Luther's WANTED ZP journal (ChosenZP then PSZP added later)

This is the really valuable stuff to understand when it comes to growth. How we transition from point A to point B, but point B is so out of the norm of everyone around us nothing makes sense internally because there’s no point of reference. It’s like walking around in the dark for a bit till you reach the end of the tunnel.

Thanks for sharing. Sometimes I wonder if everyone holds onto that internal framework of their personal reality with a deathgrip when things change or if there are some people who don’t care. They just go. Alongside that point if there’s a way to stop relying so much on our subjective experiences in life building the framework of our currently reality. Said framework ending up more like a prison at times.


Thanks for sharing ! What came up for me when I read the above was:
I realized a while ago that a lot of guys here(including myself) have a belief that we are broken and need to improve themselves. This in itself is a huge black never-ending and fulfilling hole and slows down real growth!


I have never eaten so much food in my life, lol. I think it’s Spartan stimulating my appetite for the gainz. I’m pretty sore from working out (still haven’t adapted lol). Today was leg day and I’m already feeling it in my glutes and everything. I might’ve jumped into heavy weights too quickly but it’s not a big deal. Despite not doing pull-ups in a long time, I can still knockout 15 with good form which is good. I’m gonna aim for 30. I also want to eventually Bench 300 but I have a ways to go lol… I believe I can get there though and that’s what matters


Monday has arrived, so I better get on it lol



I’m bring this here to my journal @Malkuth lol. It’s time for me to explain myself

I don’t really get triggered in that type of sense of being offended, feeling attacked etc.

I do get cognitive dissonance in the form of well, imagine someone tells you that smoking cigarettes is healthy.

Whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, your facial expression will automatically resemble confusion because what entered your mind doesn’t make any sense. It’s too far out from you and is utterly ridiculous to you because it conflicts with your beliefs.

I often get that when I come here and increasingly more as I develop with the subliminals like Khan (month 5 of ST4). That’s the type of cognitive dissonance I battle when I come around here.

An example of that is just the other day I was scrolling and saw someone blame their lack of height as the sole reason for why people treat them like trash.

That’s not even the most fucked up part. The most fucked up part was that only 1 person, actually said something to the poor guy to question his perception.

What does that say about the environment? Most people here are all talk, they don’t actually care. Just because one is nice, polite and agreeable, doesn’t mean they care. If you’re young, about to do something stupid and aren’t thinking straight, then your father will slap the shit out of you… because he cares. The peaceful, politically correct, dancing around offending people type of stuff is not enough for certain levels of nonsense.

Half of the people here are deep into their own healings, they don’t have the time to care about other people. I care a lot, that’s why I’m the most vocal, that’s why I make long ass posts. That’s why I’m the one challenging people’s perceptions that they’ve locked themselves into. I stir up necessary discussion and get people thinking. I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk too.

When it comes to action-taking, I don’t understand all this subjectivity, convoluted LOA crap.
For me it’s as simple as 4 words.


Like say it with me. Chant it if you have to.
It’s that fucking simple, why is there even massive discussions being had about this.
That in itself is ridiculous.

All people need to do is listen to the subliminal and abide by those 4 words then get all the results they want. It’s too simple. I don’t understand why people are making it all complicated and complex for no reason… I really don’t.

Back to the cognitive dissonance.

Not too long ago, I saw someone actually make a thread here that went something like “Why is working out so important?”. Absolute insanity, LOL

Like I don’t understand this type of stuff, it’s too crazy. How is that not insane, it can’t just be me.

As someone who has massively grown with these subliminals, it’s like a mixture of

  1. I understand your journey and where you’re at
  2. What the fuck am I reading lol

When you’re incongruent then there’s less of #2.

It’s similar to:

people who are desensitized to the violent human acts of this world versus people that are so incompatible with it that they don’t understand it.

It’s not just a matter of understanding/empathy, it’s a literal mechanism of belief systems and ability to integrate and understand perceptions which one is literally incompatible with.

Now people are proposing the idea that taking action is irrelevant or that a subliminal like LBFH can make you a weak, people-pleaser “yes man”.

Like honestly, just a whole bunch of nonsense (let’s be real here) and when I treat it like nonsense… then people feel attacked, get triggered and feel belittled.

