Q Modules Requests

Yeap its called index gate

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Thank you. I missed that one. This is great news.

a Qv2 sub based on Robert Greene’s 50th Law

a q module for being present in the moment here and now only

Already exists.2 modules some more,lol.one mental and one spiritual


The 50th law is already in power can corrupt


thats definitely gonna be in my custom along side with some good stuff

some spirtual social loving creative healing sub IM GONNA BE UNSTOPABLE

A module to enhance our willpower and volition while consequently increasing our ability to concentrate and focus our Mind without thought interruption.

a module for gaining some height hahahahahh this would so cool, i cant imagine my parents reaction wtf
i just want 6 more cm hahhahaha p:rofl:

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

@SaintSovereign @Fire

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The module is called Height Inducer


StateOfBeing is correct.Its already there.Its also in wanted and emperor fitness for non customs

wait how can you take action with this module ? theres nothing that can make you taller :sweat_smile:?

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Things like getting enough nutrition etc also counts as action

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got it :sunglasses:

Ultimate Voice: Develop your singing, acting and speaking voice, expand your range.

(Might also work as Voice Mastery X. HERO & Weapon X maybe with Dragon’s Tongue, Emperor’s Voice & an aura might be an interesting combination.)

Subconscious Translator: Better learn to understand (and maybe expand) capacity of your subconscious, when what action is needed, when do you need rest days from subliminals, when can you add to the stack etc.


Urgent request for @SaintSovereign @Fire

An Ultima that is essentially Survival Instinct heavily focused on manifestation for protection and safety.

Not sure if you guys are paying attention to rising inflation. Contrary to what you’re told, this is not “transitory” as the root cause is from trillions of dollars in “stimulus” being printed out of thin air with the majority not even going to citizens. And the G7 nations just recently agreed to keep printing money under the guise of “stimulus”. Trillions of dollars are being printed out of thin air and they have told you they’re not stopping that. ~>30% of all US dollars in our current circulating supply was just printed this past year. Sit down and think about that for a second.

Also, there’s a major drought in California. Farmers and ranchers are having it really bad across the country but especially in Cali. Like I’m talking the worst in 121 years bad. But you won’t hear about that on TV. This fall/harvest season is going to be an eye opener. I mean prices have already skyrocketed but it’s not gonna stop due to shortages and the lack of farmers being able to farm/grow at all this season. I don’t mean to fearmonger but these are things to be aware of.

If you think I’m crazy or don’t believe me check out Ice Age Farmer or Alaskan Prepper on Youtube as they’re covering the food situation in depth. And Gregory Mannarino on Youtube tells you everything you need to know about the economy


Could the ETs beam us out already? :white_flag::white_flag::white_flag:

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Shapeshifter module for acting.

Or an actual Shapeshifting if you could pull it off, won’t say no to that

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Stark’s creativity as a module

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I think that is trailblazer… but RM/UA creativity would be a nice module

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