went back to her & tell her who is she, she removes her mask…I told her didn’t we don’t follow each other…she said yes then I ask what is she is talking about…she told nothing

then I compliment her that she looks good with straight hair & lost weight she smile & thanks me

after a few minutes, her friend came to & apologize for any miscommunication…then she like a madwoman keep calling me on fake id…but I didn’t pick up

of course, she must realize I was the one…because there was no other person who came that day to meet her except me…lol

yeah actually I asked here for help only because my thinking went in autopilot mode

thanks for these I will check them out

yep man, I really needed that…& I am from morning meditation I again feeling like last night…full pumpup

that’s fucking amazing



Ok, guys here I got plenty of material to learn more about manifestation…I am putting all the info I got from reading this thread & also replies to my post…for any newcomer like me

  • Malkuth AC SublimalResults
  • Malkuth AC SublimalResults -2
  • Neville Goddard
  • Law of Assumption
  • Joseph Murphy
  • Joseph Alai
  • Sammy Ingram
  • Sage_Sanguine AC SublimalResults
  • manifestation guided meditation
  • The Robert Zink meditation called “attract a person who doesn’t want anything to do with you”
  • “most powerful meditation for attracting a relationship” by Aaron Doughty


Straight-forward description.

  1. Write down your goal in clear, relatable language.
  2. Think of or write down various details of how your life might feel and look after that goal has been achieved.
  3. If you want to go an extra step, stretch your imagination to capture the feeling that the change has already occurred. Think, write, say, or simply feel “I am grateful that this has happened.”

That’ll do it.


Another Manifesting Approach (requires very little ‘belief’).

Reverse Engineering

In this case, you:

  1. look at the realities that are already appearing in your life.
  2. consider your behaviors, attitudes, and practices in relation to those realities.
  3. apply similar behaviors, attitudes, and practices to contribute to new realities.

As always, be patient and compassionate with yourself and treat it as an experiment.


Look into Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption - you can manifest specific people. It all comes down to your subconscious beliefs and the resistance that you have.

I’ve suggested like Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Joseph Alai, Sammy Ingram, etc. There’s videos out there to help you learn how to do it.

I’ve learnt as well as using ME & AsC to do these things and beyond.


I recommend that you actually step away from any focus on this woman; you’re only creating resistance.

Easier said than done, I’m well aware. But that fact remains that too much attention on something you want to manifest goes against you. She goes this way, you long for her. She removes you

Re. Focus. I see you’re too focused on the lack of her rather than the positives. I myself have manifested specific women and specific encounters and happenings with those women. It takes:

  1. Calibrated Intent
  2. Will
  3. EASE

The last is the most important.

I would recommend you sit with yourself and consider how you identity with this girl, how you think about this girl, and how you feel about this girl.

We manifest based off of perception of our self in identity and our relation to the world around us.

A trick that I’ve learned is not focusing on what I want and that I’m not getting from specific people. I focus on what I like and already have and gently and gradually progress those feelings into what I desire.


Reflect on this:

You’re already manifesting. You are already doing it.

Have you ever observed your nervous system ‘beating’ your heart?

How is it doing it?

Observe your nervous system ‘breathing the lungs’.

Ask, and notice, how it is doing it.

the heart is already beating

your lungs are already breathing

Observe the feel of it.

Observe (by feeling) how it is done.

Earth seems to stand still. Yet, relative to the Sun, Earth is speeding at 220 kilometers per second. And yet, it feels like ‘nothing’.

Intelligent people, when asked what’s happening or what they’re doing, often answer ‘Nothing’. When in fact, at that very moment, they are busier than 10,000 metropolitan factories. And it is an intelligent response. Our mind allocates resources to automatize processes that do not require our immediate attention. When we say ‘nothing is happening’, we’re clearing a space and setting boundaries that allow us to choose where to place our focus. It’s a very good idea and an important skill.

But a student and explorer of Mind and Experiencing learns to throw away this Intelligence and to become a Fool.

She learns to see 10,000 things where an Intelligent person sees Nothing.

As a result, this Fool becomes (for a time) unable to answer the simplest questions. “Where are we?” “What’s happening?” “What are you doing?”

Allowing more of what was previously automatic into awareness renders the Intelligent Person Foolish.

