Main Dev. Thread - Alchemist

Hahaha, I wish. Perhaps one day, our tech will become advanced enough to release Alchemist: Infinity Gauntlet edition. :wink:


I was wondering about that. I’m glad y’all are gonna have instructional included for it.


It looks like Alchemist is going to be Subliminal Club’s most controversial subliminal ever, which surprises me because it’s going to be such a niche product that I expected those without interest in the esoteric arts to just ignore it.

Nobody should be expecting extraordinary results without effort on their part, same as with other subliminals here. You still have to get out and talk to women to see results from the seduction subliminals, work hard to see results from the wealth subliminals and study and learn new things to see results from Limitless.

I’m more excited than ever for Alchemist because I’m making major progress in my energy work thanks to Limitless V2, so a subliminal scripted to help with this will be unbelievable.


I think Infinity should be the name for a breakthrough technology like New Dawn. It’s so effective, all you have to do is listen to it once, snap your fingers and change happens. Makes you feel sorry for those that never learned how to snap their fingers. :slight_smile:

Quantum Limitless 2.0, now built on the Infinity Engine! Takes three months to compile a single track on Fire’s Beowulf Cluster. That’s what you get for using non-infinite processing capacity, it’s a miracle it compiles at all. #FirstWorldProblems


I admit to being as curious about the written content that comes with Alchemist as I am with the subliminals themselves. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time there are extensive guides included with a SubClub subliminal.

@Yardbird how does Limitless help you with your energy work? Just the motivation to keep up with your practice, or is there more?


Limitless helped me to understand books on the subject that had previously gone over my head. Books like Glenn Morris’ Path Notes of an American Ninja Master and Mantak Chia’s older books like Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao. I can finally feel more subtle energies that I didn’t notice before.


Private testing has begun! Those selected will receive a PM soon with more details. You’ll also be able to see the hidden private testing forum.

Next up, we’re pleased to welcome @RVconsultant to the forum. He will be assisting us with the rvX testing, the private Alchemist forum, and answering a few questions about the program as a whole. His PMs have been turned off, and he’s not here to argue the merits of remote viewing, or whether we’ve “overhyped” the program, etc.

He’s a special guest and we’re honored to have someone of his talent here helping us. Treat him with respect and act with decorum. Thanks!


@Yardbird already Subclub are setting the industry standards for subliminal products. Two men Fire and Sovereign have turned subclub iinto an empire. Other competitors fear subclub.


Maybe one of you guys has heard of this one. A long time ago I read a book that detailed how to awaken the energy flow in the body by gently scratching the skin on certain minor energy centers. By awakening those in a certain order along the meridians, you’re clearing the energy channels and waking up the larger energy centers. He described the experience of open energy centers much like one of the gentlemen above, a physical sensation. That’s why I was reminded of it.

Maybe it’s just because you’re focusing your attention on it, but it kind of worked for me at the time. I wasn’t quite at the comprehension level I am now. I’d like to find that book again and give it another read. Problem is, I have no idea what it was called. I’ve been googling for it, but so far I can’t find it.

So if anybody has heard of it…

Figures I’d find it my first try after writing this post. Manifestation has a real sense of humor some times. It was New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce, and the technique is Tactile Imaging.


Just gone drop this here…

It’s coming, ya’ll. :wink:


Holy shit that box art is gorgeous


Remote viewing wow :slight_smile:.

Gonna search for my lost half sister who is somewhere in the world.


I’ve been meaning to ask: does the X stand for eXperimental or for Weapon X? And if the latter, does the WX-platform incorporate anything new compared to the existing Weapon X programs?

Without @-mentioning the consultant but testing if he’s watching the thread: from what I know, remote viewing impressions always come in as a vague afterthought that you have to pick out from all the thoughts that go bump in your mind as the one that doesn’t fit. For an experienced viewer, will the impressions become clearer, or will they always remain vague?

@TheBoxingScientist not a bad idea, I’ve been searching for my dad for a long time now. Last I know he’s one town over. Would be nice to know he’s doing okay, even if the impression won’t be clear enough to find him right away.


“X” always stands for Weapon X. And yes, there’s lots of new stuff from the platform included. :wink:


Just gone drop this here…
As Above, So Below – the twin superchargers.


My two favorite colors, how did you know? You’re setting the bar for the Alchemist cover really high for yourself. Really good-looking. I don’t suppose you have one I could use as my desktop background? :wink:

Shouldn’t there be a two-letter combination in the top right corner?


Those were only for stack modules – we haven’t released any of those in awhile (there’s a few on the roadmap).


Can the super chargers be uses standalone ? Without thr main product ?


Yep. They’ll be sold standalone also — well, in a pair.


Alchemist Stage 4 is the largest subliminal we’ve ever built, so large that it’s taken @Fire four days to build (and he’s still not done).


Why does Fire do all the work ?. :slight_smile: