Can't get it up to porn

Hi there

Its a funny topic :joy:

Since I startet Dragon Reborn a lot has changed one thing is this

I can’t get it up when I watch porn, after 5 min my brain goes : hhhhhmmmmm this is not intresting

So I did test it till the end and : no erection, nada.
It was frustrating.
I even smoked weed and still: nothing
I never had that

Does anybody else had similar experience?


First, I think this sounds like it might be progress.

Second, can you get it up with a real live sex partner OR to a fantasy of someone who would be appealing to you?


Yes better than ever :joy:

I just wonder what exactly has be healed?

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That’s awesome! I think @SaintSovereign said DR could help with porn if there were emotional issues involved.

I say :champagne::clinking_glasses::partying_face:

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Thank you man.
That’s it.
I was looking what the problem was and I found this : at some point it was like a replacement the last 5 years and now it’s finish.
Its like a push from the inside that says: you get them in real life now, stand up and go get them


@Leandros I was reading something the other day where people where given their opinions on what they consider a sign of an insecure man. One of the first replies was getting off to porn . I had never really thought about it but it makes sense that guys will seek things such as porn if they are insecure or don’t see themselves as worthy of attracting women
Maybe you eliminated that insecurity


You are right
I put women on hold the last 5 years
I was in this state : phuuu I have to fix many things in me and I can’t go into a relationship like that so let’s work, let’s clean, let’s learn, just polish myself until I shine, alway upgrade myself and so on and so fort.

Now I stand before a women and I look them into they’re eyes and ask them with my energy : what do you bring into my life, what can you offer me
Why shoud I choose you, what’s your value


What took you so long to hear it?
Your brain was saying that 5 seconds in. :smile:

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She was dam hot :joy:

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:joy::joy:…A sub that causes impotence …better take 50 cc’s of diamond and 20cc’s of SM

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No no no
The opposite is the case, I wake up with a boner but I can’t wach porn anymore :joy:

That’s golden


From personal experience my opinion or view of women has changed dramatically since running Dragon Reborn. As much as I tried previously it was always difficult not to look at women in a certain way which obviously says a lot about my prior maturity level but now I can honestly say I see women as people not automatically in a sexual way and maybe thats what you’re experiencing @Leandros.


The subs here can definitely help with stopping objectifying women or only seeing them in a sexual way.khan/sm makes me very sexual and amps up my libido but porn doesnt turn me on anymore.lately find porn boring,only real sex works.


Reading this multiple times made me question my own behavior

The other thing is that men tend to put women on pedestals especially if they see a woman that they are insecure about or feel is out of their league or whatever as opposed to just treating them as a fellow person

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It really comes down to maturity. I can’t begin to tell you how freaked out I am by how my landlord views women. The guy is 70 years old and has a sexually suggestive nickname for one of his sons ex girlfriends. That is not just creepy as fuck but so wrong.

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I feel like I’m going down a rabbit hole here but I look at my encounters , friendships, and relationships I have had in the past with women and it’s incredibly difficult not to be curious as to what I was thinking or how I thought my behavior was ok

I think this shows introspection and wisdom. One of the reasons I decided to run DR was because the sexual subliminals weren’t working as well as I had hoped for me. @SaintSovereign said something that men seem to have a difficult time with the sexual subliminals. I decided that with a big healing other subliminals in general should work better. So far I’ve noticed that I can listen to other subliminals with little or no reconciliation.


Another sign of your growing wisdom.

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Healing subs starting to sound real seductive right about now

I watch porn and I hate myself for it


This gets better and better
I was so close to switch to stage 3 of DR 2 weeks ago but I didn’t.
I stay on st 2 longer then I thought.

@RVconsultant I am back from the dead, I have my powers back and my brain/system is alive again