And this Foolishness is exactly the place to be.

The student of mind is a Foolish Fool.

With experience and humility, the student of mind becomes an Intelligent Fool. And over more time, a Wise Fool.

Feel free to ignore this Foolishness.

But on this study of Manifesting, try a bit of Foolishness.

Look at things that you ‘already understand’, and notice that you don’t understand them at all.

Try to see where they’re coming from.

notice how you may be contributing to them

then see what else happens…


I wonder how many more days till we get the meditation for Ascension chamber.


It’s going to be even more of a game changer than AsC already is. I’ve become so much more condciously aware of my manifestation ability due to AsC (and my own research and studies).


It is custom based. It is at the Q shop.

I don’t know what you’re asking. Are you wondering if another product will substitute for New Beginnings?

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OK so I had to update.

Yesterday I was driving by the gas station near my house, and heading to highway. As I pass station, my exgf in her car pulls behind me and onto highway. End of occurrence. Around 6pm

Tonight I drive by again on way to highway and again my exgf pulls out of station behind me and onto highway, we both end up at the grocery store. Neither of us talks until she and I cross paths in the produce section. Around 8pm

Turns out both of us were misunderstood on issues that brought about our no contact. I offered up the possibility of her stopping by which she did an hour later.

We caught up and cleared the air of the past. I think things might rekindle in the future.

Aside from that, I truly cannot believe how many times we crossed paths the past 10 days. @SaintSovereign this is like magic. It’s as if the universe said, you two gotta talk and we finally did. Even my exgf brought up how in the past we never ran into each other yet this week was so strange. I’ve listened twice…my mind is just blown.


An interesting little manifestation that occured to me few days ago:

I was going on a date with a girl, and we agreed to go to a particular bar. On the way there, she asked me: “Do you think we will be able to grab seats at some table there?”. As this place is really small and usually very crowded and it was mid-evening, I replied: “No way, unless someone was about to leave (their table) the exact moment we enter”. And we ended our talk about it.

As we entered the bar, it was really crowded as I expected, all the seating places were taken and many people were standing, but…we barely made a few steps in, and just next to us, one couple was leaving, leaving their table just for us! The girl I was with was like “OMG, we are so lucky”, and I just smiled, realising what I did. :slight_smile:

The reason I think it worked so efortless was that I thought it in a bit of detail how it will happen and made a “realistic” scenario in my head, but on the other hand didn’t overthink it or put any expectancy over that (because it wasn’t all that important). In other words, I thought of something I want to manifest (unconsciously in this case) and then let it go.

The problem with bigger manifestations I think is that we tend to overthink it and have some conscious and subconscious fears and blockages that prevents us from manifesting our dreams (where SC comes to the rescue!). Also, apparently we don’t realise the power we have.


Manifestation is becoming a game changer for me…helping my constant negative thoughts into positive ones just by visualizing it…aweosme


I’ll toss my tip in because I never felt confident in my visualizing.

So I’d take my now feeling whether about a certain topic or not and I’d check to see what that feeling is now. Then I’d check well is this how I want to feel, or is it what I’d like to create? No.

So that would help me let go instantly. Then I’d go well how would I feel without this problem if I could never ever have that problem again? And/or how would I feel if it were just how I wanted it to be?

Then I’d just feel that feeling as long as I could and then forget about it. :smiley: Sometimes I’d cycle through if some unwanted feelings or doubts came up again until I could hold the feeling.

The neville way, in my understanding, is to live in the end with no need to know the how. He says the how will work itself out, your job is just to know and live in the end.


Yeah complete program which could replace new beginning

Because I haven’t have any custom base product yet

I don’t know. However if I were to, I’d go with Dragon Reborn.


Hmmm, i tired DR st1 with Khan st1…biggest mistake,
I will surely use Dr with love bomb after 3 months

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Would we use AC if there are washout days now? I run AC every Friday, but yesterday my washout days started.

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No subliminal use on washouts whatsoever. Not even the life chargers.


didn’t know that…thanks

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They have an ultrasonic subliminal underneath, which is why you’re still exposing yourself to subliminal messaging.

Hence, NOTHING :wink:

Just to make it clear, why :slight_smile: