Legacies of The Chosen Angel

It feels like Blue Skies has been the main focus so far in Chosen Angel.

Been looking back at pictures of me when I was younger, of me at the beginning of the forum to see how I have transformed, to grow and learn from the morals and ethics I held and how I began to use more reason and logic—also, feeling this nostalgia, as if I’m reconnecting with myself on a deep level, discovering who I am, what I stand for, what I care for, what drives me, what’s important to me, what motivates me.

I believe all of this to be from Blue Skies.

However, Chosen is not showing as much, neither are most of the other modules, especially those regarding Love. I’m experiencing at times a deep subconscious sadness, the cause of which I’m unsure of, it’s been a wild ride this Custom.

I have to admit the Stark with Chosen one was easier and it had I Am, and it was much denser too.

Not sure what’s causing Blue Skies to be the main focus right now.

I’m curious to see what’ll happen over an extended period of time. Right now, I’m taking a lot of rest days, feeling exhausted at times, dreams are ridiculous, been feeling more devoted to certain philosophies from the Avatar module.

A lot of rest days are needed.

Definitely not feeling that positivity from Chosen, it feels like I’m distancing and healing from a lot of things which no longer served me — how much of that is still from Total Breakdown, or the last Custom I’m not sure of, I do see that Zero Point has a permanent lasting effect on me.

Sadness is related to absence of love and connection.

I suspect it is the healing which is causing these feelings. However, I did not have such an effect on the previous Custom which had all the same love modules and I felt mostly blissful on.

In a way, I now regret not having I Am in here because it would of helped me become more congruent, and find more of who I Am, which, I believe would of been a great companion alongside Blue Skies.

That being said, I really do not like how powerful Zero Point is — I have barely listened 4 times in 3 weeks and never the full loop… and I feel exhausted, drained and even just overexposed.

Believe it or not, I’d rather listen more and longer if that means I’m more in control of how hard it hits, how deep and profound the effect is, etc

I detest this about the new technology.

I realise now that since beginning a Spiritual journey in 2017, encountering Subliminal Club around 2019 — after a successful run of Stark, I have been mostly using Alchemy, and the Art of Transmutation to change my Ego so I could better understand those who harmed me in the past but did not understand their behaviour — this search was successful but in the mean time I had lost who I was and my Ego, identity in this world.

I feel this is one of the main reasons Blue Skies is now taking precedence over the other modules so I can discover who I am once more and move forward from there.

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Also, I notice in the first two weeks of introducing a program into my stack it somehow overwhelms my Soulal body.

Normally, I get these influxes of life force that go through my spine and they nurture me and feed the Spiritual process that I’m going through… I’m glad these are finally back, I’m starting to feel more normal and the pressures in my brain are reducing a lot, still feeling a sort if massaging in certain parts of the brain, I have also noticed denseness in there and the general pressures in the forehead and crown…

Once these are gone then it should be much easier for me to start manifesting. All forms of negative effects in the higher chakra’s are related to mental overwhelm and this is not good for a lot of the bodily processes including sleep as the pineal gland regulates our sleep rhythms.

Anyway, I’m on a week of Primal Seduction now, within a month each on Primal Seduction, and by then a month and two weeks on The Chosen Angel I should probably have a solid foundation and have recovered from all the changes. From there, I’ll easily be able to use my Will to gradually and progressively expand in awareness and energy by focusing on generative habits.

Also, during rest days, while journaling I notice I’m using “…” a lot, to me these 3 dots are a symbol of the subconscious mind indicating that it is processing information. That it is wandering, puzzling, loading. I noticed this a lot when using subliminal programs when the mind was filled and processing it tends to symbolise it with 3 dots… :slight_smile:

By the way, I tend not to speak so much of results even though I promised to redirect my journals to be review and results oriented.

Since including Primal Seduction, 3 different woman have (without much effort) send me nudes.

Just to showcase the programs do work. I’m not sure about others but I do notice the effects on the behaviour I emit, the apparent change in mental perception and the focus that mentality takes, etc

The results for me depend on clean I’m energetically.

I’m not at all surprised by these results, they were meaningless to me, as with all others results that I have gotten over the years so I never report them.

Nudes? I’d rather tell some interesting sex stories.

Not sure if that has meaning to me either — we’ll see. I never been much interested in sexuality where love is not involved, however, I seem to get in touch more with girls that I connect with on a deeper level from the Chosen Custom. Wherever there is a loving connection, and I’m sexually attracted I will probably not hesitate to have some fun.

Primal Seduction so far has shown me that I must not hesitate to turn something sexual, I gained more romantic freedom, been more seductive, Primal also relaxes me bodily and mentally, I have a cool swagging vibe, woman’s eyes light-up when this Primal effect is active, etc

There is much more but I see no reason in documenting it unless someone is truly interested.

So far results have not been consistent though, like the Primal effects seemed to have sparked once or twice in a social setting—I’m sure a lot of it is still integrating and I also noticed I was undergoing some healing regarding my exes.

