Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity Experimental ZP

What is EB?

Emperor black experimental

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Where is that? I missed it

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Thank you very much!

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Did you really listen to emperor black, not emperor experimental?

Pretty intense stack, I can absolutely understand the desire to run those. On the other hand it is called experimental and if you have a stack that gives consistent growth in the direction you want then there is no need for experiments.

It’s Emperor Experimental, lol. Everyone thinks it’s black. Remember, the title is actually Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods. It’s @Fire’s pet project – I won’t be doing many updates on that.


My mistake. I ran EE not RB :hear_no_evil:

Just tried this for the first time right before bed. 3 minutes. I usually don’t feel anything special going on in my body or mind when playing subs, but this was a different. Like a nice warm blanket being wrapped around my body and extra endorphins released in my brain. So far so good :smiley:


Well I did want to try this, but experimental anything is probably a no go for me at this stage in my development. Very interested to hear how the micro loops are leveraged in this build though.


Can we do 30 sec alongside a normal stack like extra or should it be within a stack?

I think 30 secs counts as a micro loop of one sub in a stack so still max 3 subs


I am gonna cry into my pillow :frowning:


Man this sub feels good! Very powerful.


I ran one loop instead of running my custom and I can tell that this kitten is really taxing/dense. Apart form that I noticed an instant surge in my mood and my spirits are really high now. Also, I feel more “sober” in the sense that my perception of reality is sharper and more thorough but at the same time more swift. The serenity I’m experiencing is something worth noting as well. It was one loop only yet my head got full of processing straight ahead after the loop I ran around 15 minutes ago.


Ran 2 loops of LBH Experimental last night. Both loops 15 mins each.

  • I immediately felt calmer and more loving.

  • NO RECON AT ALL compared to LBH. Previous LBH did give me benefits but I felt a lot of sadness at that time. LBH Experimental is more like “F the sadness! Am gonna do something about it!”

  • As someone mentioned in a separate post, he felt more self-disciplined running LBH. Yes I am feeling like a go-getter on LBH E. I want to do things because I love myself. When I love myself, I care to be better. To Improve. To make myself happy with accomplishments because my pride comes from achievements and giving to others rather than simply existing and taking.

  • Woke up this morning and started taking steps to self-correct things I found irritating about myself. It’s Sunday and am being productive!!! Walking around faster and with more purpose too.

  • I talked to 2 old friends (One from school and another from a previous place of work). Arranged to meet them. I got warm feelings of brotherly love from them as I gave them mine by caring and joking with them on the phone. One of them reached out to me before I ran my first loop of LBH E which shows the “trailer effect” of ZP. The other one added me on Facebook today and then we talked.

  • Am even more loving and understanding now. I don’t feel the need to correct others except if it is a very important matter. And those matters are few. When I do express my opinion, it is in a very friendly and firm manner.

  • My heart is full right now. The way it is supposed to be.

EDIT: forgot to mention this but I don’t feel the need to talk about my problems to others anymore. I don’t need any help with them except some specfic parts when I can get some immediate help rather than a listening ear which just wastes time and energy. I can fix them myself. I take responsibility of my life. Also more excited about life and its possibilities.


I’m running a single loop of LBFH Ex now. I read your quote above, and it’s the first time I’ve seen it mentioned. Having emotional independence is a dream of mine, Thank you for sharing this.


@subliminalguy - you are welcome my friend :pray:


It seems to me that processing on this kitten is way faster and the integration way smoother. There was no recon whatsoever, there’s no tiredness and although it’s still being processed and my “head is full” it looks like running another loop would be just a natural thing to do even though I ran my custom a couple of hours ago.


2nd day listening to this beauty… Most obvious effect is Im feeling way kinder to myself, as in the acceptance that what I want/need takes time and patience.


First ever loop of the new experimental tech, ran a 7 minute loop of LBFH.

Feels heavy, dense. Immediately after I stopped the loop, my body temperature felt like it began to rapidly increase.

I remember @SaintSovereign mentioning an experience with the first experimental version of ZP, where he felt as though touching a mirror would create a ripple effect. While I didn’t have the same experience, I felt something similar while I was looking at my reflection on the train…it was odd. Not sure if I have the words to describe it yet, it literally just happened.

Just thought I’d share that with y’all.

Edit: also began to feel a bit of chest tightness as well. Eyelids feel heavy. It’s been an extremely busy 4 days for me, with minimal sleep and lot of activity so those are some variables to take into account.