Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

I’m trying to be patient with this one because I know I’m working through a lot of trauma , PTSD , and automatic triggers so I know that even though I feel a certain way at this moment or whatever it doesn’t mean I am healed or that it will manifest externally quite yet.


Hey all,

Just an update. I finished the first cycle of the LBFH subliminal and after a 7 day washout I started a new 21 day cycle yesterday. Here are some things I am noticing:

  • Living more in the moment, outside of my head. Find it easier to get into a flow state with a less distracted mind.
  • Find myself pondering my own truth of what is important in life. I now find myself in the early stages of adopting a digital minimalist lifestyle.
  • Began a caffeine reduction program, planning to quit completely by the end of this second LBFH cycle.
  • Developing a live and let live mindset, finding myself more willing to contemplate the possibility of forgiveness for myself and others over past experiences.
  • I have been eating less which makes me believe that I may have been emotional eating, especially at night time due to next day anxiety. I am eating healthier and feel like I am toning up, without a planned diet.
  • I feel more connected to people and the world. I am better received by others while at the same time losing the urge to try to impress others.
  • During the first LBFH cycle, out of nowhere, I cried two times. I also had a lot of dreams that I believe were linked to emotional healing.
  • There has been less urge to view porn. I did watch it during the first cycle but each time I felt saddened and grossed out by what I was viewing.
  • For the first time ever I have a desire to start a meditation practice, although I have not yet started. It seems like I am slowing down enough inside my own head that I can be absorbed in meditation.

The subliminal seems to be doing a good job to help guide me towards positive actions. Some days I still feel off, but I don’t dwell on it and if people are unfriendly towards me, I don’t feel as negatively affected. Last cycle I experimented with shorter loops but I will stick with a 15 minute loop this cycle because I have more healing dreams at night listening in full.


Is LBFH the only sub you’ve been listening to? Are all these results due to running this one?

I think my first couple uses of LBFH were movie trailer effect. It seems since my washout I’ve been going through some healing of old stuff related to love. And that makes sense for me. I’d never be one to admit it was a lack of self love but we’re dealing with it now. :smiley:


Awesome stuff guys, thank you for this.


The baddest alphas i know are very warm persons. My muai thai master knows 32 martial arts and is very warm and caring to the point of people seeing that as a weakness and paid an heavy price.

On the other hand i have seen him beat up 7 gang members all at once that were robbing ppl in the train station.

My master always said that when you are though you dont need to make people know you are.

It all comes down to self mastery, inner work, balance and training.


Also check is it “wanting control”, “wantng safety”, “wanting approval” or “wanting to be special”…


I agree for sure. I feel a lot of issues people have really come down to how they feel about themselves and whatever trauma they have.
It’s weird to think and I know I have said this from running Dragon Reborn, but so much drama , headaches, and attitude can and could be avoided if people just felt better about themselves and worked on their issues


Today is the start of my second cycle with LBFH, and my subconscious tried hard to convince me to swap it out of my stack by pressing all my buttons…

  • “I could use more money manifestations, I should run RICH”
  • “I need a boost to getting in shape and looking better, I should run Wanted”
  • “I have to improve my martial skill set, I should start Spartan”
  • “I can’t afford to get bogged down in recon right now, LBFH can wait”

…and on and on. I re-read a lot of sales pages, and I came up with a ton of reasons to switch out LBFH.

But I have a new rule now that if I’m not going to commit to runnig a sub for at least two cycles, then that sub’s goals aren’t a real priority for me… and I almost broke that rule because of the all the reasons and feelings telling me to.

I’m glad I didn’t though because I experienced a sort of extreme healing that was kind of ridiculous in how it manifested…

About 90 minutes after listening to LBFH, out of “nowhere” I started to tear up over breakfast…then I started to sob.

At first I tried to keep it in and shove whatever it was way back down into the dark from where it came, but an instant later I realized I needed to let it out, so I did.

And as I was sitting on my couch with tears streaming and random bursts of emotion escaping my mouth, I thought about the absurdity of the situation…crying hard while eating a great breakfast and watching a fight scene in one of my favorite movies.

The thought of it instantly made me bust up laughing, which then made me sob harder…then laugh again, then cry, and it went on like that for several minutes.

It was just a pure and deep emotional release.

After a little while trying to understand what happened and what might’ve triggered it, I got up feeling a little lighter and ready to continue with the things I needed to do.

Looking back, it makes sense that my subconscious tried so hard to get me to swap LBFH… it/I knew the dam was about to break.


Which movie?

Lord of The Rings






Almost one week after finishing one cycle of LBfH and a whole DR run:


I can’t think of anything but lbfh

  1. laughter in our hom came back , it was already there but not constant it’s like we have spontaneous laughter night every now and then . But since lbfh specifically and love bomb in general we till now have a streak of 5 laughter nights at a row . This is not the norm but you can say we are regaining our baseline happiness .

  2. my two brothers offered to help in the new family business and this awesome I sense HOM in process

  3. coming back to lBFH a golden retriever puppy come to play with me while entering my home he was afraid but I take him gave water and food and he was playful . I am certain she is lost from her owner so I take her photos and shared on the local groups so her owner can found her . If not I will keep caring for her .

  4. I shared before while on alchemist how dogs reacted beautifully to me .


Not sure if it’s just me or what but right now all I want are big hugs from people. Weird I know. If I feel like this with LBfH I can only imagine how someone would feel stacking this with Chosen. Lots of empathy and love.


i think CWON and LBFH would be interesting as well. Although I’d be worried about going too far into the “love” side. Might turn me into a hippie or something.


Yeah definitely don’t want that. :rofl:
Damn long haired freaky people


Hugs melted away all the recon I got from LBfH, so it makes sense.

I did last cycle… I can confirm that its filled with lots of empathy, love and inner peace, also tons of sex drive for some reason.


I’m on this stack now. It’s interesting – I’ve actually become even more bolder.


I finally bought CWON a week or 2 ago. I’ll try it out once this current “so crazy I likely won’t journal it” experiment is over.