So yeah, it’s been just a week. I do think it will be fun programs to use in the long-term, some of it’s effects have benefits which, for me, go beyond seduction, sex and romance.

Been feeling more thankful, I’m glad that I can adventure on a path where I’m able to establish true growth.

Not just the artificial growth of the past where I was observing perceptual changes and doing experiments, which in the end have caused some painful karmic experiences.

Venturing towards Greatness.

Some of these programs can really have you question your reality, from one moment onto the other feel “lost” completely as you seek after the answers towards those questions, and within this interim period it might be accompanied by feelings which otherwise would not have been present. But it is important to understand that without these feelings you would not look beyond the obvious.

Escapism is so apparent in our society, because humans can just escape their realities and fall pray to illusions which temporarily benefit them but never make them truly FEEL ALIVE—this feeling alive comes from desire, a desire sweeping you like a river, keeping you in a constant flow of connection and passion to achieve said desire.

For me it was difficult to find a passion within a society, that I have studied, and studied completely knowing it’s been corrupted, how it has been corrupted, and by which forces it has been corrupted. Will I just close my eyes and enter the maze again? Or will inspire others to open their eyes in a way that helps society as a whole? By acting differently, living a different philosophy, truly focusing on being an examplar and living for what I believe in so people can find love, passion, excitement; health and happiness.

None is as blind as those who will not look.

Working towards a worthy dream and ideal is what makes living exciting. All of life has purpose, without purpose life is absolutely shallow and meaningless.

Humans have been given the illusion of purpose yet working towards the destruction of their own kind.

I’d become a lawyer, politician, renowned inventor spreading truth and light through it’s art.

But knowing what stands before us none of those will give me the opportunity for Greatness then what I’m truly about to embark upon.

It feels good to have set a destination and to aim towards it.

My life ended when I was 15, worked my whole life to become a Special Force and serve my country, the thrill to become someone who had brotherhood among his fellow forces and who fought for a greater governing goal was deeply embedded in my Soul. Otherwise, I would have become a spy or secret agent.

Both of which would have led to the ultimate discovery of corruption within intelligence agencies and the military. At last, I studied Cyber Security and realised way more before I could of even attempted to become either a Spy or Special Force.

The system is not meant for our generation.

It needs to fall. And great the Fall will be.,…

To have a vision, a dream, one your work towards each day with such passion, that dream suddenly crumbling into pieces when force which initially motivated it’s underlying desire no longer made sense had led me into a depression which caused an awakening within me — a search for deeper meaning, and the ultimate truth regarding life.

I’m looking forward to my travels tonight, finally piecing together the chaotic subconscious of mine is also restructuring my outside world.


I’m at 7 minutes of Chosen Angel now, I surpassed 5 minutes because it felt more enjoyable to listen compared to previous runs.

Somehow, I’m still reconciling on this Custom and I’m not sure what believes it is tackling.

Last time it was Blue Skies, this module has always either given me Dark Clouds, followed by moments of insight, clarity, and sunshine – Blue Skies.

I like the Avatar module a lot, and its effects have been most surprising, I feel more dedicated to meditating, practicing, and studying Spiritual philosophies, it’s also manifested sources of philosophical information I found interesting.

Eventide is another one I’ve been noticing a lot. It seems to be the “new” modules are the ones I have seen the most effects of, perhaps since those were targetted to integrate first as perceived new by the subconscious.

Honestly, I have not been listening much as I’m looking for cumulative and progressive growth instead of nearing overexposure territory.

I hope to see more from the love-related modules, and from the Chosen core.

With Ethereal Presence, there is this glance to my appearance, almost as if I’m made from silicon, it has other effects too but it’s been mostly mild. I do notice Entranced also, I’m not sure if I would have gone from this module–I think it’s good and has great effects in the case you are totally and utterly whole and complete within. You will look into other people’s Soul with your gaze and others in yours. My heart is warm and tender but at times I have faced some indescribable reconciliation with this Custom.

I think I would have swapped Ethereal Presence, Entranced, Untouchable, or Emotions Unfettered for Tyrant, Divine Will, and the Single Point.

With the other Custom I made, that included both Stark and Chosen I noticed Chosen was executed much differently.

I find it curious, how from Custom to Custom, it selects and executes different scripts (also depending upon circumstances). Right now, Chosen executes more of being deeply understanding of others, I feel them and understand them, with it comes to a lot of compassion towards whatever they are experiencing.

I’m starting to see the really amazing effects of Chosen Angel now. And it’s only the beginning.

Really appreciating the Avatar module. I’d love to combine it with Divine Will, and perhaps even Metamorphosis in the future. Avatar, even just the general modules can manifest in so many ways.

I feel I have just seen the tip of the ice berg with this Custom, and even when it fully manifests it can grow further and further, wider, go deeper and manifest in all kinds of directions by guiding it.

I now more deeply understand the meaning and usage of some of the modules I spend much time on in the past like Deus and Omnidimensional.

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I like how out of all the modules you omitted to describe the expression of Eventide lol It is super meta for Eventide working by hiding its effects from the public eye😂

It’s a powerful charm with a lot of useful benefits and uses.

Feels like I have only scratched the surface of that module. Same with all other modules in this Custom.

After this New Zero Point version, I feel a lot more of this Custom.

From Chosen of Venus, it feels like I’m filled with an endless abundance of compliments, just heart full, and with an internal desire to express my love for others.

Surely, Chosen also has a part to play in this.

Feeling immensely grateful too (Gratitude Embodiment), which I had not felt at all on this Custom even though I have been using it for almost a month now.


A lot of dreams again last night, I was having a lot of nightmares for the past weeks since beginning Primal Seduction.

This night, not nightmares of being chased or feelings that I’m “escaping” something. Instead I dreamed about animals—one of them was a big jaguar which I petted and perceived as my Spirit animal.

It seems I’m breaking through. I suspect I’m integrating a lot of the “Primal” scripting. Been feeling more manly, and having more self-respect.

I had an outburst of anger earlier, which instead I used constructively to become a catalyst for transformation.


I’m feeling so angry at the world, and everyone I’m currently having a perspective that all people are narcissistic and that I should build a new life for myself far away from these people…

While, in a way it feels empowering I do not want to become a person who cares only about himself.

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The angry feeling is good, it shows you what you need to change or learn.

I do not know what you mean about those narcissistic people but I had to learn for myself to put my desires and goals higher in priority. I was raised that putting my goals first is bad but after enough development I can not accomplish my goals if I let the outside decide upon my priorities or to put myself back. I hope you have not the same problem I was going through.

Yes, I wholeheartedly believe putting ourselves first is the way. Empty plates do not feed hungry people.

Who are we to help others if we are ourselves starving?

I do not have this problem, I have always put myself first but I want to find a way where I can remain kind, loving, and caring to others who abuse, manipulate or try to control me.

So remaining in power without degrading others.

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That is what I see as strong in character. You don’t have to put others down to show who is the leader, you do it more by inspiring others to follow you. Doesn’t mean you should not put people in their place if they attack you or your status.

What is your sub history and which subs do you own that could help with that?
I am thinking of PCC

When this happens, kindly, politely and even warmly tackling the situation is what true character means for me.

Also Primal is showing me that I’m not enjoying life and it’s pleasures to the fullest and this is bringing about an anger, besides the status change which is showing me that I can be so much more.

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Been feeling absolutely horrible and dreadful today — same reconciliation I always have on Primal Seduction.

It’s too much for me.

Nothing makes sense lol.

Also been having a lot of mental weight, and general disgust towards everything. I feel like Primal Seduction makes me worse than I really am… lol.

Been feeling another loop of Primal Seduction would resolve it.

This would probably be a mistake though, I’m in a fog so really don’t know. Not sure why Primal is so hard on me. Other times I have mild glimpses of it working, when I’m around woman and it’s starts working then it feels absolutely great.

I’ve been here many times before with Primal Seduction and each time it felt the same, and I always have a “deja-vu like” feeling from Primal or Primal Seduction.

Usually, after a big washout on PS it suddenly works and woman crave for me and want me and text me for sex and then I stop caring lol… this happened to me I think 3 times now in the past when I ran it and went through horrible emptiness, voidlike feelings and dreadful nothingness (libido fully gone too) after which I then took a washout a big washout and it then finally started manifested after some 2 weeks of holding on.

I’m not really down for this to be honest, not again lol.

It’s not worth it.

@SaintSovereign what do you think is going on here with me?

Very similar feelings compared to Khan.

I always feel like quitting subs when I run this…

Going through the Gym later to see if I can get rid of the reconciliation and get some positive feedback from the women there.

Been really putting off other males, especially older males like my uncle or father. Seems like avoid interacting.

It’s something I’m putting off like a pheromone.

I feel like the most desirable and overarching goal for me is to evolve into greater person, and to turn negativity into positivity. Being a beacon of love, joy, abundance, to become an example for others.

I’m not sure where Primal Seduction fits into this goal.

Perhaps I’m just having tremendous reconciliation.

Do I really, deep within, desire to seduce woman?

I do not.

I care more for love than seduction.

However, that should not mean I have to get such tremendous reconciliation on this title should I?

This washout is absolutely dreading lol!

It also feels like I’m processing so much, even after 4 days, or rather I’m feeling mental anguish and stress.


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Why not Chosen and/or Heartsong?


Good question—in essence, while I liked Chosen a lot, it did not have the objectives that I’m aiming it.

It helped me a lot to feed into the lives of others, to see the best in them, to uplift them, to lead them.

But I feel like I have to focus on my own life first :slight_smile:

I realise this is just reconciliation. I think it can be fun and enjoyable.

What I’m currently disliking and have been disliking is the dissociation, lack of libido, etc

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