Main Dev. Thread - Power Can Corrupt (Now Available!)

Reading 48LoP + Listening to PCC = Conscious-Subconscious synchronization

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We should get a Power can corrupt version of 33 strategies of war and art of mastery

A Sun Tzu subliminal

Master all warfare and stratagems

Reading “Mastery” now. Just finished “Laws of Human Nature”.

This is great too


The 50th Law is a great read. Changed my perspective on a lot of things.


Do you think its possible in the future to another few subs based of some other robert greene books and others? Maybe even a module or small sub based off the 50th law

Not much point for those who don’t really have a war to fight?

I too would like a combined sub of Power-48 and War-33. And if I remember correctly, all of Sun Tzu is included in the latter.

I believe that the Strategic Thinking lessons are not only useful, but necessary, for success at higher levels.



They can be applied to life too, especially business and work related things. It could also be implemented as a module to make something like a mastermind modules but with strategies and tactics.

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Robert Greene / Sun Tzu / Machiavelli custom. You would be able to convince a rock that it is a tree and then turn itself into firewood for the benefit of humanity. And if it didn’t work, you’d already have a backup plan in place.


50th law module/ sub?

@Azriel I was thinking of asking this but I realized that the 50th law isn’t a “law,” it’s just a play on words since the book is about 50 Cent.

Doesn’t mean it’s content couldn’t be made into a subliminal,fear%20speaking%20and%20deluding%20us.

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That’s true. As to that specific section you highlighted I feel as if it is in most of the personal power subs already (perhaps it’s already in PCC—it’s not as if PCC is a straight rip of 48LoP after all).

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Did some of it make it into PCC?



Of course. :slight_smile:


So, Power Can Corrupt has the 48th Laws within it, but also the 49th and 50th Law?

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The 49th law is “learn the art of seduction,” and the 50th law is “be fearless.” Those things in are in the standard script. We just fleshed it out a bit more.


Thank you for your confirmation, because otherwise, another set of Programs on the Art of Seduction, Laws of Human Nature, and the 50th Law from Robert Greene would be tremendously interesting.

For those who’re interested here’s a depiction of the 49th Law –

And here is the 50th Law –

@SaintSovereign, hopefully, some of it, if not all of it is addressed in Power Can Corrupts Core, that would make Power Can Corrupt one hell of a program to accomplish success in ones life.