Legendary Transformation of Hermit into Saint Germain

Hi @Azriel and @Lion, thank you dear friends I Love writing, communicating, and socializing with others it is one of my fortés.

Oh yes, @AlexanderGraves – it certainly does to a degree, however, I wrote this as a suggestion it is undoubtedly worthy of a singular Core in the Q-store, functioning similarly as Blue Skies to instill within the listener a new sense of Self-Love, Unconditional Love, and getting to know yourself on a much deeper level.

If it was not for Fear humanity would be in a totally different position right now. Fear is just a lack of Love, to be honest; they are one and the same thing.

The Electrical circuit of our body, nervous system, muscles, and everything associated with electric charges within our vessel operate far better on a high vibrational emotion such as Love, in fact, Love is the best emotion to hold in the body – it has so many benefits for healing that an entire Bible would not even be able to contain them.

@Sub.Zero, thank you for sharing buddy, I’ve looked into Limit Destroyer I dislike Ultima and rather have it in a Custom, might add it to my upcoming one if some way or another it becomes available in the Q-store.

That aside, I did three loops of my Custom over three days, feeling a little bit tired, but so far so good – reconciliation on Customs is absolutely non found for me, it barely ever happens, the subconscious accepts the scripting far better due to name-embedding.

I’ve been surprised by the effects as well, after just one loop every single module activated, the Cores usually take a little bit longer in a Custom though.

All the modules work and function as expected, I can already faithfully tell this Custom is exactly what I need over the long-term as I’ve personally demonstrated to myself with I enjoyed the company of a lovely woman earlier today.

More on that later; this Custom is unbelievable.

I’m still processing about five different programs in the background so, just have to find that balance point again which usually happens around the 21-day mark. I’ve mostly experimented with subliminal programs over the past years, for Spiritual inclinations for a certain period of time I was disinterested in material life, I felt urged to understand the world and reality around me and that’s what I did. The Programs of Subliminal Club gave me great control over my Elemental Energies and especially Lower Manifestations and that’s what I used it for, to practically understand the Kybalion, move around the planes of the Tree of Life, reach different states of Consciousness, and experience our Psyche in its different exaltations.

Usually, this process takes many years, often even lifetimes but I believe I made a little bit of a shortcut with the technology here provided. That is not to say it is even close to equal to a direct Spiritual practice of moving through the planes, which I am embarking upon now. More so that I have an overall grasp of what it is all about through the repetitive experience of different states.


Awesome to hear it’s working so well for you @Hermit !

Are you just running Di Caprio Qv2 at the moment or are there other subs in your stack?

I’m glad you’re back!

As for the fear module, you could put that in the suggestions for modules thread. Or you could submit a support ticket.

How do you notice that you need fewer amount of loops?
I have Deus in my new custom (for 2 weeks now).

Username Hermit is suspended, I don’t think he’ll be able to help you.


Ok. Thanks!

I had to delve back a little bit into the past and after reading some posts of mine, I began to become aware that Primal and Sex Mastery were always giving me tons of reconciliation.

Well, I’m listening Primal Seduction right now and it’s the same kind of recon I’m experiencing.

I also had this on Khan.

I’m under the impression it is not the Primal, nor Sex Mastery program but all scripting related to romance, sexuality, and seduction.

My Heart is open for love, and cleansed from trauma.

It feels the blockages are concerning sexuality.

I’m not sure what to do—Primal Seduction gives me a lot of reconciliation, often I feel apathic, I feel there are a lot of blockages and that a big portion of the script is not being executed for me.

It makes life feel like a void, absent from all joy, love, goodness.

I’d love to hear some advise.

In the end, however, hard when those blockages are overcome with new experiences they will be gone for good.

I just feel when this reconciliation hits that life is not flowing, nor moving forward for me, I just don’t feel a desire for anything. Deep within their is a feeling and urge for sex, I want it but I feel no libido whatsoever.

It’s like the subconscious cannot believe or even accept this script. I think this is where all the fear came from.

Not sure how to move forward, advise is appreciated :slight_smile:

I literally have no blockages towards personal development, or money.

Ascension is smooth for me, Stark was smooth for me.

I want to get rid of these blockages and execute the Primal Seduction script — should it help to stack it with Limit Destroyer? It’s not a trauma—it feels more like a general disbelieve, or and a subconscious lack of not being good enough for woman (sexually).

I do want to overcome this for once and for all I think it’s been limiting me in a lot of ways. I think I need to reignite my sexual life so I have that zest for life back.

