A Northern Power (Not Nice)

Hey brother came to see how you are going with all this transformations.

Keep pushing, AM made me a new person but i had to let go of everything and be my own boss.

Also dont be afraid of “looking” like an asshole, i use to think like that in the beggining but what the meaning is totally different:

  • Seting boundaries
  • Not taking shit from stupid people
  • Destruct manipulative ppl
  • Taking care of yourself and your life
  • Stop living in the past and have a " poor me" mentality and so on

I am going for AM for 2 years now and im not getting rid of kt anytime soon, in my perspective way better than emperor.

I was thinking that if you need help setting up some passive income streams ill be free to help and mentor you out.


Interesting to hear you say that, especially when Emperor would have been perfect for you. In fact I’ll probably switch to AM at some point in the near future, since progress on Ascension is going so fucking well.


Energy therapy has finally cracked the shell

Long life toxic shame bounded up in my identity and soul has now been cleared and destroyed! I can’t tell you how crippling carrying around shame is - it feels like someone sitting on your chest 24/7.

Now I have more and more self confidence, I’m being unashamedly myself and aiming for the stars without all of that old compounded baggage.

However I have a new problem: how to have sex!. All that shame scared me off sex for so long that I don’t know what to do with a woman who has a higher sex drive than me! Diamond?


I thought of thats aswell but it gave me allot of opposite results and the wealth focus i wanted was gone.

Since i have a high sexual energy and a very dominant aura adding emperor would skyrocket this. People were scared and sometimes even did stupig things bcs of that. Emperor is the last step of an already stablished empire, in my case thats where i will be using it.


I would start with primal and prima seduction and goin all the way to iron throne. I was born a natural with woman and had been in the pickup community since almost its birth in the masf forum around 98/00 ,wich i went away in 2014 bcs of the toxic people it would bring

You dont need that crap, i would start in make major changes in your phisique ( exercise, diet, good habits, good morning routine) and have the subs as your backup going in your subconscious.

If you do that with massive action and that includes making days to go out and approach woman and record your progress you will be blasting in no time.

P.s: i would go an consultation with a professional about your style and clothing. That would be a massive boost.


GLM solo for 30 days

I’m doing this solo because a of a situation with a toxic work colleague who disrespects me and recently went behind my back to tattle tale. Whilst I’m upset, I allowed it by not being strong enough to stand up to this person and recognising the abuse far too late. Lack of masculinity is what allowed the nonsense to continue.

I’m currently doing 2-3 loops, experiencing some reconciliation symptoms (as an energy sensitive) but feeling calm and filling up with raw power. Worrying much less and looking forward to life outside work.


GLM results.


  • New deeper voice, thought I caught a bug in the throat, turns out the ZP manifest quite quickly.

  • Cool calm feeling, rooted in masculinity - in normal terms - no worries even when faced with stressful shit, there’s nothing that can’t be sorted out

  • More powerful voice - took it for a test run, one customer was tapping my nerves early in my shift, I took it straight to him “do not finger tap, do not push in either”

  • When others push, I push back.

  • My female boss who was quite rude over he phone was quite personable, even light hearted in my presence, even twirling her hair.


  • Loops. ZP isn’t for play.

  • The more dominant women I’ll have to watch out for, because it might spark clashes.


GLM is doing things with my mindset that I only aware of now, such as occasionally speaking with a high voice, deferring to women and generally appearing like someone who “needs help”.

Recon also manifested as me losing my shit at a customer over having too many people to serve at any one time. Others in the shop were taken aback by my new dagger-like loud voice, the silence afterwards was deafening. All of the un-masculine stuff learned over my while life is being challenged. It’s like someone whispering

"You’re weak. Man the fuck up"

Slowly but surely GLM is prodding me to move and act instead of sit back and let things happen. Habits die hard.

GLM is also getting me plenty horny! GF wants me to initiate sex more. With GLM (and Diamond) careful what you ask for. :smirk:


To help speed up your masculine evolution, start asking yourself what the man you want to be would do in any given situation, before you take action. It’ll help you start to filter everything through a more masculine frame. Not to brag but this one trick helped me speed up my evolution as a man years ago and still works wonders to this day. Cause of this I find I’m often the most masculine man in the room/building etc.


@Davisnwc today some skinny ass customer came in angry and pissy for something extremely minor and I reacted the calmest I’ve ever been. I told him “speak to me properly” and left the room.

So to have that kind of solid state unmovable reaction (whilst having the ability to tear the piece of shit apart physically) is the type of man I want to become. Not a Clint Eastwood type but more a retired Mafioso.

Reacting out of pocket is getting quite old.


Excellent, sometimes reacting calmly in those instances can also make the other person feeling stupid too…great to see your progress thus far.

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A couple of results from Ascension and GLM

On the healing side

  • Cleared a lot more trauma relating to narcissistic abuse
  • Gained insight into the hugely distorted narcissistic female energy growing up
  • Realised my own masculinity couldn’t develop until I forgave my father. That was tough to do but did it using energy healing.

