Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2021)

someone should win an award for creating that

I would have been satisfied with the image alone. then they added that caption and took it all the way home.


Day 2 of 30 total.

I listened to Executive Ultima first today and then BILLionaire 2x followed by AscMogul 2x.
Somewhere in the 2nd loop of AscMogul, I suddenly got hit with a wall of apathy and self-doubt.

“Maybe I should give up on wealth and business and just work at my job and do the best I can there”

Hell fucking NO :wink:

I’ve never got any sort of reconciliation 2 days into a stack. I think I’ve found a good one.

This stack is 30 days as measured by how many days I run BILLionaire (basically all 5 of them each week).

6 weeks total.

By the end of this run, I’ll have
BILLionaire (60x)
AscMogul (36x)
StarkQ (24x)
StarkQ-Terminus (12x)
Executive Ultima (24x)


How would you summarize your first 7 weeks with BILLionaire? :slight_smile:

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I can’t say my financial situation has improved, but I haven’t improved really on the action-taking front yet.
I’m listening to Regeneration right now as I type actually. Feeling a lot of shit at the moment so I put regen on to have it going as I stew and focus on what’s bothering me.


To paraphrase Dave Chappelle: “Mind’s Eye + Regeneration is a hell of a drug!”

Listened to that on ultra in bed. No headphones since mine broke. So wife heard at least part of it. She seems in a better mood today ¯_(ツ)_/¯

As for ME, I dreamed about someone I haven’t thought about in a while. I was listening to this stack as I fell asleep in SATS (For Neville Goddard fans) and thinking about my wealth situation. The person I dreamed about is someone I fell hard for (stupidly) about 10 years ago…Thought I was over that.

Regen is crazy powerful…Mind’s Eye just made it more so I guess.

I got all but Executive in early today while working/talking to customers, because I have to use real headphones for Ultima etc
I’m listening to some Danny Elfman as I read in “The Millionaire Course” by Marc Allen. Executive is up next after the Elfman music.
I’m reading the “See the half-full side of the glass” section in the book…and suddenly, it hit me what I’m lacking.
What I’m missing in my life is “Blatant Resourcefulness”
It just popped into my head
I need to be “blatantly resourceful.”


Now that I’m using Palpatine as my profile pic, I can’t help but think I should be using PCC in my stack somewhere


Not sure I like this “Rest day” shit
My mind is all over the place today
I’m being shown examples from my life of when I needed to “speak up” more
I’m not even doing a healing stack!

EDIT: Other than the Rebirth module in BILLionaire and the Rebirth module in AscMogul. Not even sure Stark HAS healing per se. But this is crazy.


I saw in your first post that you have included Ascended Mogul in your BILLionaire custom, as well as Ecstasy of Gold Stages 1 and 4. That’s very intriguing to me because I never ran Ascended Mogul. Periodically, I’ll wonder about it.

My question: you have Ascended Mogul as a module in your custom. And I guess you’re also running the Ascended Mogul pure program in your stack?

That’s all. Just wanted to see if I was understanding your description properly.


This is correct. I was hella productive when I ran Ascended Mogul with Limitless. I just really like AscMogul and wanted that to be a sharper focus for both the productivity and wealth side of the stack. I’m not 100% sure I have Stark there, but I’m committed for 6 weeks.

The way I have the stack designed, they’ll run 6 weeks at a time (which is 30 days of 2x of BILLionaire along with however many of the other items).

I think next run I may swap out either AscMogul or Stark for Limitless.


Most likely, the next run will be BILLionaire, AscMogul and Limitless with an Ultima booster. The current Ultima booster is Executive. So that should fit in nicely if I leave that alone.

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Rest Day #1 almost over. Heading to bed soon as I have work tomorrow.

Just now, I got a headache in my left front right in front of the temple. Almost forehead area.

As soon as I acknowledged feeling the headache, it went away and now I feel kinda sad.

Sad like “I miss being a kid”. “I miss (fill in the year)”.

I tend to be past-oriented anyway, prone to regret. Maybe this Rebirth or Limit Destroyer in BILLionaire doing their thing.


It could be doing some kind of inner child work who knows, keep an i out on feeling like this

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Starting Day 1 of Week 2 of 6 today.

2X BILLionaire
2X StarkQ
1X Executive Ultima

I’m doing ultra today because today is funky and I don’t feel like putting up with Masked. I’ll do Ultra today and possibly tomorrow.

So your stack is Billionaire, Stark, and Ascended Mogul? (with Ultimas) Seems like a great stack.

I may have missed it but why did you choose Ascended Mogul over Emperor?

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The only time I used Emperor was Emperor V3 for my aborted 30-day run. I tested Emperor Q when it was still v1.5 or whatever that initial Q thing was.

I’m just fond of Ascended Mogul because of past results (Stacking it with Limitless to build an iOS app from scratch in 6 days).

Plus I need to make my day job work until I get to the point my empire can obliterate my need for the day job with extreme prejudice. Since Emperor has went through 2 versions since I really last ran it, I can’t afford to risk it jeopardizing my day job too soon.

Do you think Emperor would work with my criteria? Or is AscMogul a “safe” bet?


I would say Ascended Mogul is definitely the safe bet.
I have not really tested it myself except for once, and it was insanely strong confidence
and swag. I tested it after a loop of Ascension.

What was your experience of the EQ 1.5 vs. version Ascended Mogul? That would be a fairly good gauge

Emperor is a risk in environments where you have to tolerate bs and authority figures, especially incompetent or socially inept ones.

My sense with Emperor is -it takes a lot longer than AM to get rolling, when it gets rolling it’s more whole life focused then work, although work focus is a big part of it. I’ve realized with EQ I can’t just put my nose to the grindstone with work, in the begining I could but not any more. I have to be developing myself, clarifying my purpose, learning things, working out, reading, getting my feet wet in dating…so there is huge drive but it’s diversified, at least in my experience.

I handle work like a breeze now, and spend most of my extra time doing the above things. If you have a clear wealth vehichle or vision on ‘how’. Emperor may serve you better for putting efforts into that. Despite new income streams from various sources. I have yet to craft one of those yet.


Emperor won’t do anything you don’t want it to. It’s not going to like, program you to quit your job before you have another way of supporting yourself or anything stupid like that. Anything it pushes you to do will be to your advantage.

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The way this is set up, it’s 6-week stacks, based on 5 days a week of 2X of BILLionaire. Since it’s the core of the rotation.

5 more weeks on this one, so I’ve been lightly tossing ideas back and forth on what 2 subs to use in place of AscMogul and Stark (Assuming I don’t’ stack with those another 6 weeks).

So many possibilities. Emperor may make an appearance.

I honestly don’t remember. I’ll have to read back over journals. My clearest memory from Emperor V3 without looking is the chick checking me out in the Walgreen’s parking lot. That was unexpected.

That’s not my experience, it pushes you to do things that may prove challenging given one’s circumstance. Or rather I should say it will push you to do things that you want to do, that may cause friction with the status quo and current survival or validation based concerns.

Saint also mentioned it be difficult to run if you don’t have the means to quit your job if your driven towards entrepreneurship-I’ll edit this if I find that quote

none of it is unmanageable -it’s just tricky to fully use effectively

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