Advice is greatly appreciated. Perhaps Limit Destroyer is the way, or Rebirth—the latter I tried in the past and not sure if it will tackle this issue.

I think I need to engage with a woman let the scripts flow so those experiences can then be stored as memory and change the believes.

The moment I interact with a woman and the interaction goes in a sexual direction all this reconciliation just starts fading away.

I believe if I can make some new experiences it’ll be gone forever.


Had a few realisations—mostly concerning life, what is means to me, purpose, what motivates me.

I feel like happiness, joy, excitement, all the good feelings are just temporary — I could chose to experience some of them right now and use it as a source of escapism. But in the end, I strive after the ultimate, which is PEACE, because peace is a stasis.

Primal is absolutely carefree — I can do things which upset others, and this causes a little bit of problems for me. I feel a lot of freedom, to do as I please. It feels normal.

I’m glad that I run Primal Seduction, and not just the raw version.

I’m on the second rest day, and I notice it is reconciling with a deeper self-reflection; I’m looking what I have to do to become a person who can seduce, and evoke primal urges and desires in other woman. I also emanate this vibe where others call me “playboy”—somehow subconsciously. It’s not something I necessarily like or strive for over a long-term but I do have to tackle some of the long standing unhealthy sexual disbelieves.

I also don’t give a fuck…


That’s Primal.

I do not necessarily think Primal is something I envision for myself, or what I strive towards — I would love to grow towards an inspiring, virtues, angelic and ethereal person that shows a better way. Humanity is suffering, most people clueless, their is a lot of unnecessary darkness in the world and the world needs people who set a better example and show how to live according to moral, naturally, by Soul growth and development (love).


That would essentially be Chosen. However, on Chosen I get stuck because I have no resources and I’m not fully independent.

I’ve been tracing back my steps. I’m a person who never gives up because my desire to achieve and make a difference is real. So I’m just overhauling past mistakes and correcting them.

Some of the most successful people on earth failed miserably but in the end, after persistence did achieve greatly, and equally in height and greatness as their failures (lessons).

Primal almost feels a little bit like Ascension in a way. It’s different but it’s still a personal development program. It shows me that I can be “free”, that I can do as I please and live as I please.

To live the life I always wanted to live, without mental hang-ups.

Just some thoughts. Their is a lot more… I feel like Primal Seduction manifests a little bit here and there but other times it just gets blocked, I’m going to have to take it slow with this program.

When I ran Primal Seduction the new version it also opened up some scripting from Khan that I was stonewalling on.

Yeah just some thoughts :thought_balloon:

I hate how it causes so much reconciliation where I’m unable to even function properly or see past it.

I like to be in my elated states because that’s where my real being shines through.

What has to be done, has to be done. It’s been 3 weeks on Primal Seduction almost but I have not listened to full loops. I think if you run this having a girlfriend it kinda builds instant report, and you have that pathway to execute Sex Mastery, and all other sexual scripts.

I’m hoping this new version will temporary put those on hold, so I can gradually gain more and more experience.

I also get party ANIMAL vibes. This is probably why I had that dream with that panther. I spoke to this panther, and he guided me. We did not communicate verbally but he showed me how to attack his pray, his movements where slow, but decisive and without doubt, once a target was chosen he could easily attack it. And he showed me how to do it with GRACE.


Take care,
Amor :slight_smile:

Dude … the guy is banned lol, for good reason.

Also long post :flushed:

What are you talking about LOL

What makes you post in Hermits old journal?

Amor is Hermit

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My journal has been mostly long posts I’ve been on “searching” for a little while, I tend to just write down a few thoughts here as I find my way.

I could probably lived a very happy life but I sought after deeper meaning and truth, this was initiated by constantly questioning what kind of strange reality we are sharing on this planet.

I now been trying to put the pieces back together so to say.

It’s been a sacrifice on my part.

I think I had a lot of positive karma from my past life which set me on this course of higher understanding and a tendency to lean towards a Spiritual life and greater purpose, to understand what it all means and to know how to evolve out of this world.

Anyway, I’m assured this (sexual karma) also came from my past life so I’m now figuring out how I can resolve it so I can grow from a clean plate.

Been working my way down grounding back on Earth.

My Spiritual senses are opened and awake, Heart and throat and clean and open, now it’s just solar plexus, sacral chakra and my root chakra.

Finding most problems in the sacral one.

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I think what I’m going to do now is just let go a little bit.