People who don’t take it seriously don’t care as much as they think they do because if that stuff isn’t treated like the nonsense that it is, then it opens the door for normalization of it. New people can get mislead and acquire false misunderstandings which affect their growth and subliminal journeys. If people start downplaying action which is vital, for crazy results, then the door is being opened for people to not take action and blame the subliminals, scripts, technology and company for their lack of results. People don’t take this stuff into account because they don’t think ahead or deeply enough.

It’s some weird shit but whatever lol. I’m taking a break from here until 2023.
I might not even come back honestly, it’s just too much madness.

Thanks for giving me the alley-oop to explain myself. You’re a badass, keep getting those awesome results :raised_hands:


Drops mic

Thank you for all your contributions, I’ve found immense value and guidance in your posts. Wish we had more people like you here.

Keep kickin’ ass you krazy koala :muscle:t4:

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Strong points.

A strong man.

Also, you’re clearly not, as a rule, a huge fan of the Gray Area. Of which there are, in life, quite a few.

But it’s not all gray areas, there are places to be unequivocal. Places to draw the line; to make a stand.

But beware, also, the hazards of unequivocalness.

Remember–in private if necessary–your own areas of weakness.

Remember, too, your own places of unclarity, of confusion and uncertainty; of, essentially, vulnerability.

Self-congratulation does not survive in those places. Confidence and mastery are challenged and humbled.

And in those same places stand—sometimes submerged and out of sight—the Doors to Evolution. Further evolution. Further growth.

What will you learn, what will you achieve—in future days—that smashes to pieces what you know now? What that makes possible still grander visions, still broader vistas, still more piercing insights and connections?

I see your warrior’s spirit. I believe in your capacity to face–not only the weaknesses of others, but also the weaknesses of yourself. Especially, the weaknesses of Strength. The weakness of Strength is one of the most challenging weaknesses to face. I trust that you will face it with ferocity.


No one cares

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Khan talking

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Giving you some perception check right in a second.

You ready, brother?

You said this a lot on here, that you’ll leave and it’s all weird people, talking from this high horse that you figured it all out.
It’s like back in the day when people said “I quit facebook forever.” It’s like a teenager running away from home. We all know you do it for the attention and you’ll come back anyway.

Too harsh?
Let’s dive in.

In all honesty, it seems that, while you had MASSIVE progress, and maybe even more than most people on here (I am not willing to judge that) you definitely regressed when it comes to your ego. That got massive, at least on here. I remember your posts, where you clearly were trying to explain an issue, perception, or problems and viewpoints, whereas now, you still do it, but the prose is clearly coming from a point of "how are y’all so daft to not see this "

And this is coming from someone who has been there MANY times lol
I’ve been there with Khan, with Primal, even with Alchemist/LBFH recently. The idea that because you solved a bunch of issues within yourself, you suddenly know better than everyone else about their lives.

However, think about any of the prophets, but imma use Jesus for now because I know his story. Dude got nailed to a cross and still saw the path people were on. He UNDERSTOOD they are not ready for his wisdom. He didn’t hang on the cross be like, “BRUV, Y’ALL ARE NOT SEEING WHAT I AM SEEING.”
He forgave them even though they killed him. Because he knew they’re still growing into it. Driven by their lower needs. “Present the other cheek.” is really what this means.
THIS is true growth and strength.

At least in my eyes, but I don’t know sh*t. Just sharing my perception of YOUR path over the last months.
And again, not trying to put you down, but maybe you need some more “sitting down” on these things :wink:

Of course, some of the things being said on here seem borderline stupid of how can one even ask that question, but if you reflect back, you might realize, that at one point, YOU asked some real stupid questions. Maybe not on here, but in life.

We all do.
Everyone is just winging it.
Everyone is on HIS/HER path to get to happiness.
For some, the goal is further away than it is for others.
But being infront and talking down the people behind you just makes you a bad winner. Even if you win.
And, METHINKS we have enough of this in society.

Be the change you want to see in the world, brother.

All the best.


@Luther24 - @AlexanderGraves is correct.

I personally do like your advice and many times it shakes me out of myself. But it would be good to tone it down a bit so that it is forum-friendly too.



Understand where you are coming from. Thinking about doing the same, now all that we have are some of the overactive pg-13 ambassadors, and reading what they write is soo tiring and boring.

Best to you @Luther24 !!


I’ve kept an eye on this whole debate that took place in multiple threads. Actually, I think the debate was good and beneficial for people to read, so I’ve refrained from moderating and let it run its course. It did get a bit heated, but as long as we’re civil about it afterwards I’d say the points raised outweigh the potential cons.

