Main Dev. Thread - The Ecstasy of Gold (NOW AVAILABLE)

Believe me, medical school generates more debts than profits. Your better years you spent only studying. I’m 40, I did not stop.


It’s like 8 years on top of High School or something, right? Possibly more if you’re going for surgery. Costs in the tens of thousands. And then come the years of high stress and long hours before you can finally settle down somewhere and calm down a bit. Fortunately, it pays well enough that those debts shouldn’t be that much of an issue (provided you survived this far), after which the luxury lifestyle can finally commence, although you may still not have a lot of time to enjoy it unless you go into private practice. So you may end up retiring early. Or teaching. Or writing. Or all of the above.

Ah, the glamorous life of the medical professional. Hey, at least you get priority if you ever want to migrate to Canada, eh? :smile:


The truth is that really you could live decently, but you could do it with much less. Achieve an balanced life is the problem. The private practice almost does not exist in the specialty that I’m pursuing. Immigration to North America is Hell! Mecidine is only a business there. I know friend that unfortunately did not get into medical residency in Canada neither USA.They spend all their saves and more.

Thanks G-d! Ecstasy of Gold will solve our problems!:slight_smile:


Can u share how you do this, might be helpful for us planning our stack and taking right action and getting the maximum effects from all subs


I would have loved to be one of those small-town doctors in a town where everybody knows everybody. They don’t need much and are usually quite content. Some might even be fulfilled. Unfortunately, I’m an IT genius. So small-town life is not for me, and I have a life long of learning ahead of me. The human body may not have changed for more years than we can count, but computers change every day, sometimes multiple times per day.

But hey, if there’s a product that solves all our problems, hold on while I get my wallet! :wink:

I second @myspace123’s request. Having some kind of template is always nice. Even though I’m sure we can find them on the Net, it’s always nice to get more to build on.


EoG supports wealth acquisition within any wealth generating endeavor. It intensely focuses your subconscious on manifesting and acquiring wealth.

While I believe subliminals can help sway probabilities, don’t expect to suddenly win the Powerball. Many lottery winners still used some kind of “system” to win — playing certain numbers over and over (sometimes for years), engaging in daily rituals in an attempt to sway probabilities, etc. In other words, they took major action toward their goal, which directed their subconscious to help achieve that goal.

If you’re going to buy EoG for this purpose, don’t expect just to play some numbers and win he first time (though I guess it’s possible, theoretically).

We interviewed a professional blackjack and poker player that has won millions playing live poker and (this was news to me) programming an automated poker bot to play for him. On the second note, I admit that I was so intrigued that I started researching it myself and was shocked to discover an entire subculture of people programming bots, selling bots, coming up with strategies, etc. Btw, online poker sites apparently install software on your computer that monitors for bots.

Anyway, after we reached the seventh or so interview, we realized that the same patterns were emerging over and over. No matter who we contacted, the same “secrets” kept coming up, and they were surprisingly simple in nature. We just implemented them in an exciting new way.


@SaintSovereign, for those who have leadership/dealmaking as their Wealth endeavors, would it be better to:

  1. Stay with Khan?
  2. Switch to Gold?
  3. Stack Gold with Khan?

I’ve been exclusively playing Khan Complete since it’s release, and it’s the first time I’ve not felt the desire to switch subs or experiment with stack modules. It is the most congruent sub for my personality / instincts.


Yes, it is.

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This is fucking amazing! And now that I think about it that was smart to include the perspectives of those who were born into wealth, never knew money troubles, yet turned it into even bigger wealth. That would mean a pretty bad ass mental set point if you think about it. I can’t wait for this


The sub sounds great. The only thing I am worried about is that it’s for both men and women.
So maybe, if we want to become the “ideal man”, we will have to run Khan or other masculine subs prior to EoG, to achieve the dominance, masculinity and power.

On the other hand, there must be some kind of personality scripting to make the mindset of a millionaire.

What do you guys think?


I of course don’t know how the scipts of the Ecstasy stages will look like, but I’m sure there will be personality scripting in it. To accumulate a lot of wealth there will be certain personality traits that you need. One of the first things that comes to my mind is being assertive and determined. Most of these traits are masculine, however that doesn’t mean women can’t have them aswell.

I don’t think the Ecstasy will be you best choice though if tou want to be the “ideal man”. Khan touch on a lot more masculine qualities that aren’t really desireable for women hence it’s not unsiex. So in you case you can better first run Khan or Emperor.

I don’t have any inside information so I’m mostly speculating. If I’m wrong I’m sure Fire or Saint will help you further.


I’m getting into trading in the stock market, were some highly profitable traders interviewed ? If so are the names going to be revealed ?