On the GLM side

  • More masculine confidence - mostly calm when under verbal attack from customers and flexing my verbal defence muscles by speaking out
  • Racist insults don’t touch me anymore, call me what you want, I’ve heard it before.
  • More sexual confidence
  • More attraction from other women
  • More dominant in bed
  • My gf regards me as her radiator - I’m giving off hot energy and she’s almost always horny
  • Dealing with disrespect differently - I cancelled a disciplinary against a female colleague and realised that holding frame by standing firm was much more effective than a bureaucratic procedure. She is now actively avoiding me. :+1:

As an aside, I’ve also opened up a investment account online, which is a massive step into the unknown. Did it 24 hours after being told about it from a close friend. I don’t know what I’m doing so maybe switching out Ascension for Ascended Mogul will be a sensible move.

Am I still too soft?

The answer is
Not anymore.


It’s been a long time from the forums again. Like us finally clicking into place with much more ease and less stress. Having a breakthrough with my energy healing sessions and going into the root of confidence issues (old embarrassment) and becoming much more positive.

So I’ve switched to Chosen and Chosen from Within (new ZP v2), leaving behind the old confrontational subs.

Couple of things realised that chosen was working in the background

  • My live in partner has a daughter who’s fighting cancer and she felt that we needed to talk over things, without much prompting we had a long chat about life, parents, upbringings and she seem to feel relieved and uplifted that we could find an outlet to share our similar life experiences.

  • I usually do the same with my partner but only if she feels depressed over stuff (usually work related) and I’ll do what I can to support her, within my capabilities.

That doesn’t mean I go neglect myself in the process - just that I’m in a position to be a beacon to others where none was shown to me growing up. That’s what I want to do for others - naturally and have a positive mindset.

Downside is CFW is tough, recon may be “softer” and Sanguine aided but still challenging to face old demons.



Truly great, bro.

Got my ass kicked by some work matters in January and haven’t followed your journey in the past few months. So glad to see the amazing development!


Sticking with the Chosen double (CFW and Chosen)

Life is becoming more and more chilled out as I’m feeling more at home in my new place. Home is important since I’ve left my birth city and my family behind in order to mentally recover. Now I’m living with my partner and reluctantly learning how to let my emotional guard down.

Some results.

  • Talked a very aggressive customer down after asking to be paid out in cash, he later apologised to me

  • Talked another regular angry customer down b cause he felt he was being followed around the store. He’s another big bloke but respects me for keeping him calm and calls me Sir.

  • at work, things seem to go calmly well, yet people destroy things when I’m away - I’m constantly reading about TVs and gaming machine getting broken whilst I’m on holiday!

  • Kids no longer run away and hide when they see me. Also my house cat behaves better than his adopted mother!

Triggers from CFW

  • Taking words the wrong way from my partner and sulking away. She won’t let me sulk away, promising to chase me down in order to solve things

  • Triggering other people off and being mindful of what words can upset people. Before I speak my truth and it’s their problem if they kick off.


:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


Seems you are on the path, dude!


Chosen ZP v2 (without CFW)

Some more results:

  • Being called Sir by an older customer who also commands respect in his moody, slow way.

  • Partner regularly says “I’m her calm spot” as she’s dealing with a rather chaotic life.

  • At work, gently asking my colleagues to complete a couple of tasks and they do it willingly. Even taking over sometimes. Without any friction whatsoever.

Which got me thinking about the whole “alpha male” idea. There isn’t some one size fits all alpha type and SaintSovereign has the right idea. One can either:

  • lead by domination (Emperor/Khan)
  • lead by example

Chosen suits me better because I could never dominate anyone with any type of physicality (and there are always bigger and stronger people ready to mess you up). Being an example gets me better results and it seems everyone wins.

Anyway I much prefer positive influence and it works. :wink:


Just remembered!
I was recently offered a bigger contract at work at a smaller shop! My supervisor recognised the hard work I was doing and was his first choice.

I turned it down, the hours and the stress/abuse was going to be too much.


Review of the new Genesis title:

I’m also realising the following:

  • Moving to another city was a very brave move
  • Getting coerced into a relationship (when still healing up) was a mistake
  • My workplace and industry is extremely toxic and predatory
  • Letting other people lead my life is a theme which needs to stop
  • Having no foundation sucks (and makes life unnecessarily difficult)

I’ve envied people who know who they are and where they’re going in life, who can say “I don’t give a fuck” and mean it.

I’m far too nice and subservient to every other person out there -

  • If someone’s angry, it’s my fault and responsibility
  • If someone thinks I’m a criminal, it must be true
  • If another person can walk the talk, it must mean they’re right
  • If someone’s stronger and has an agenda, I must follow it unquestionably

None of this is true anymore with Genesis. For the first time I can say:

It’s MY life, my life belongs to me:

Not my family
Not my workplace
Not society
Not my partner
Not the government

Such a excellent title, even for advanced as well as new people. Just the thought of Ascension now being considered as a “deeper” title for Genesis is another exciting chapter to be written.