Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

If they don’t allow it, do ask whether they can drop the Cores of ST2 and ST3. SaintSovereign did say they would consider giving an option to drop extra Cores from the older customs.

That way, ST1 and ST4 Cores will give you everything you need.


I ran the OG Libertine supercharger followed by Libertine Ultima V1 in bed.

Was out even before the end of the OG Supercharger.

Dreamed about trying to seduce some woman at the job I had in the dream.

EDIT: And someone on IG is hitting me up now, it’s 50/50 of it being a fake account.
I forgot how fast this sub kicks in though.

Fake account I’m sure.
But “she” is saying “she” doesn’t like cats and I’d get rid of mine to be with “her”



the Upgraded BILLionaire V3 ZP is here. No issues. woo.

The modules list
  1. EoG ST1
  2. EoG ST2
  3. EoG ST3
  4. EoG ST4
  5. R.I.C.H.
  6. Furious Ascent
  7. Debt Annihilator
  8. Deus
  9. Informaticon
  10. Instant Business Tactician
  11. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  12. Limit Destroyer
  13. Omnidimensional
  14. Rebirth
  15. Sultan
  16. Trailblazer
  17. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
  18. Wealth Limit Destroyer
  19. Machine: Action
  20. Submodel Alpha

Been thinking about this “blatantly resourceful” thing the past few days. What in the Outer Darkness does that even MEAN?


So I am currently under a 14-day “Pay or Vacate” notice in regards to my house I’m renting.
I’m not mentioning that here to get sympathy or anything, but to set up the story of what happened today.

I got the PoV notice (nice fancy way of saying eviction if I don’t pay lol) on the 5th or 6th. Whatever the Tuesday was last week (Labor Day was the Monday before).

There’s an agency here in my county which helps to mediate these when possible, also helps try to obtain rental assistance to prevent eviction.

I’ve been all over the map mentally, but working to be as Stoic (with a capital S) as I can.
Accepting that this is what I’ve made happen through my own choices, and so on.

Part of that alloverthemapness was putting off talking to that agency for a few days.
I finally contacted them a few days ago to set up a call with them today.

Last night in bed, when picking subs to run (I rarely stick a stack/cycle these days. Mostly just run whatever sounds good based on the day’s events)…I first loaded up a stack of Wanted+PS+Libertine…but decided that a money/mindset stack would better suit the call today.

So last night, I ran:

LBFH Masked (Solace)
True Sell Masked (Solace)
Master Moneyfestor V1 Masked (Solace)

LBFH Ultrasonic
True Sell Ultrasonic
Master Moneyfestor V1 Ultrasonic

The total runtime of this is 90 mins…3 titles though…I did it like this as 90 mins is a standard human sleep cycle…meaning I’d get exposure to all 3 titles (either in masked or ultra form)…at different parts of the sleep cycle…a sort of crude and makeshift sleep learning approach to subs.

Anyway, I did things I needed to do today…to make sure I was back home before the agency called.

The phone rings, I answer “This is Palpatine”
It’s one of the girls who works at the agency.

I was surprisingly not nervous like I would normally be.
I just answered, she introduced herself, and I said “Happy Friday!”

She let out a sigh…“Thank goodness it’s Friday, too!”
More of an informal tone than you’d expect from someone from a place like this.

I said “Looking forward to the weekend, huh?”

Her: “I’m more glad this week is going by fast because my birthday is next week!”
I said (obviously jokingly) “I’m surprised they let 19-year olds work there.” or something like that.
She laughed and said “I love that you said that, but I’ll be 38”
I said “I just hit 47 not too long ago”

She then asked how I feel mentally, if I feel 47 or if I feel younger, or if I feel like I’ve figured life out yet.

“I said, I feel like I’m in 20s…and by that I mean I feel like I’ve figured NOTHING out yet.”
got a big laugh from her on that.