Debate, arguing, passion - it’s an excellent way to test your beliefs, see your strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to be able to pull back afterwards without taking it too personal, assimilate what you’ve learned and make revisions/additions.

Here’s a couple thoughts I’d raise myself.

First, I’d say that quite a bit of what @Luther24 said is correct.

Action - pivotal. There’s no ways around it. And it is ridiculous that we have to repeat it over and over - but it is what it is. If one wants to help others, sometimes you have to repeat things over and over until it sticks. It is the price you pay for being part of that. As @Luther24 said here:

Now, where does this all come from?

I’ll tell you.

New Age thinking.

Here’s the thing…

At this point, most of y’all know Fire doesn’t like New Age. And it’s not because “Fire is anti-spirituality”. It’s because Fire’s been there, done that.

It’s surface level.

Thinking pretty thoughts, forcing yourself to be 24/7, “assuming” that you have it all, being “high-vibration”.

Basic and trite information that is markedly useless. Why? Because it has been cherry-picked out of the traditions that talk about it.

Let’s take yoga for example, the tradition from which the concept of chakras and kundalini came from.

In it, many traditions had zero focus on the chakras themselves, instead focusing on whole-body techniques that in the process, would work the chakras out. Kundalini was properly treated as simply another step on the path.


Visualize endlessly pretty colors and then imagine the fire coming up your spine.

Trite. Dumbed down. Useless.

New Age is the next step of dumbing down.

And here’s the thing…

You have to ask yourself - why are these topics so popular?

Because people can sense that there is some truth to them. But the truth that is being pushed right now, is useless and will lead you astray.

The truth is, you want both.

Let’s play with extremes a bit, shall we? We’ll take both, play with them, then take them to a much more usable approach.

On one end, you have the follower of the law of attraction, assumption, living in the end, visualizing pretty colors, keeping high vibrations, forcing positivity and so on.

Result? No real action, you’re just doing hours upon hours of assuming and trying to attract things. The subconscious sees that impulse being created, but then goes “oh, false alarm” because it sees that you don’t actually want it, you’re just playing around in your imagination.

On the other end, you have the take action to the extreme. Nothing exists other than action.

Result? You’re getting things done, sure, but inevitably you end up thinking - is there a better way? You’re putting in so much work, but depending on your inner-makeup and subconscious structures, you might not actually be getting as much done as you want.

We all know those people who seem to be hustling 24/7 but are still stuck in the same life they’ve lead the past 20 years.

Now why is this happening?

Because you need both.

The synthesis of heaven and earth, of spiritual and physical, the yin and yang, inaction and action. Each of these can be modulated, tuned and improved upon.

New Age and LOA is simply the very first, initial contact that one usually has with spirituality. Sadly, in these modern times, the roots of many cultures have been treated as weeds and completely rooted out, so New Age is what 99% are met with.

Gone are the days of your ancestors introducing you to the spirituality of your family, tribe and culture. Of teaching you carefully and with wisdom as you grow older.

Now, spirituality consists of going to the Internet, reading what Bob wrote on Reddit how LOA and LOA2 changed his life because he manifested a red ball even though he’s still 500k in debt (make sure to check out his blog though!), and then proceeding to visualize endlessly and fantasize of pretty lights.

Again, they both can be modulated, tuned and improved upon.

That is one of the core essences of the problem - many get stuck on the very first step on the ladder.

They get stuck in dream land and never seek more, thinking that visualizing, the different laws, living in the end and so on is going to get them where they desire to be, and there is nothing better.


There is always a step deeper, a step further.

There is always the possibility of advancing human potential.

A wise and aware individual might posit:

“But Fire, why do talk about taking action so much then?”

And the answer is simple.

Because most people that come here need that, and subliminals already cover the first part.

They aren’t an exact overlap because they hit something in the middle, the subconscious mind - the subconscious structures that are the connections between the yin and yang. But by doing so, they cover the first part’s function, and so most don’t really need to do anything on that front when utilizing our subliminals.

But you must still take action. And that is what most people online miss - this is what they need to do. On a quick side note, this is also one reason why we make our subliminals the way we do.

We make them in a way that is always, ever-growing and changing with you. Because as an individual, you WILL outgrow the vast majority of modalities, traditions and methods you find. We are very keenly aware of this fact - and so, our subliminals are tools that take this into account and can be used regardless if you’re an absolute newbie or a multi-millionaire, levitating guru with two models on each bicep.

