Can't get it up to porn

I think this shows introspection and wisdom. One of the reasons I decided to run DR was because the sexual subliminals weren’t working as well as I had hoped for me. @SaintSovereign said something that men seem to have a difficult time with the sexual subliminals. I decided that with a big healing other subliminals in general should work better. So far I’ve noticed that I can listen to other subliminals with little or no reconciliation.


Another sign of your growing wisdom.

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Healing subs starting to sound real seductive right about now

I watch porn and I hate myself for it


This gets better and better
I was so close to switch to stage 3 of DR 2 weeks ago but I didn’t.
I stay on st 2 longer then I thought.

@RVconsultant I am back from the dead, I have my powers back and my brain/system is alive again


I am happy for you!

Please stop hating yourself mate!

Remember you are the KHAN dude!


We are here to help.

Do you want to give up porn?

If so, we could post some ideas here (I’m guessing @Leandros will think that’s okay) .

Plus check out this thread because there are some more ideas here:

One idea would be to create an Ultima v2 or Qv2:

Stop Porn and Masturbation
Eye of the Storm
Health Codex
Inner Gasoline
Faith Unyielding
Pride Unbroken
Virtue Series: Hope
Virtue Series: Temperance

There might be others. But those might be a place to start.

As for DR, yes I would encourage you to consider it.

What are you currently listening to?

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Yea sure, no problem to derail this tread

That was fucking funny

Let’s see how much more DR Qv2 helps.

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Thank you, I’m on my standard custom and that healing result of dragon rocked me because I’m personally working on it with my khan ef stark custom that has male enhancement

It’s going good, I’m doing it personally without the use of specific subs.

Khan is making me understand that watching others having sex is not what I want with my life, it’s so low value and I honestly wanna keep my romantic life sober without those things.


What you are saying makes sense.

DR is a hard one to run. But if you got through Khan, that means you’ve already done healing with stage 1 of Khan.

If you decide to do DR please post and tag me. There are now over 40 people I know of who have run or are running DR to various stages.

Remember that you are not alone in this. There are people here to encourage you.

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Hey is there a new custom format stronger than Q ? qv2?

As of now I think Qv2 and Ultima v2 are the strongest. I would discourage Terminus and Terminus Squared at this time.

So I can literally go make a custom with a format of qv2?

Yes mate!

Just specify you want Qv2 in the notes section.

Bro where do I go to read how much more appealing or stronger or better q is versus version 2?

This is a good question.

RM was the first subliminal to use Qv2. People were noticing results within hours of their first loop.

I would encourage you to read the thread and I think you will be amazed:

Okay so how long do I wait before trying to upgrade the custom I made two months ago to the new format? Apparently there’s a process for that, coming soon?

No judgement here cause I’ve struggled with this off and on

I heard this once and it was a game changer

watching porn is the evolutionary equivalent of hiding in the bushes and jerking off 'while watching a more ‘dominant/alpha’ male has sex with someone you are attracted to---- lol

think about if you were actually doing that daily and how that would effect your behavior, self esteem, and love life–even if it was hidden- cause it’s exactly the same to your brain