Take all that Spiritual information in, to just let it go for awhile. Primal Seduction is giving me the urge to buy a car, to become a party animal, and have a life filled with sex drugs and rock n’ roll.

I’m just going to have a ridiculous summer, date some woman, make dozens of friends and show them how to live a crazy life with lots of joy and amusement.

Just letting go for awhile 3)


I relate :slight_smile: I have a natural spiritual bent from my earliest memories. Obsessed with enlightenment (from Eastern perspective). But the root stuff has prevailed and must be met if it’s ever to be shed.

we buy balloons we let them go

Bruh Primal Seduction turned me into an animal

I’m like a boy all over again all I can see is my pray

You know life is so interesting, as a person who has travelled so many different perspectives, tried so many “costumes”, put himself in the shoes of so many people by changing identities like underwear so I could understand the forces of creation I can truly say that our consciousness is something incredibly special.

Humans is capable of such immense diversity, and we are all living such extraordinarily different experiences.

I literally almost lost myself in my experimentations. But time was of the essence and the time was simply running out.

Now, I’m just wondering who am I gonna be in this world, what do I like to do, what kind of experiences do I like to have?

Life is just a show, it’s a theater, your Ego is the character in the movie. Why should you wanna be a villain, or a background person when you can be a Hero, or play some other interesting character in the play of life.

Some will see this, and it will inspire the gnosis within them to bear insight. Others will not, this is the gift and blessing of the Soul, the internal dimensions which are unendingly surprising.


Nurture your Soul, it’s all you have, all else will just become worthless when the “time” has ran out.

Make the best of your life, and prize it highly, with that I meant your experience and FEELING of it. There is nothing more true and real than your FEELINGS.

My best wishes to everyone.

The Soul has so many forms and you can shape it and you can feel it, it’s a magnificent and beautiful thing and a gift, which above all else is one that must be felt incredibly gratitude for.

A gift so special that it is uniquely yours?

Our individualism, the being which is behind the masks, the identities of Ego, the pure essence that you are—this is YOU.

However, you need a Ego to function in the system (or matrix for the movie enthusiasts), make sure to craft a beautiful one :wink:, and never forget it is all an illusion, what’s truly real is behind the curtains of the show.

What is your stack right now?

My subconscious was and still is a big mess, I shamanic journeying or whatever you want to call it to find my way back

I get all kinds of extremely weird matrix glitches and in a few hours at times circumstances and reality can just completely bend.

People have no idea, and words are too limiting to even explain such phenomena but it is kinda like this —

I would get extreme headaches, like whole nerves in the brain and dying and new ones being rebuild, my memories reshape, if you make huge jumps (in timeline) it will have a real draining effect on you mentally. Small incremental steps are often far better and it’s keeps you grounded into a reality.

I have the weirdest of deja-vu’s and precognitive experiences where I basically go into deja-vu which can last for hours and I know every little things that’s about to happen…

Ringing in the ears.

I’m not saying this is from the subs though just a disclaimer to make sure people do not start misinterpreting this information.

Also I have seen from experiences that their is a tight click of people in your life which you have a greater, more eternal connection with, almost like people you walk with in many lifetimes and co-create with.

When one person rises in experience what seems to happen is that someone else (from that same dynamic of people) will start to degrade.

Even on a large scale there will always be a bunch of people who are lifeless, and those who are winning and high lives, this is to keep the balance. At least in the lower dimensions where polarity of experience is present.

If you see the whole creation like a battery, then the eternal side is feminine and it is also pure light, absent from darkness. While we are at the dark side converging with the light from above.

Anyway, words cannot depict this you need to see it with your minds eye, on the inside otherwise it won’t make sense. Because the brain things in polarities and Spiritual things are seen from unison.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes I have little time @Deadpool I’m running the new version of Ascension and I’m also running Primal Seduction which I’m probably going to ditch after I had fun with it.


I have also noticed this lately, just as if some people appear out of nowhere and I’m sure we have been friends for an eternity. Then there are the swing people who appear for a while to prove a point that I need to get or to just steer me in the right direction when I’m lost.

When I finally make the right choice they disappear just as quickly as they came in to my life. I can be a boss at work who suddenly quits or a bartender at my favorite bar.

You talked about integrity before, and for me all life I have not been able ever to go through with things I know deep down are not ethical for me deep down. The things are just there to tempt me in a dualistic way so that I can see both sides of it. For the longest time in my life I have turned down relationships and love because of this feeling of not wanting to throw all my baggage and dark sides at people. This I understand now is my deep devotion to self-improvement stems from…

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