Main Disc. Thread - Power Can Corrupt ZP

Thanks mate its seems bizzare that spartain and SMX are very different yet they would make a good combo ?

Here is the question & answer.

Spartan - Sex Warrior! I’m just joking! I couldn’t help myself.


LBFH really seems to go hand in hand with PCC, for those desiring that. and I’ve done PCC in the past but LBFH really seems to be the missing ingredient, the special sauce for me anyway. I found this post and I’m finding that this self love and whatever is in LBFH is really removing some of the causes of being taken advantage of for being a nice guy, or a good guy.

So using them together is probably phenomenal. PCC will bring that masterful, elegance to your dealings instead of just letting your emotions get the best of you.

This is a master manipulator.

“A person who controls or influences others in a clever or unscrupulous way.”

This is why we must love, accept, and trust ourselves, so that we can stand up to unscrupulous behavior.

When we doubt our feelings, and push them away, and then write a story like, “Oh they didn’t treat me so bad, I must have done something to provoke it” or you use toxic positivity and say “I shouldn’t have reacted so negatively” we are giving in to the manipulation and abandoning ourselves. It okay to respond “negatively” there is nothing wrong with you when this happens.

Of course own your response in a situation, but make sure you communicate that the other person MUST own their behavior, otherwise there can be no helpful resolution.

Nothing will change and you deserve to be seen, heard, respected, and loved.

(Manipulative people find what other people are sensitive to and use it to get what they need.-unknown)


Just read that. Does PCC change that? Or is it “just” more ROI?

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Does PCC “includes” Fearsome ?


Self love and love for, well, humanity… is a very powerful component indeed. Especially when combined with the social skills of a PCC user. In the end, the most machivellian move… is to not be machiavellian at all :smirk: :blush:

I did LBFH last cycle, and I am doing PCC (again) now. We’ll see how I’ll turn out in the end :joy:


Is your name derivated from the greek version " Athanasios" which means Immortal?


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I was not aware of that name until now. Thank you for that!
So my answer would be no, but also indirectly, maybe… yes?

My current handle is derived from a previous nickname that I used - Athanataraxia - which is a combination of the greek words Athanasia and Ataraxia - essentially meaning Tranquility in Deathlessness, or Deathless Tranquility. I suppose it could mean finding peace in the knowing that all is eternal and truly deathless, and/or also that since all is eternal death - death is not to be feared.
Well, at least to me. It’s a made up word, after all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Then add in some Dragon Reborn and other SC personal growth and que the inexplicable need to change one’s name… I ended up with the current one.

But your interpretation of the name kinda gives it even more depth, so thank you for bringing that to my attention :blush: :pray:


I think I just blew my own mind… imagine a stack of PCC, LBFH and… True Sell ZP… I’m kinda terrified now… This from the TS sales page:

From the very first moment of the interaction you will be in control, smoothly guiding the conversation and building up to the moment of closing, a moment which will, as your mastery grows, become completely seamless – for the deal was already closed throughout the interaction, the final moment becomes a simple formality.

Cultivating patience and the ability to walk away, knowing which deals to make and which not to, mastering the art of subtle communication including body language, firing up your wit and quick thinking… many other seemingly tiny but in truth monumental benefits like these build up to create the ultimate seller’s subliminal.

And then balanced and tempered with LBFH and then some AsC Flac on top of it.

I mean… wow… :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


I ve read a lot today on this forum. I am in another washout and planning my next stack.
Till now I have certain True Sell and LBFH.
And the third to chose between (Chosen, Stark, PCC) :thinking:
Or… to use as the third an old Qv1 custom which I found from 2020 (Stark+PCC)
Or… to buy Chosen (which I prefer not, for being short on money).

What do you guys think?

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What do you want to accomplish in the next 90 days?

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Selling my services. I am working with people one-to-one.
I could use also another custom which is ZP (Renaissance/RICH), or RICH ZP only, and stack it with True Sell and Stark, or with True sell and LBFH :thinking:


Can vouch for True Sell working some magic for me with regard to negotiating an deal…running it with LBFH right now, and there have been some ups and downs in productivity but that’s just my experience. Be prepared if you go that route, shorter loops of LBFH help.

Good luck.


I would definitely put in True Sell Core. I think LBfH is a good one. I would add RICH or Chosen. I would also think about getting EoG from the main shop.

Also you could enter a support ticket.


Did the PCC flare die out? 1 month no posts, lol.

I personally dropped it because I no longer had a use for it. I also was starting to plan and use the 48 Laws of Power very methodically (only manifests like that if you want it to)… I was pretty much like this lol


it was awesome


I built a custom with it and Chosen but decided to leave it alone. Then LBFH came out and I think for me it’s made my custom unnecessary for awhile.

My current stack of DR st 4, Sanguine, and LBFH really covers the foundation and shores up any weaknesses that lead to me feeling like I absolutely needed PCC in my stack. After I got over the recon of wanting to plan ahead and switch stacks, I’m settling into possibly 6 cycles of it.

In the future, maybe as I get involved in business and deal making ventures there may be a place for PCC. For now, my current stack is everything I wanted.


Nah, is just that I need to fix some inner stuff for now. Will return to the power-grabbin’ at a later point :grin:

Im extremely in interested in hearing more about the results from this sub but I think the sub itself may drive people to be silent about it (Law number 4- speak less than necessary lol)


This is probably true. This sub is extremely popular. Behind the scenes, it sells well and we see it in A LOT of customs. We also get a lot of support messages talking about how much they love it.