To help reboot brain from perverted sexual taste

Apart from Dragon Reborn, what titles would help in that?

Meditation and therapy. Although no longer widely administered a lobotomy would likely help


actually I think therapy does jack shit

therapist I saw was trying to get me to think it’s normal - idk if that’s part of the treatment but I doubt it, esp when she had other means of helping me

no, fuck that.

I think you gotta find a hypnotherapist who is willing to help out and can help out

other than that, meditation, and staying away from porn cuz that definitely fucks it up

live a balanced life, workout, etc that balances your hormones too

live like a man and aligned with your true nature and it’ll all fall into place


That is if you are a man or identify as one

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um, yes. that’s right.

@Azriel bless you my friend


Therapy us not widely available where I live

Probably hard mode nofap for a couple

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PSTEC Clicktracks
The free version is sufficient. :+1:t2:


Can you define what is perverted sexual taste? Zoofilia, necrophilia, pedo? It must be specific.

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He’s not talking about a personal fetish, but about the dopamine system’s craving for variety, novelty, and shock value - when selecting porn.

It is non-specific … changes every few weeks, when the current genre/category no longer triggers sufficient dopamine response.



If I’m being honest, I had to search outside the confines of SC when it comes to stuff of this nature. That means a lot of things, whether you’re referring to tools (like audios) or simply just strategies (e.g. journaling methods, specific habits). I suppose this is implicit feedback that SC’s tools just didn’t work for this item in the long run. @mecharc I wonder if you may be able to give the same feedback given that you have asked questions of this nature throughout time (even predating when I made an account on SC, if I recall correctly).

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Nofap monk mode 90 days 100% guarentee🤝


doing an honest emotional and mental inventory

1 practicing to gradually face the natural pain that is in you and in life without bullshitting yourself and using aggrandizing or disingenuous coping strategies to try to sneak your way past it. This is called ‘opening your heart’.

2 by opening your heart you find out what you ACTUALLY care about and are inspired by and respond to, instead of trying to pretend you are some image that you’ve pieced together and internalized along the way

3 setting up your life to align with your actual inspirations, motivations, and meaningful things (hint: it’s probably not going to be money and power. nothing wrong with those, but it’s probably not going to be that. That’s why doing this is kind of slippery and humiliating.)

The more you’re in touch with and interacting with things that actually mean something to you, the better every other method is going to work.


It’s just that my perversion and short term gratification needs is too damn high :sob:

Lookalikeo philea… Is there any search thing ?

Define perversion

I do not see any problems with that. Unless, you want to substitute real sex for only porn…

Try using mucuna pruriens and follow the suggestions, in that quit cold turkey with the aid of subliminals. Occupy your time with other things, such as training and meditation.

The Mucuna Puriens should help in replenishing dopamine, which is what you are craving, as @Simon suggested.

Also, Chaste Berry supplements could aid in diminishing your sexual urges. Edit: looked more into this and turns out, according to a research article, it does not curb it.