Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

On a second it does look like he is. lol

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That’s when he was about to kick some Yoda ass.


Probably because my comment above.

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Has anyone been experiencing moments of intense laughter from this title? Almost like LBFH.


Many times, free to laugh


Yet to run Genesis really. I did get a laughter result from LBFH. So I’ll keep my eyes out when I run Genesis.


I definitely did have this in all my cycles so far. I have found myself giggling to nothing in particular at all. But the sheer joy of having that moment again is enough for the desire to want to play LBfH again.

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Unfortunately I used up all my likes for the day.

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Indeed… Started Genesis this week, and now reading about this here sounds like self inquiry to me


I am in the second cycle with Genesis and I have the feeling that a lot is going on in the background.
Also the feeling that it is important to listen to Genesis is very strong.
And there is a deep feeling of hope for a better life. Hard to describe but Genesis is something very special.


How would you compare it to DR?

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The first thing that came to my mind when i read the question was that Genesis is much lighter than DR in terms of healing. With DR I had days where I just felt like sh**. I dont have that with Genesis.

I like this approach better because the healing is so gentle and subtle. DR was just more demanding and mentally exhausting, which I don’t have with Genesis.

I also remember that the dreams with DR were much more intense and almost exclusively about my problems. With Genesis the dreams are more pleasent and not only related to problems.

It’s been a year since I listened to DR and it would be interesting to listen to it again after Genesis to see what effect DR has then.


Nice, I’m curious to which difference I’ll notice too :wink:

And yeah I was planning another run of DR again in the future


Yes, why not? It would be a really interesting experiment. :slight_smile:


@7empest That’s a good point, thanks for the reframe :smiley:

Mostly journaling and challenging things as they come up. Maybe a more intentional method could be useful…

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Basically this whole self-improvement journey has felt like a constant starting from the beginning again type ordeal.

It’s like I’m constantly on knifes edge trying not to make a mistake, bad decision, or get something wrong. Which funny enough then leads to that.

I’ll write down all my goals, know exactly what to do (but doubt that the action steps are right) and then after a week or two, I’ll slip up and not do something right or I’ll not complete something.

I’ll then feel like nothing ever works for me and this disappointment which then leads to forgetting about it. Then after a month, I’ll write them down again like it was the first time doing it.

I’ll put in loads of work for instance at the gym, but not eat enough so never get the results I wanted. It’s embarrassing because I know my issues, I just don’t think I deserve anything good whilst having the opposite of trying to achieve good things.

I eventually ground myself down to the point where because I’m only young, I had a massive drive but now it’s more like trying your best isn’t worth it.

I hate this whole negativity because I was always the go getter, not listening to other peoples negative beliefs about what they can have in life.

I have a feeling it’s an ‘OCD’ type behaviour but I don’t want to label myself and probably a multilayered mess. Thing is I know that if I write out in my journal, I’ll end up forgetting about it and slip back in like usual.


F*ck Genesis is good, I see what it’s doing now.


I’m angered and saddened by this line. Because it’s true for me. I’ve carried around a lot of self-induced pain simply because…exactly what you said. “It’s THEIR fault!!” And consistently owning that is very disorienting. It goes against everything I’ve lived by. Aka it doesn’t enable the “little boy” mindset I’ve used all my life.

I thank God these healing tools are here at SC. I felt very disoriented yesterday, but feel more stable today. I’m still feeling off, but it’s less than half it was yesterday. I’m feeling more empowered looking over my plans for today.

And growth of any type can be disorienting. It’s the wisdom of knowing how to direct those unfamiliar processes which actually allow and enable growth. That’s what makes SC shine.


@FireDragon I agree with the importance of staying with Genesis, hopefully, long term because is lifting up everything in your daily life. Also, I’m feeling its work (both deep & light) behind the scenes in my washout.


I hear you.

I’m feeling a bit disoriented at the moment myself.