So, again, taking the two representative sides of @noaha and @Luther24, I see what both are talking about and want to expand on both their arguments.

The problem with the spiritual side of it is that many get stuck in their ways.

The problem with the action side is not seeing the subtler layers of reality.

For example, this.

While my personal belief is not very positive of LOA because of the modern usage of it, I do believe one should be aware of it and then, dive deeper into understanding the ever-more subtle parts.

You start with the most trite “knowledge” and you go deeper. Eventually you start understanding and using the more subtler and subtler parts.

With subliminals, you have a way of directly tapping into your subconscious mind regardless of your level of development. The trick is to not get stuck in the surface level, just like with New Age.

Once you’re getting results and see a bit further beyond, that is when advice that was given by @AlexanderGraves comes into play.

As one improves and becomes better, one naturally develops a sense of being better, of an “ego”.

And here’s the thing…

I’m not going to say “Hey, @Luther24, you’re being too arrogant, calm down!”.

We all have to be aware of our baser instinct of putting arrogance down - if you look at the surface level reaction you get to anyone who claims they are in any way superior, you’ll see what I mean.


Because one should be arrogant.

But do so smartly.

Just like it is with action and in-action (hint), you balance arrogance with humbleness.

You use the arrogance and cultivate it into confidence and self-assuredness, which naturally raises your status and makes you a force to be reckoned with socially. You use arrogance for the external benefits.

You use the humbleness and cultivate it into humility and self-knowing, which helps you see your faults, weaknesses and gaps in wisdom/knowledge - which we all have. You use humbleness for yourself - the inner benefits.

I’d say this is the most important part of @AlexanderGraves’s message:

Ultimately, everyone has their own journey, and we all must allow every individual to walk their own path - and to wake them up when they stop or go astray, but only if you feel a desire to do so.

It is something that I intimately understand, @Luther24.

Trust me, sometimes I wish I could reach through the screen and slap some sense into people, especially when I see them doing the mistakes I might’ve done in the past, and give direct advice that I’ve seen work for many others before.

When they ignore that advice? Oh, especially then.

Just take this as one example:

So, to sum it all up…

Does @Luther24 have a point?

Definitely. My personal advice to you is what I said above. There’s many levels of development beyond. Don’t take it as me trying to “humble you”. Use the confidence and assuredness to become a force to be reckoned with, but a force that cares - just like you put it. It is inevitable that we get annoyed or irked by those who ignore good advice, but that is the price we pay for something grander.

Does @noaha have a point?

I’d say, yes, although it should be expanded upon more and delved deeper into. There’s no need for anyone to go “you guys are brutes who have no knowledge of LOA!”. There’s so, so much knowledge beyond LOA and modern methods.

One should always be searching for more. If one method proves to be better - use it. It’s not just about whether it works, it’s about how well it works. Again, that is why our subliminals are made the way they are - forever evolving alongside you.

My personal belief, from reading what Noaha wrote, was that he was specifically against singular focus on taking action to the point of exclusion of everything else - and this, yes, is not the best approach for someone who is not utilizing subliminals like ours.

Our subliminals do allow you to be singular in action taking as they cover the subtler part of the equation. However, anyone who desires to delve deeper into the mysteries of the inner self, the subconscious mind and reality, should eventually become more aware of their inner workings. In a real, constructive way, without getting stuck in the modern re-interpretation of older methods.

Another side note that I was reminded of by @Fractal_Explorer that I wanted to mention.

For those new to subliminals and with many issues, they might have quite a bit of trouble with the taking action part. For them it might be hard to get out of bed. For them, getting out of bed on time might as well be considered an incredible result. Why? Because the subliminal helped move and transform absolute mountains of subconscious structures to achieve that result.

It might seem small to us, but the fact is, there was incredible amounts of change happening on the inside. The important part is to not handwave away this result, which is often a problem with individuals with such issues, as well as to continue taking ever-increasing action. Be proud but never fully satisfied, otherwise you end up stuck back where you were… which is why I continue to repeat myself with “take action!”.

Finally, I’ll leave you with my personal belief.

Be someone who outworks, outsmarts, out-maneuvers and out-betters any single motherfucker out there.