SOMEHOW (I don’t even remember how) I got out of her that she’s a single mother of 2 kids…has been for a while…she bought a house entirely by herself…handled the mortgage, and so on.

She said at one point how annoying it is when she brings a man into her life, and invariably like 95% of them jump right into telling her how to handle the house SHE paid for…

The example she gave was a guy she was dating (briefly) who as soon as he saw the house, started telling her “You’d make so much money if you sold this place!”

She said “If I want financial advice about MY house, I’ll go to a professional!”

We laughed, and I said “If I were the guy coming into your life, I’d just try like hell to listen first to what your life goals are before even presuming to offer any sort of ideas or advice”

She said “Thank you. You understand. You get me.”

Then she said she wishes it were easier to find a male role model for her son because she can’t teach him all the “Man” stuff.

I mentioned how I’ve been reading stuff like “No More Mr. Nice Guy” and just thinking about how kids need a male role model, and how that stretches back to the caveman days.

It seemed like we talked for ages…turns out the entire call was only 19 minutes. And that’s including the stuff we had to talk about re: my current rental situation.

Anyway, that stack is powerful as hell.
I asked her what day her birthday is next week. She seemed pleasantly surprised I’d ask…told me.

I’m planning on calling or shooting an email just to wish her happy bday the day before. As I presume she’ll be taking the day off.

Little gestures like that are appreciated. And LBFH got me wanting to spread a small bit of joy where I can.

That is all for now.


That phone conversation was brilliant. Hats off!


I can easily see myself making a custom of LBFH, True Sell, and (3rd core). Can’t include my custom as a third core haha.

That 3rd core could easily be:
Inner Circle
Sex and Seduction

So much possibility there.


It’s funny that I once wondered whether one day we will be able to do this here.

We build a custom A. And after a couple of cycles of it we make a custom B made of title 1 Core + custom A Core + modules lol.


Barring some huge changes, I don’t see that happening. My understanding is there are only so many voices you can fit into a sub. And a custom is probably already maxed out for voices.

Dunno though. That would be cool if we could!


It was just a day dream to be frank. Else we could endlessly add in “custom cores” into other customs ad infinitum.

That could turn just about everyone into the mayor of recon city.

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I made a CD of subs to loop in my car.
I’ve been playing lately with looping ZP subs like I used to do with Q and more so with Pre-Q (Hell, looping Pre-Q was the name of the game).

I have found that strictly following the recommendations rarely gets me noticeable results (or even recon symptoms). When I “overexpose” is when stuff seems to happen for me.

With that laid out there, the stack:

True Sell
Master Moneyfestor V1 (My custom)
Inner Circle

Got in 2-3 full loops of these (masked/solace) while out doing deliveries.
Definitely got recon (not complaining, just reporting).
It stemmed around Zelda(!) which surprised me.

Basically along the lines of “Why would she go for an older guy like me who SHOULD have his finances together by now, but can’t even pay rent all at once?”
Issues of deservingness, seeing myself as worthy or ABLE to have the kind of life I want.

Those thoughts came up.

I got home, and at some point last night, I decided I’ll look at her FB.
Usually, because her FB is so locked down (and I’ve yet to friend req as no tellling what she’d think of that, so I left that idea alone)…her profile pic is just blank usually.

But she apparently changed her visibility settings for the profile pic, and wow.

Seeing the new pic she’d put up just literally like an hour or 2 before I checked, seeing her re-ignited something in me. I felt alive for the first time in a long while.

Inspired, focused, etc.
Ideas flowing for my Empire project again (she ended up being the muse which got me through some really rough patches on that project, even if she doesn’t fully realize that)

Went to sleep just thinking about the kind of life I’d like to have if I were her guy, and so on.

No dream recall I remember.

Woke up feeling tons better.

A few days ago, I ran Master Moneyfestor+Rebirth+Regen…so I’m sure that did some stuff.

