Jayvee - The Wayfinder

Yes, it does. I have Ultimate Writer and Sacred Words in the custom. I picked Renaissance Man because it covers creativity and innovation and I figured it would align well with the writing modules.

In the post above I talked about how easy it was to write after listening and still is, so something in the custom is working. I’ll keep journalling and providing updates.

Yesterday evening after listening I kept getting ideas on how to improve my current book that I have out. And some ideas for potential new books.


This is excellent, @JayFlex. I think you got a winner of a custom :ok_hand:

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I think so too. The bloom I had today felt great. I’ll be listening to this one for a while. I’m looking forward to seeing your results from your first loop.


I listened to my custom this morning and felt some recon this afternoon. I was emotional but it didn’t last long. I was like a machine at work and productive when working on personal projects.

  • Work wise, I keep getting a lot of attention from people in a positive way. Also people are being incredibly respectful. I’m assuming this is coming from Gloryseeker and Sultan.

  • I started to learn about dictation and it’s use for writing professionally. I have wrist issues from the military which adds difficulty to certain things like typing for long periods of time and working out on my wrists. It’s the reason I do resistance band workouts. I keep seeing recommendations for Dragon speech software, but the cost is high. I’ll look for alternative programs that perform the same function.

  • I’ve been listening to Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson. The book is excellent and changing my perspective on business. I’ve done everything to have a publishing business except the one thing that would make me money, marketing and selling it. The book is doing some healing that I am in dire need of.

  • There is a course on Udemy on book marketing. I’ve started going through it and making changes. It falls in line with what I learned in Ready, Fire, Aim. I need to sell what I have and then adapt to how the market responds. If the book needs updating or corrections I’ll do it when they are needed. For now I need to focus my time and energy on getting sales.

  • So far I’m at two loops of the custom. I’ve had a total of 3 book ideas. The first one is great, the other is okay, and the last involves writing with someone else. I’ll look more into the first one after I get sales moving on my first book.

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I can tell I’m still processing the custom. I mean this in a good way. No recon today but this thing pushes me. I’ve been diligent about scheduling all my tasks for the day and the times they should be done. I am productive generally but never this organized.

Today I did the second to the last day of the Tony Robbins Personal Power II program. It was one of my favorite days I’ve done so far. Tony covered problem-solving. The big lesson of today was on how the more success you have, the more problems will arise. He finished off the lesson by giving five specific questions to go through to solve a problem. I used those questions to look at my problem of not getting book sales. I went through each question and realized what the issues were, how to solve them, and committed to solving them. Tomorrow I’ll finish up and work to keep the momentum going.

I mentioned using dictation software in my last post. Well, that’s what I’m using to write this one. The program isn’t difficult to use, but it is something I’ll have to get used to. I like how efficient it is to write this way, and I’ll keep using it.

Tomorrow I’ll be listening to Emperor fitness ST2. Since I can tell I’m still processing the custom, I’ll keep listening to the custom and Emperor Fitness on separate days. Doing so should help alleviate recon and avoid overwhelm.

I think Dragon Tongue got me in trouble at work today. One of the managers called and I could tell he was trying to manipulate me into doing something. If he had asked directly I probably would have said, no problem. But the fact that he kept trying to beat around the bush to get me to do something pissed me off. He then called another manager and tried to get him to ask me. I told the other manager no and told him how to solve the problem they were having. They didn’t take my advice and got someone else to do it. I got some dirty looks from a couple of the mid-level managers, guys I don’t answer to anyways, and went about my day as if it was no big deal. I bruised some egos, but I think they will recover.


The bloom I had today was something on another level, and this is on 3 hours of sleep with a cold coming on.

Thinking back about all the customs I had over the last few months, nothing has packed a punch the way ZP has. Yes, I had good results, but after I stopped listening I would go back to my old patterns. With ZP everything feels more aligned. As if the subliminal not only helps me stay aligned with my goals, it helps make that alignment feel natural, like everything is in sync. I don’t have to force myself to do anything, the growth keeps happening naturally.