@pakr93 makes a good point. For a man, some paths to wealth come from being assertive and dominant, a leader of men. Goes all the way back to the past when men were the leaders and warriors. And for a man listening to this sub, that would be great.

But for women it would be different. Yes, we live in a world where women can do anything a man can, probably even better. But a lot of it still clashes with their feminine energy. Some women have very little of that. Easy to recognize, everybody feels intimidated by them and she has followers, not friends. But hey, they made it!

Most women don’t want that. I remember a woman I spoke to myself. She got the opportunity to become the head of the European branch of a major international telecommunications company. Her job was to find out what was leaching the money. Every day, from the moment she took up her post, she was the target of plotting and backstabbing. She could handle it just fine, but it hurt emotionally. As a woman, she was sensitive to it, women would much rather be liked, since feminine energy is nurturing. But she did what she had to do. She rapidly discovered that not only was there a massive excess of upper and middle management positions, but they spent most of their time trying to secure their own position by targeting each other. She ended up firing pretty much everybody in management and replacing a small part of them. The results were phenomenal and she was offered to become the right-hand man of the company’s president.

However, the experienced had drained her. It had been so averse to her identity that she just didn’t want to do it anymore. So she instead quit, took her money and went to live on the ranch she shared with her husband. She just couldn’t find a place with that negative energy. A man on the other hand might have been right in his element. Law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, the Great Game. Bring it on!

Of course, she was well off to begin with. She and her husband had both been enjoying 6-figure salaries, her daughter went to Eton College in England and that ranch was visible from outer space.

The point I’m trying to make is that while men are often dominant as is their nature, women tend to prefer different paths. They traditionally search for care-giving, teaching or creative fields, like to work part-time and prefer not to rise too high up the food chain. It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they just don’t want to, it doesn’t feel right, doesn’t make them happy.

Well, point made.

Imagine they interviewed J.K. Rowling. The woman who become a billionaire after she got an idea while ironing her children’s clothes. :slight_smile:


Napoleon Hill would be proud of such straightforward manipulation of reality. We’re here for the long haul so we mine as well go after what we want.


The script enhances and molds your natural personality in the way that will best manifest wealth in your life. It’s not “unisex” in the sense that it ignores societal differences between men and women — it simply adapts to who you are and what you need.

If you find that it’s lacking a masculine edge (you won’t, bc it’ll enhance your natural dominance), there’s tons of options to stack with it. Primal Seduction for raw sexuality, Daredevil for social sexuality, Khan for the brave and the bold :wink:


That’s yet to be determined. I had this grand vision of everyone we interviewed contributing to a video course or “master class” that we could’ve included as a bonus, but guess what? The moment I started bringing that up, I got tons of messages about profit sharing, licensing of likeness, only being able to use their video for a certain amount of years before having to re-license, and my favorite — something called a “most favored nation” clause, where we’d have to pay that person the same amount as the highest paid contributor. It was hilarious. Some of the ways they were figuring out ways to maximize their profit was downright brilliant, and all I could say to myself was: “This is why you’re rich.”


There wasn’t even one that simply said you could offer it for free as long as you made no profit from it either? I imagine there have to be some out there that are passionate enough about helping people become successful.


Any idea when this will be available?

This is exactly what I have been waiting for, so when do you take my money?


No, and I don’t blame them. You don’t get rich by giving things away for free. When you create something valuable that you spend your time on (the most valuable, yet finite commodity you have), you charge for it.


I used to work with a man that told me: “I’ve got wealth. I won’t do anything crazy or over the top for you, but I’m willing to share what I know if you’re willing to learn.”

His path to wealth was recognizing the best qualities in others and bringing those qualities out, earning their loyalty while adding them to his professional network. Anything you needed done, he would know a guy that was the best at it. Just the fact that I was invited to be a part of that network made me realize I am seriously good at what I do and it has opened up all kinds of opportunities.

There are people that strive to make money for the sake of making money, even if they already have more money than they could ever hope to spend, but there are also people that combine making money with (for lack of a better term) good karma. They seek the freedom that financial independence brings, but their passion is not making money. To them, money is as it was always meant to be: a means of exchange, not an end goal. They stop working at it when they have a few million, but by then the ball is rolling and it grows all by itself.

Unfortunately, he died of cancer last year. I can tell you though, he was surrounded by more friends than most of us will have in their lifetime, plus people whose lives he enriched and people he worked with that considered him the best boss they’d ever worked with.

If you find yourself in a position to help bring out the potential in people with only a minor investment on your part, why not? I’d probably be living on the street right now if I didn’t get free help. And guess what?I went back willing and able to financially compensate everybody for their help, and all but a handful told me the fact that I took the time to look them up at all to thank them was enough.

Maybe I just learned the right attitude from the right people. Or maybe you haven’t interviewed a wide enough range of people… :wink: