Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

This stack is solid. I thought about rubbing one out a couple nights ago. But thought “Nope. I’ll save it”. Wtf

Upon reflecting, I realized it’s like the times when I considered drinking alcohol but didn’t because I would’ve been drinking just to get drunk and forget about something. Instead of drinking to enjoy the drink itself.

I very rarely drink anymore. If I do, it’s a bottle of beer, shot of crown, or wine when working on a creative project.

Microdosing alcohol I guess. Since I sip it slowly.

Anyway, no longer gonna masturbate just to take off the horny edge. I’m gonna lean into it more. See what Khan, Primal/PS and Ascension/AscMogul do with it.


This is some real sheeeeit :slight_smile:. (a reference to the TV show The wire is purely random)

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Custom ordered:

Mind’s Eye Core
Ascension Chamber Core
Debt Annihilator (to get me back to square one)
Sultan (so I’m not focused 100% on debt)
Yggdrasil (not sure why. Just makes sense)
Wealth Limit Destroyer
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Instant Business Tactician
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Furious Ascent
Rebirth (OG module)
Machine: Action
Machine: Rest
Productivity Unleashed

Added M: Rest since Rest is just as important to productivity as hustling
added ME and AscH since both are manifestation powerhouses.

Running this every other sub day and R.I.C.H. once weekly (Saint suggested this) should absolutely destroy my wealth ceiling

EDIT: also l licensed Productivity Unleashed since I thought it would go wel with Machine: Action


I’ve been playing with a similar manifestation aid sub. Same cores, but less of a focus. More of a manifest whatever I want kind of thing.

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Have you built it yet? Or do you have the modules listed already?

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I’ll eventually make a sexduction custom focused like the money one is. I have gorgeous manifestor and a few others licensed already.


Not yet. I might start designing it tonight. My second program for this cycle is Spartan, so I couldn’t start it for another month anyway.

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Ran K1, Primal, Ascension just a few minutes ago in my chair
I don’t expect this stack to do anything to the wife specifically
But it’s sure gonna do something to me
I was on my mental beach when listening. I’ve been doing a night beach scene lately
The moon reflecting off the ocean
A moon. I think it’s “our” moon
And a voice asked me a question:

Is it REALLY cheating if the other person just isn’t all that interested anymore and you’ve been working at making it better for 4+ years?


So SOMETHING in my sub stack(s) got me wanting to get back into app development. Since it’ll likely be a bit of time before I can justify putting money toward a Mac, that rules out iOS/watchOS dev (since you MUST have a Mac for that).

So I started looking into Android for now. I decided I’ll port my Habit Tracking App onto Android platform.

Plus, with Apple’s Developer program, not only MUST you have a Mac (and they’ve made the tech requirements such that it basically MUST be a newer Mac)…but you also pay $99/month for access to the Developer program.

With Android, it’s a ONE TIME fee of $25! Yes, they take 30% of all app revenue…but hey, so does Apple.

So all the signs are pointing to Android for now for the Habit App.


The reason I posted about the app stuff ^^^^^ is that yesterday, I was hard core into this…enough so that after a year of having a laptop on the kitchen table to do stuff on, I finally started working in my home office again more…as of yesterday. Took me a few hours to make it usable again and somewhat comfortable.

So I’m balls-deep on the Ubuntu computer I’ve set up in the office for this app stuff…and the wife is suddenly horny.

I mentioned it to a friend later. said “Either it’s a cruel joke or she’s legit turned on more when I’m busy”

My stack from today of Khan1+Primal+Ascension really took up the question in my head…and I came to a realization today. It’s nothing new I’m sure. But this came up from within:

The part women are attracted to is when a man exerts his will
He has a vision and makes it real
When he’s busy getting after it, it’s proof positive that he can be the provider nature intended him to be


On many occasions, a female coworker of mine goes out of her way to slap my desk when I’m super focused and busy at work. Your explanation makes sense.


I don’t get it. Her slapping your desk to break your focus is flirting?

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She couldn’t help herself. The movie in her mind was of her being the desk and since he was too busy doing man stuff, she took initiative and slapped the desk as that’s what doing the man stuff had her desiring on that deep woman level.

I kid! I Kid! But hey, maybe! It’s been said that attraction is not a choice.


