Legacies of The Chosen Angel

Good question—in essence, while I liked Chosen a lot, it did not have the objectives that I’m aiming it.

It helped me a lot to feed into the lives of others, to see the best in them, to uplift them, to lead them.

But I feel like I have to focus on my own life first :slight_smile:

I realise this is just reconciliation. I think it can be fun and enjoyable.

What I’m currently disliking and have been disliking is the dissociation, lack of libido, etc

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There are people who seduce with their minds, there are people who seduce with sexuality, there are people who seduce with their hearts.
For the longest of times I did the first one, with relatively good results, but I felt unfulfilled.

I thought that I had to become the kind of guy that seduces with his sexuality, for many years I looked up to that, wanting to become like that… when I could finally do it it felt good for a while, but at the end of the day I felt unfulfilled.

It was Heartsong what helped me integrate something I knew intelectually… My nature is to seduce from the Heart, from Love.
Also I integrated the difference between pasive and active seduction… Im not the kind of guy that chases woman, nor do I care to become one. Im the kind of man that attracts woman and I like it that way…

Anyway I dont know if my experience is of any use to you, but by reading you I get the feeling that this recommendation is right on the money:


Hey @Joa23, thank you for sharing.

This resonates with me, I also believe I attract through the heart.

Seduction still has to do with sexuality attraction is different from attracting through love.

If you want to get a woman aroused you also need the sexual component.

Chosen did not particularly attract me a lot of woman.

I’m just going to stick with this washout and hope that I will have some breakthrough soon, it seems to be coming in ups and downs as well.

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Yes that is true, maybe I should have been more explicit.
Im not proposing this in an exclusive way, meaning you do one or the other. I mean it in a way that all areas are well developed, but one is the main driving force.
I needed to become sexually balanced, before I could move to the heart.

Sound like a good idea!!

For me, I was mostly experiencing life from the third eye.

I moved downwards and cleansed each chakra, now I’m at the Sacral one and I believe it’s a fun chakra to live from and be dominant in but it will not get you far in life beyond pleasure and enjoying it.

For most people this is enough in their life, you know?

Living from the Heart is good for in the middle, as far as consciousness is concerned.

I like that approach!

I also had a Custom with Stark and Chosen by the way.

It started working exceptionally after 3 weeks or so but I discontinued. I also experienced constant overexposure.

Not sure why this keeps happening :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I think I will probably adapt this strategy to romantic titles.

3 mins / week for several cycles.

I’m gonna do a big washout — I feel like each as the days pass I get more and more tired, my dreams get crazier and my results diminish. It’s like I’m in full processing mode.

All I could think about last 3 days were the goals of Primal Seduction.

And frankly, I not even able to execute the script.

The momentum was far too high for me, too quickly.

Knowing friends from enemies is important, because those who strike us fiercely, knowingly and intentionally deserve a different reaction from those who do it ignorantly and unknowingly.

The latter may be friends, and family who are too uneducated and unconscious to see their destructive behaviour— here compassion, patience and love is the best approach and method towards neutralisation.

Enemies, who knowingly, and intentionally do evil should be treated as such.

Herein lies the appropriate usage between severity and mercy.

What shall it be? Love over Will, or Will over Love — this is the epitome of duality, the everlasting battle between service to self (masculinity) or service to others (femininity) — well, the wise Sage knows the truth, walking either path will lead to ultimate destruction.

It is within unity, and balance where the divinity of our being is found—and with it, the gift of peace and achieved above and beyond our lowly human capabilities.

In Truth, the ancient alchemists sought after alchemising their inner temple to bring equilibrium between the 4 elemental forces and in doing so allow the being to rise into mastership.

Too much Fire leads to anger, too much air will cause anxiety, not enough air suffocation, too much water oversensitivity and drowning in emotions, etc

Learn balance.

Really should of taken more of my own advice.

Interesting how I was already speaking of Zero Point back in the Q-days.

I’m really starting to enjoy reading my old journals and I wish I would of documented even more.

I feel that I’m under some delusion that I should be in bliss all the time, and the things should always go as I see it. That I’m comparing my results after living a most gracious life running Stark Q for several months.

I had some rough times, a profound Spiritual awakening, I gained so much in awareness and consciousness. In a way, it stopped benefitting me because I felt like I could no longer live from the bounds of society (knowing what I know). I should also decrease exposure time and take things much much much slower.

My old journals now showcase that I’m overexposing.

I find it hard to grasp Zero Point — in just a few minutes of listening you can be in dreading reconciliation and it’s a lot of exposure.

I think I will reduce exposure time.

Been on a 6-day washout and I’m still processing harshly. Certain pressures in parts of the brain and a draining effect on my energy.

Last time I had to washout for two weeks before I saw a “blooming” effect.

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This is still one of the most OG posts from @Fire, containing tremendous insight and value.

I’m not sure how much of it still holds true nowadays with Zero Point.

Delving into the past is truly helping me to see the development and growth of the programs here at Subliminal Club.

It took me absolutely ages to scroll back down to my first ever post on this forum @Vesper, or does anyone else know some method whereby I can speed this process up, or have some kind of “hack” to scroll back to the first posts of my account?

I wish to look back at the past, observe where I came from, and some of the posts, and behaviors, and see what needs improvement.

@DarkPhilosopher I will let the one and only genius take care of this:)

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Posted these in the wrong journal

I miss Chosen a little bit, and while the Custom had others perceive me as an Angel of Light in their lives I was not able to fully capacitate on this beingness.

My financial life was limiting my freedom.

Feels like I need to hone down more on the fundamentals.

Ascension, Primal Seduction, etc

However, the Chosen line is destined for me — I’m looking forward to the official release of Chosen From Within.

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Amen brother :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I agree with Chosen, it seem to fit you perfectly. Have you thought about going all in on the triology of Chosen, I believe RV was or is still doing that if I don’t remember wrong?

Hey @Tobyone, I feel mainly drawn towards Chosen.

The Way of Nature would be an interesting one, I’ve always seen myself moving to Colorado Springs, or some or place with lots of nature, I see myself founding some kind of healing center, and building a community. Near waterfalls, bathing in the water of lakes.

A community with a citadel, and local gardens with naturally fresh vegetables and fruits—using the masonic fundamentals to build in harmony with nature, within nature.

But that is far out, I believe the world has to undergo some major transformations. Perhaps in 2033.

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The age of Aquarius is upon us… things are destined to change :innocent:

Maybe you can become a modern day Dr. Sebi but with added powers of energy healing? I believe in that kind of living as well, we need to fix our food and water, it is way too polluted and dead from nutrients today.

My parents live in Portugal on the coutryside and their fruit is local… and man it tastes good! Here in Sweden I cannot buy fruits almost, it tastes nothing and its so sprayed down so much that it lasts in the fridge for a long time :frowning_face:

I relate deeply to Greek architecture and the mystery schools in Samos.

The process of illumination to become enlightened is to bring forth our Soul essence, and with it, our past lives, the gifts and talents of those past lives, and the full being that we are — not merely from this inCARNATE-ion.

A being that is the real us, magnificent and pure and wise in most cases. There are a lot of Souls on Earth, intelligent and ancient Souls which are “asleep” mildly veiled but when awoke they may become the guiding Lights for the New Renaissance that is to come…

Yes, also the packaged toxins, processed foods, polluted air, etc

We are so immensely capable to heal this planet, but it begins within empowering ourselves, and freeing our minds from that tiny veil from which our to being may rise and come forth.

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