While diving ever-deeper into the subtler realities of your inner-being and utilizing the power of your subconscious mind. Researching and availing oneself of ancient knowledge and techniques, even if it might be hard to find or coded. Opening your mind to the boundless wisdom of many different cultures and methods, using it to cultivate yourself further and further. Developing your inner senses and sensitivity so that you never again have to rely on someone telling you what you feel or think.


A force of nature.


Really, @aaa?

An interesting debate between two smart individuals, as well as thought-out counsel from @AlexanderGraves, and this is your response to it all?

Rather, I invite you to join the discussion and shake things up. What are your thoughts?


Again and again I saw how people who naturally take action towards life, whether that means something as simple as daily going to school of work having their entire lives transformed and become Master Creators, changing circumstances in such Magical ways by simply running one of the programs here.

Truly, the programs is like handing putting the :key:, the POWER, in YOUR HANDS.

Just let go and let the alchemy unfold, take action, I have seen how the scripts will find ways and paths to manifest and express themselves.

But within a 4 walled room not much can happen.

Their is not much life and energy moving and circulating, not enough variables. Perhaps a pizza men will deliver you pizza and it will turn into a one night stand?

But imagine the potentials and possibilities if you live in a city.

So much consciousness co-creating. And you, with your Mind, subconsciously bending the reality to your desires with all the potentialities and variables involved.

You can very easily step into a new life.

It’s a sad fact, but it’s the truth that most humans are not even aware and consciousness of the subtle energies around them. They will look at your physical emanation trying to understand what it is that gets them so madly interested, pulled in and attracted to you. Why it is that you stand out from all the others?

But see, this is just your advantage. Now you are moving the strings in the puppet show and you are taking control over the life within and around you.

All it takes is a little effort, as little as purchasing a coffee at Starbucks could manifest a new phone number.

This is my part in this very interesting and helpful discussions which may entice newcomers and let them understand, that they too, are capable of Greatness.

That action must not necessarily mean big massive projects.

That you can begin where comfortable.

And to take bigger steps, bigger action, as you comfort zone expands and your momentum unfolds.

How long will it take before you no longer recognise yourself?

Without Action… it is impossible to move around the energy that you have stirred up within you.

And to interact with the energies around you, within this friction, the interaction and exchange of the energies around and within you is where the Alchemy takes place and where the subliminal programs can truly express and breathe, without much conscious effort, a new life for you in reality.

The POWER is in YOUR hands.


:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: 🫡 salute to fire’s words of wisdom, it was amazing and very very very inspiring

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Don’t let a few people dissuade your entire opinion of the forums. Judging by the plethora of likes you get on every one of your comments, the vast majority of people (even ones you disagree with) either agree with you, like your content, appreciate your insight and your posts, and/or all of the above.

Just something to consider.


All y’all reconning. :wink:

Relax, take in the wisdom of everyone and choose your path.


It’s not all that serious fellas

Lol… you guys sure make it tough to leave the forum, when I’m getting all these e-mail notifications. Now I’m obligated to respond because you invested time/energy into your replies and I can’t leave you hanging.

@Fire I completely agree with everything you’re saying, well said and brilliant post as usual.

@Malkuth well said, I completely agree with what you’re saying. I don’t know how quick you whipped that up but that’s a very deep, epic and stellarly written piece of advice you gave there lol.
I assure you that none of it went over my head.


not harsh enough lol. I agree with everything you’re saying… I see you coming in hot with that LBFH/True Sell wisdom :laughing:

I’m deeply integrating all of the advice and everything guys… don’t think for a second that I’m not.

You guys don’t have to be worried about offending me and all that crap… I don’t operate in that realm. When I hear people tell me about my potential flaws/weaknesses, I cannot convey to you how genuinely elated I am… regardless of the manner in which it’s been done. I know how to put my ego aside from information that I receive. That ability is why I progress fast with the subliminals and am able to run through the introspective type of recon. I treat it like a game, a game of growth. That’s actually an extension of how I perceive the purpose of life - to experience, grow and learn. I’m like that creature that just keeps mindlessly eating everything in sight in order to grow lol. I also understand the co-creative, contractual and reflective nature of reality and between people. I know that people are giving me feedback in various forms in order to learn about myself and it’s that exact understanding that has allowed me to grow as much as I have.

The men who get offended and feel attacked on internet forums, in debates or in back in forths in general, are men who have low testosterone, have no frame and are emotionally traumatized closet narcs with fragile egos, likely avoiding eye contact with their shadow selves.

Of course in order to not trigger people who say “you don’t know that!” I’m going to state it as my own personal opinion lol.