So the subliminal I have been using from elsewhere for body fat composition, I think that’s working. And I suspect maybe ZP tech is speeding it along, too.
I have a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. I went over a year without even doing anything about it.
Too lazy, didn’t care.
Just last week, something clicked in me. I still have soda I had before, where I was drinking 2, 3 or 4 cans per day. Sometimes even more.

Last week, that just suddenly came to a stop. I remember sitting at the kitchen table on the laptop, and realized “I haven’t had soda in 3 days!”

And it wasn’t even a thing of discipline or being strong about it. I just never even thought about it during those times. It’s as if I shifted on an identity level without realizing it (which is what ZP does I think).

I think ZP took up the cause with the stuff from the BF sub to help it along.
Another thing that happened later last week is I suddenly felt like going to get test strips for my glucose meter.
No hemming or hawing about it. I got up and said to the wife, “I’m going to Walmart for test strips. you need anything?”

Came back and tested…it was 397 (where “Normal” is 80-100 range depending who you ask).
That hit me hard. Testing daily is one of those things I hadn’t done in over a year, as mentioned above.

You know how people get a swift kick in the ass like with a heart attack and that’s the impetus to change their lifestyle and diet? This was kinda like that, BUT the difference is I wouldn’t have known the number if not for the subliminals doing their thing FIRST.

The reason the 397 hit me hard is my daughter and her guy are getting married next year. Seeing that 397 made me suddenly realize I need to get my poop in a group so I can be here (as in alive) for that.

I have had very little struggle in terms of craving food I “can’t” have. I realize I can have “good” stuff on occasion, just not daily like before.

I’ve had only 0-calorie drinks since August 1 (the day I did the 397 reading)…so really this all started 3-4 days prior to that. Only drinking tea, water, and coffee (black except for a cup of buttery coffee today).

I would say my portion sizes have dimished (since I am eating way less volume of food). But really, my actual food choices have changed.

Now I get the Crepini egg wraps (12 in a package) and put stuff on there like sausage pieces, bacon, shredded cheese, sour cream, and a tiny handful of black beans for carb intake.

I’m eating less in terms of food per meal, but also have shrunk my variety down a lot for now.
Doing as Dr. Barry Sears describes in terms of using food as you would a drug.

My eating is a lot more intuitive now, too. As far as noticing when I’m actually hungry thirst masquerading as hunger.

Which reminds me! With my new work doing deliveries for Amazon Flex, I would go pee at the depot before our official loadout time starts, just in case. And I’d have to pee again in an hour or less. a LOT of pee too. Common symptom with diabetes, because the kidneys are working overtime to flush excess glucose out of the blood.

Ever since this shift happened, I don’t need to pee nearly as often, because my blood sugar is actually in the “Normal” range (even in mornings when it’s generally a bit higher) for the first time in a few years!

It’s been 12 days or so in total, and where my blood sugar was 200+ a lot of the time, it’s routinely under 90 now each time. Even after eating!

Life is fantastic. Subs are amazing tools.


As or my ZP stack, I upgraded Primal to Primal Seduction starting today.
Khan ST2
Primal Seduction
Ascension (I may bump this up to Ascended Mogul once my money custom is in)

Ran that today, got super sexual/horny later. Rubbed one out just because.
Where it gets weird is, I was ready to go again an hour later. Maybe even a bit less than an hour.

I didn’t do anything with that though haha.
I think the type 2 diabetes and resulting high blood sugar was taxing my body so much that sub execution wasn’t a priority.
Now that I’m getting the blood sugar under control, it feels as if my body is breathing a sigh of relief “Ah…now we can use our energy for other things.”

And! From what I’ve read, chronically high blood sugar harms Testosterone production.
So getting that more under control will help with T again.
I’m buying some D3, K2 and Selenium later today or tomorrow.

I’ve rarely run Paragon. I wonder if it would help out to run that for a cycle. Lock in my health changes.


I believe it’ll be a goody for you!


images (16) (23)


Slapping the papers on my desk, lightly touching my head, smacking my head with things like small stacks of paper. And yes it does break my focus.

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Hell yea man. You can beat it. I’m sitting here chugging a goddamn green smoothie. I hated the walk to the supermarket to buy the spinach but here we are. Get it done and get to the better version of your life!

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How is that flirting? I’d be annoyed