Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

Slapping the papers on my desk, lightly touching my head, smacking my head with things like small stacks of paper. And yes it does break my focus.

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Hell yea man. You can beat it. I’m sitting here chugging a goddamn green smoothie. I hated the walk to the supermarket to buy the spinach but here we are. Get it done and get to the better version of your life!

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How is that flirting? I’d be annoyed


Eh, shes cute. I’ll let it slide.


Fix it early and I bet she’ll be even cuter.


I did 3x of LBFH the other day while on the way to my first delivery. Which was 49 minutes from the pickup station.

At some point in the day, I suddenly had a growing appreciation for the Sun. It gives us life. Sustains is. Thoughts like that.

Fun fact. It takes a photon of light released to the Sun’s core about 100,000 years to reach the surface and escape!

The light hitting us now was formed before humans really even started getting it together as a species. 100K is nothing in terms of total time. But it’s HUGE in relation to our time here so far.

I’d expect this kind of thinking from CWON, based on what I’ve read of it.

Not sure why LBFH got me thinking about solar mechanics haha.


What do you mean? It takes like a few minutes, it travels at the speed of light and the sun is “nearby” on a cosmic scale.

It’s pretty instant.

It takes a very long time for the light to travel from the core to the surface because the photons keep getting reabsorbed on the way out.


Just bought CWON


Stacked CFW, LBFH and The Ecstatic Emperor today. Now to see how the day goes.


Been pissed off about life today. About everything.

I was like that before the stack. Actually don’t feel much different haha.

I told the wife earlier “I’m tired. And I don’t mean sleepy”


I’m your wife? :thinking::smirk::upside_down_face:


I told her too.

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Strange! I also just recently put away my laptop on my kitchen table which I’ve been working on for about a year and I’m now utilizing my home office. I feel way more productive in it.

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Same! and ever since doing it, wife is more affectionate and a bit more “interested”. I’ll take it, even if I can’t explain it.


custom is in!

I call it Master Moneyfestor V1


Current stack is:

  1. True Sell
  2. Master Moneyfestor V1
  3. Love Bomb for Humanity

R.I.C.H. once weekly. I was thinking about how R.I.C.H. works to shatter the wealth ceiling.
Been considering if I should/could put a healing title to help that along.

The options I’ve considered for R.I.C.H. day are (non-inclusive)
R.I.C.H. + Rebirth
R.I.C.H. + Regen
R.I.C.H. + Rebirth + Regen (powerful af I think, but could be recon like crazy)
R.I.C.H. + Limit Destroyer (which is more focused according to the sales page)

Still toying with those ideas.

Honestly, though, LBFH from the other side of this wealth stack could be enough to pick up with R.I.C.H. does and send some healing love to it(?)


I ran True Sell + Master Moneyfestor V1 + LBFH today
Each time I run that, I can tell SOMETHING is happening but can’t really describe it or really get a description of it for myself. Feels like if I were on a boat in the middle of a body of water, and I KNOW something is happening under the surface. Like the world’s most stressful submarine dogfight (or something haha)…and there are occasional indications on the surface.

Random waves/ripples.

I was set to meet a friend for lunch today. My first manager at my previous job when I started 8 years ago. We meet on occasion for lunch. Take turns paying.

We turned out to be pretty good friends.

It’s about a 20-minute drive from my house to where we met. So I decided to run another loop of LFBH on the way. Wanna see what it can do.

Holy shit.

But first…

Even the other day when we were texting, she seemed more open (more so than usual, which is quite a bit since I don’t work there anymore).

But instead of the usual gossip about stuff at the job, it was “You’re really an awesome person. Not sure if I ever told you that.”

Generally more expressive and appreciative that I stayed connected and didn’t “ghost” her like others from our original team, as she’s kind blunt about stuff when need be.

Today, though, she was telling me something she told her mom, a funny story, and she started laughing to the point she couldn’t breathe.

The look on her face, though, it was as if someone was MAKING her laugh. Not so much “against her will”

She had a look of confusion on her face which seemed like a look of “Why am I laughing THIS much?”

In that moment, in my head, I thought “This is LBFH. Interesting.”

Thought Mr. Sovereign might like that feedback since he said he wrote that part of the scripting himself.


I almost wish I’d put LBFH into Master Moneyfestor V1…but even when considering that, I told Saint that I might not want to always be radiating “love” with my empire.

So I left that out, as I can stack it any time I want.
I can’t say I’ve noticed much cognitively yet that seems like it came from True Sell. Not that I’m in a line of work to make use of sales ability directly.

I just thought it’d mesh in well since this stack is all about money and the acquiring of it.


When I work in “real” jobs, I tend to quickly gain a rep as the “class clown”…making people laugh one way or another. I almost (ALMOST!) wanna go get a real job again, to see what LBFH would do with that.

I can see how stacking True Social with LBFH would send it over the top in group settings. Daredevil too maybe, but since that one is more of a seduction-focused title, not sure. I haven’t run it.