Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

Regen is one I haven’t bought yet. I’ve come close several times but always had enough money just to get the “Cooler” sounding subs. After reading the journals, I’ll be either buying the Regen Q standalone or have Regen in my BILLionaire custom.


Apologies, I’m still not completely clear about this. How this reads to me is that Elixir is/ is like Limit Destroyer but with a lot more added to it. I can get the results of LD when using Elixir, but with elixir there are other benefits.

So the selling point of LD would be that it is far more focused which potentially leads to faster or more precise results.

Am I close to being correct?

Limit Destroyer is focused on ONE THING, overcoming your limits. So, if you’re running a wealth-based stack, it’s scripted to help you overcome any internal wealth limits. A fitness custom? It’ll help you overcome internal fitness limits.

Elixir is much much more broad. It heals all kinds of trauma, without too much specificity (similar to Regeneration).


I lied. I broke down and bought Libertine today instead. lol.
I will be getting regen next time. Using whatever funds BILLionaire points me in the direction of as I build my empire.

Regeneration Q & The Elixir Ultima is a powerful powerful combination,specially after 3 weeks of use.
Trust me on this😉


How does Regeneration work in tandem with other subs? I read somewhere that it has a polymorphic effect, meaning it doesn’t do the same thing if it’s run by itself vs. with a main subliminal.

Particularly I am wondering what would happen if I ran it with Man For Himself. In that case, would it not heal anything related to social issues since the custom itself isn’t socially based? Would it just be better to run Khan Q ST1?

I have 5 custom that I run how I want, but after each I play my solo RegenerationQ custom.
I notice that I has an effect of the previous custom.
For example: after Primal Seduction&Sex Mastery custom I run Regeneration Q custom and I go trough a state of feeling inadequate.
Regeneration Q digs out this states and release them


The best feel-good sub ever which makes you feel solid too. It’s a great booster for any healing, especially emotional. I switched to Love Bomb only because I had almost 3 months of using Elixir under my belt, I felt I was done with most of my healing and wanted to make it more narrowed, oriented to “the heart”.


Is there sufficient Alpha Scripting in Regeneration?

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Sufficient for what purpose?

Confidence, Leadership, Personal Power

@SaintSovereign @Fire

See above post.

TBH mecharc I would think of Regeneration as healing, and if I wanted those qualities you listed I would look at something like Ascension or Khan. For you I would encourage you to start looking at Ascension as a possibility. Do you already have Ascension?

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What exactly are you trying to accomplish this year?

I would make a custom or 2 based off what you are trying to accomplish and what things you want out of yourself.

If you want healing run regeneration but if you want healing with alpha qualities Ascension or AM or even Emperor would suffice… if its more then just that emperor or stark would be good because they have a more broad spectrum.

Actually this is why customs are so awesome bc you can merge a title cores together and then add your own modules to fit your specific needs.


I have jad a temporary shift in goals.
I want to dedicate sometime to healing my brain of porn addiction, and the accompanying sexual taste i have developed over the years ( Yes, I prefer porn over real sex)

Thanks for this mate!

How long have you been using SC programs?

October 2019

I have been jumping around subs since october 2018 lmfao… when i first started i went straight to emperor and ran it for 2 good months… that was tough … it was also my first time with subs from anywhere

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Here is what I’m thinking.

Based on what I’ve been reading I think you are wanting something to metaphorically or literally, to put it in a cliche way, “fix your brain” so you can have the thoughts and feelings about sex you want rather than the thoughts and feelings you have.

I’ve seen a number of ideas from people posted, as well as modules. So I think you have things to work with that could help, both in terms of SC modules, as well as products that are not associated with SC.

I would also urge you to consider DR. You’ve been listening to SC products for almost a year and a half so the warning about listening to other SC products before DR so you should know the power of SC products by now.

I admit I’m biased but I think this is something to consider:

which I’m guessing you remember.

If you feel a bit scared right now, I can understand because you’d probably be taking a step into the unknown and giving up something you may have been turning to for much of your life.

Here is a link with some videos that might help:

I think the above link is Gary Wilson’s channel.

This interview might help:

I’m also aware that you might have already seen these or similar items.

I’m hoping you get a plan soon.

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Brother! Thanks for the detailed Advice.

As for your advice regarding DR, there are two points. I have Regeneration which i think does similar clearing to DR on a lighter level. Regeneration has been unsused since i bought it so i might as well utilize it.

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