Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

Same here. I got my custom around the time LBFH was out. I had a feeling that the custom needed to be run solo for me to get the most of out it. I didn’t listen to the feeling and ran 5mins lbfh and was overloaded/in recon. It just isn’t the season for me to listen to it now.

The reviews here help me see how great and beautiful this sub is and I look forward to feel the love later on.


It does, I appreciate the insight

LBFH is a gem. Was able to forgive my mom first in my heart and then face-to-face for everything. It shattered through and completely dissolved any possible lingering resentment I felt towards her from my childhood. We had a heart to heart conversation and a big loving hug at the end that was very cathartic and healing for both of us, and I could tell our relationship has shifting significantly for the better.

In the sales world - combining this with True Sell is an absolute blessing btw :wink: - people just love me. Every interaction I’ve had has been more or less positive and I’m driven even further to work hard at my job as the healthcare product I sell is something I genuinely believe can have a tremendously positive impact on society. Even in situations where things didn’t seem to go my way, they almost instantly seem to resolve themselves in a way that works out in my favor.

Being in a positive mood all the time no matter what is going on around me is a nice bonus as well :slight_smile:


Love bomb for humanity is awesome but I have to stop it , it’s magnifying my loneliness and I can’t handle that or change it at the moment also Hom may helped in this feeling.

Thanks @Leandros for your observation :+1::+1:


Lovebomb or Lovebomb for Humanity?

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Yep yep. It can definitely bring a lot of things to the surface to free us from them. But sometimes it’s a matter of just going through it and for our practical lives it can seem like the last thing we need or want.

On the self development journey there are definitely those highs and lows, the ups and downs, the storms of life and after you go through a few, you realize that maybe that’s just the price we pay to reap those rewards.

I just had myself a tough night last night. Missing one of my friends who passed away in a car accident maybe 19-20 years ago. And for some reason it was just hitting me last night as I was also exhausted from 6 days on of my brand new physically demanding job.


I have been randomly thinking about things I haven’t thought about in years if not decades. So many things coming to the surface to let go of.
I don’t seek external validation. I don’t want it or need it. This is huge for me. I can feel myself progressively relaxing more and more both emotionally and physically


I am on day 18 since I started LBfH in a custom.

I saw my posture in a mirror 30 min ago and I saw a man that is full inside.

I have my chest out like a animal, I love being me and I choose to love myself.

I smoked weed every day since this circle (this is very unusual for me) and every time I reached a state in myself where it’s ice cold, emotionally ice cold, no mercy for others living beings.this cold state continued until my whole body was shaking from coldness, then i prayed many times that I want a warm loving fire inside myself, this ice cold state was so unbearable that I had to act somehow. Since yesterday I have no more cold states. I changed, I realized that it’s me who is cold not the people ( it doesn’t matter how others are) I realize that the warmth I don’t find in the world I have to create in myself first.

I forgave myself and others for the first time truly

I start to treat myself from a loving place

I could realese so many traumatic states

I greet people, I smile and wink at women

I overcome insecurities with ease

I feel full of love ( like Popeye but in the heart)

I feel warmth inside

I beat fear with love

I have a reservoir of love that activates when needed.

I clean my house more often

Love is replacing negative self talk/image

I feel valuable

And so much more


You should read whim hoff book or get the app its free. It will save your life brother.

The word of a black magician for many past lifes

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You could be a witness, or a participant.

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This right here! :love_you_gesture:t3:


You mean loneliness from LBFH?

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While I don’t understand your question fully . But lbfh makes me aware more of my loneliness and that I should have an intimate relationship .


I think you understood what I’ve meant :wink:

I’ve asked because to me seems to do the opposite (it can be DR3 though) feeling more self-love and occasionally going out from me to outside. So not looking so much to get love from outside.

But maybe you mean a desire to share love

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A great decision! I think Stark will be easier on you and be a better choice during school year.

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That’s exactly what I mean :+1:


The longer I run LBfH the more I don’t understand why anyone would be rude to someone else. Not that I was intentionally or unintentionally rude to people in the past but I do know my social skills were lacking and I would alienate people because of my insecurities and immaturity.


Man that’s exactly why I stopped LBFH as well.


Here’s something to try, it might take some practice but you’ll get it.

That feeling, just check, could I let that feeling have some love? Could I let it have just a tiny bit more love? etc. Or Could I let that feeling be the way that it is, just for now?

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