The debate with Noala never really got “heated” in my eyes. There was a dissonance there and the discussion got personal but it was never an attack… it was for the sake of the debate.

When someone starts talking about “snake oil” (taking action being irrelevant)… then that’s trouble and one has to pull out the microscope. There’s no tangibility in exchanging verbal stances on metaphysical concepts which cannot be verified and what I did was bring forth the closest thing to tangibility.

Imagine a group of 100 successful people constantly stressing the importance of taking action and they all have massive results to back it up. Some guy stumbles out from the bushes and claims “nope, taking action is irrelevant”.

Out of those 100 successful people, about 80 of them are just going to laugh at him and think he’s crazy… because they already KNOW that taking action works and is vitally important, as it has been thoroughly and irrefutably been proven without a doubt amongst ALL of them to a high degree - it’s the standard.

The other 20 are a bit more open-minded and are going to give him a chance, “alright, I’ll bite… you know maybe he’s onto something” but first they’re going to do a background check in order to find motivation for discussion… after all the burden of proof is on him.

I was 1 of those 20 and when I analyzed him, there was nothing to talk about. His stance immediately lost all credibility when he had nothing to show for it. Nothing to back it up. No results to share, no journal… didn’t even want to share his stack. Wasn’t even able to share the current actions that he was taking. I’d bet a thousand bucks that everything I broke down about him was correct too, lol but anyways that’s besides the point.

I didn’t attack him, I actually had the decency to try and help wake him up and encourage him to start doing what all of the 100 successful people were already doing like badasses (taking action) because I felt genuine concern and care. I’m not as invested as I appear to be when giving people advice like that… because I know that they either understand it when I say it at that moment, or figure it out for themselves when ZP begins kicking ass.

The whole debate is a matter of:
People who are out in the open that you can analyze and see the results for yourself… versus a shady snakeoil salesman with an opposing argument and absolutely nothing to back it up with.

That’s my perspective on the situation. I didn’t intend for it to be a personal attack, get it heated, or anything of the sort lol. It’s just that if you’re going to start making claims that are contradictory to what is already proven in terms of success… your files going to get checked - plain and simple. It’s just common sense.

I also have a message for the community here, if anyone is reading.
Y’all don’t have to like me, my “style” or my posts, but heed these words and take them seriously:

I suspect that Subliminal Club is now entering its next stage.

Anything that is even remotely remniscent of blaming subliminals, tech or the company is just going to stop from here on out and not be tolerated in the slightest.

Saint and Fire work WAY too hard for all of that nonsense. I can only imagine what these guys deal with in the support tickets. Fire is laying out some hardcore facts about action-taking but it shouldn’t even be needed honestly.

Like @Lion brilliantly broke down:

  1. Run subliminal
  2. Take action
  3. Journal

That’s all that’s needed. What constitutes as “action” is ALREADY in the product descriptions.

We as a community should be constantly advocating for the importance of taking action, having a stable stack and following listening recommendations.

No… it’s not a choice, it’s a RESPONSIBILITY.

We’re already settled in here and have to make sure that the environment is suitable for those who come after us, in a way that’s better than it was when WE first entered.

You guys want to show gratitude? I don’t know about y’all but a simple “thank you for these products” with heart emojis isn’t enough for me. These subliminals are arguably priceless in the value they offer and the 2 gentleman that created them should be out enjoying their time because they absolutely deserve it, rather than having to blatantly handhold people that can’t follow simple instructions.

That’s the true gratitude that’s worth sharing - doing your duty to make it easier for Saint and Fire.

New person comes in running X sub, you must drill in the importance of action-taking into their skulls to ensure them for success. Also be an example yourself and take action… get results so they can follow suit.

I suspect that ZP is kicking off the next phases of our developments - it’s been out long enough. The healing and shifts are stronger than they’ve ever been and people are starting to see clarity, growing like never before. Subliminals like LBFH are changing the game and we’re in a different atmosphere. The forum has grown lol.

If you extract anything out of this post then extract all of that last little bit…

Anyways, cheers to everyone, it’s all love at the end of the day. Don’t be taking stuff so seriously. Let’s continue being badasses, getting awesome results, growing and moving towards our desired realities.

I’m turning e-mail notifications off, so don’t think I’m leaving you hanging if I don’t reply.

I’m still taking a break from the forum. I’ll come back with the pictures of my physical shifting results - I still owe that. lol

Take care
