Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity Experimental ZP

This sentence popped up in my head as I listened to the new V:

Is this how it feels NOT to be a hard-gainer? :slight_smile:

I believe this is indeed the next step for ZP!


I am sorry to post 3 times on the same post (yes – I know there’s an edit function, but I don’t want to use it this time).

This experimental build is definitely the most effective out of any releases I’ve tried from SubClub.

I only listened once! – and it reminds me of the state that I’m in if I have meditated for several hours (which I’ve only done a few times in my life).



This is very interesting, as I know you’ve struggled to see results. How long did it take you to reach that zen like state? Also, did you do a full loop or micro loop?


Tiredness is a common side effect of Zero Point. You could experience the “energizing” effect too. All depends on the individual.


Saint waiting eagerly to see user’s results from the new experimental:


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After 10 hours I still feel the Zen mindset, stillness


Ran 1 loop of This 4 hours ago . My head feels fuzzy like it does after Really good meditations.

A girl texted me and want me to meet her. And specifially Said I want to feel safe in your arms

Also don’t force the feeling of love to be in the heart area. Since one of the conditions in Twim to move to next step is that it moves into your head.

So just let the loving feeling flow where it wants. And allow yourself to experience the sensation it gives.


Looking forward to running the new LBH once i finish my current cycle.

Stark Stark yes its part of my current cycle looking forward to it tomorrow :expressionless:

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A full loop. It took a few minutes


same lol

how is your experience with LBFH going?

I ran this last night and today I feel super chill getting errands and chores done while listening to early Metallica.



I can’t say specifically since I’m on Dragon Reborn stage 4 and Sanguine.

Sometimes it seems to really effect women and I think a lot of the good work is going on behind the scenes as tends to be the case for me with DR. It’s probably a lot of stuff that I don’t even notice but definitely still plan on keeping it in my stack indefinitely. I’d expected the sanguine LBFH combo to just be a feel good combo but it seems that it did a lot of healing and that could be due to the nature of DR as the main component. But I think as time goes on the more it’ll be able to shine through.

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@SaintSovereign Can we play 2 experimental in one stack? If so, then I’ll hold off on using BL and run the experimental version of Stark.

I’d suggest holding off and running one for now.

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This reminds me I was planning on getting a sanguine LBFH custom next month. Maybe I need to hold off to see what transpires from the new experimental?

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That was my original thought, but I reread the top-level post and it wasn’t mentioned so I thought it be more rigorous to ask, before potentially melting my brain.

Let’s wait and see what everyone’s initial reactions are.


Experimental LBFH
2:00 in. Head is suddenly tingling. Faded after a few seconds
I definitely didn’t seem like it was 15 minutes long. Seemed way faster to me.

Now to see how my day is affected.

EDIT: I’m also running R.I.C.H. because money is king.