This is the first time in a while I’m giving serious consideration to running Dragon Reborn. Even if I gotta deal with the anger recon ST1 seems to bestow me with.

I haven’t fully convinced myself yet…but DR may be happening eventually.

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I took a delivery time block for Amazon yesterday (Saturday) evening.
I didn’t want to at all. But I need $ like crazy.
So I was miserable the whole time, the Amazon app’s navigation took me to a completely wrong address which probably added at leats 30 minutes to my total time.

I decided to just run my “Money Magnet” CD I mentioned above.
That’s the stack of:
True Sell
Master Moneyfestor V1 (My custom)
Inner Circle

I did ultrasonic so I could set-forget it for my time block.
Got at least 3 loops in of that.
At one point, I suddenly started thinking different, and my brain suddenly said “I bet this is True Sell that’s playing right now”.

Basically, I had an intuitive nudge that True Sell was what’s on at the moment, and I checked. Yep. Keep in mind, my CD player in my car doesn’t show track numbers unless I hit a button to make it show. It just shows the time as the default.

So it isn’t like I got a subliminal/peripheral cue that track 1 (True Sell) was playing.
This was purely a cognitive/intuitive nudge.

How cool is THAT?

The stack didn’t make my night any better…but that wasn’t the reason to run it. I’m running those 4 I am to hit on manifesting through my pathways of manifestation as much as I can.

I’m working on figuring out a model for semi-easy dropshipping online, because I am fucking tired of driving for money in an active-income sense.

I am tired. And I don’t mean sleepy.
I’ll do the active income thing as long as I can, but mainly so I can use that money to

  1. Keep bills paid
  2. Level up my skills as much as I can to make my comfort zone as big as I can (see the next entry below for my idea re: comfort zones)
  3. Set up passive income streams as I’m able to reducemurder the need for husting/grinding so much.

This is an entry from my private journal for the initial ZP/ZPPF testing last year, regarding the comfort zones idea:

Back to the present: The basic idea is that leveling up your skills and the willingness to use those skills will eliminate the constraints that we call our “fears”.

Running relevant subliminals and taking action (even “bad” action that you can learn from and change) is one surefire way to do this.

This is some next-level Theory of Contraints stuff (Eliyahu Goldratt)


So I went digging earlier for the blurb above about comfort zones. Then got to reading old journal entries. It’s crazy how much stuff has happened that I just FORGOT about!

Like when I was private testing Wanted ZP last year (The OG test versions), there was one point in time when Sandy (the one who sent nudes) was trying to work out the logistics of when she and I could meet up to have sex.

That’s cooled off since I don’t run Wanted all that much anymore.***

But I totally FORGOT all about that. HOW does one forget that someone is trying to plan out meeting up in secret to fuck?

*** Sandy seems to stop talking to me whenever I stop running Wanted, and when I do run Wanted, she more often than now seems to start talking to me again. Dunno what’s up with that.

But the reason for this footnote is to point out that OG ZPPF/ZPS Wanted seems to have been the most potent for that. She still does get back into talking mode on the current Wanted builds, but the impact is more like a constant candle flame, where OG Wanted ZP was more like a tactical nuke going off.


That is just so nuts… crazy powerful manifesting!

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So dark, the con of man.

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I ran that ^^^ while driving to the next turn over to buy some stuff. And then back.

I can feel it working. Already when I got back home I was more aggressive/assertive in “offering” sex to the wife. She’s not into it at the moment. So I mentally said “whatever” and all flirting with Sandy via messenger lol.

Very weird that I ran Wanted the other day and she hit me up in messages for the first time in over a month.

Im planning out a similar CD/stack for money stuff.

Im thinking
True Sell

I would add rich in too but can only 5 ZPs in one CD :joy:


Try the micro loop test. There’s 100% something to it. Not quite sure what our recent discoveries entail, but I suspect this would really work well with any kind of focused manifestation title, like RICH. Also works very well with Diamond.