For me the biggest thing is the commitment I’ve had to this workout program, working on my writing habit, and completing the Tony Robbins program. I did more in the last month in regards to personal growth than I did in the last year. I took action, I enjoyed it, and it has left me hungry for more.

Besides what happened at work, I had some interesting things happen today. Here is a post I made in the Ascension Chamber thread about work:

  • Gloryseeker must have some approachability aura scripting in it. People were chatty with me where ever I went today. I went to Costco after getting off work. Staff members and people shopping kept talking with me. It got to the point where I just wanted to finish shopping so I could go home. I tried to ignore some lady handing out free samples and she starts commenting on how much I must workout because I had protein in my cart. Then starts catcalling me about working out and getting it. It was so over the top I had to turn around and start laughing.

  • The Gloryseeker effect continued this evening when I took my kids to the park. I’m swinging my kids and this lady starts talking to me. It was the equivalent of a guy making an awkward approach. Starts talking about the weather and smiling at me. Then I noticed she kept sitting close by me when I was watching my kids.

  • Emperor Fitness ST2 is helping me discipline my diet even further. I’ve stuck with counting calories and staying below my limit for the last 5 weeks. Now, I’m making better food choices. When we go out I’m choosing healthier options. I’m avoiding foods high in sugar. My wife even offered me a free pass to have a beer and I turned her down.


Reading your stories related with Gloryseeker has got me thinking about that module for a custom.

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I listened to the third loop of my custom this morning. No recon or feelings of overwhelm to report. I got a lot done this weekend. A lot of it was stuff that I should have done before writing my book. But it’s too late to relaunch now so I’ll fix what I can. Now, I know what to do before I start writing my next one.

I took a good look at my book description on Amazon. It was terrible. Came off like a cheesy car salesman. I focused for a while and thought about the unique selling proposition of my book and who am I writing to. I realize that the entire book is written for 20-year-old shy, timid and awkward me. It is the book I wish I had when I was in my early 20s struggling with crippling approach anxiety, women, and being afraid to stand up for myself. I wrote an entire sales description like I was talking to myself. I used what I learned in The Adweek Copywriting Handbook. True Sell, Sacred Words, and Ultimate Writer all shined through when I wrote this.

After I was done I sent it to a few friends, they liked it. My wife liked it as well. I fixed a few minor grammatical errors and updated the sales page.

Another issue with the book was I had selected terrible keywords to rank for. My paperback and kindle versions each had different keywords. I spent a couple of hours researching to get the best keywords. Now, everything is aligned and I’m in the best keywords I need to rank for.

Finally, I set up ads. I did one for automatic targeting, and one for specific keywords. I’ll track how all this marketing work pays off.


The custom is kicking things into high gear. I feel good, motivated, and focused from sun up to sundown. It’s a mix between the momentum I gained from doing Personal Power and the focus from the custom. I feel unstoppable.

Right now I’m stuck between writing a second book (I have it mapped out, title and all) or redoing the first one. I made a lot of mistakes with the first one and know what to do to fix those issues. Or I could let it go and do the second. I think the point at issue is that if I do the second one well, people will get the first one and be like what happened? I’m leaning more towards fixing the first one. Plus, it could use a new cover. I made it on my own and I am not a graphic designer by any means. Fiverr has a lot of resources I can use to cover that.

In regards to the ads I set up. I’m seeing a lot of impressions and 1 click so far, no sale. Since I changed the sales copy a lot I think the algorithm is trying to figure out the best target for the book. I’ll keep watching it and see how it goes, and make any changes if I need to.

The blog is going well. I’m noticing a small increase in traffic with each post. I also set up email stuff on the site using Convertful and MailChimp. I watched a 30-minute video on YouTube and the guy explained exactly what to do, step by step. I’ve been doing one post a week. I have some more mapped out. The other day I started working on the draft for this week and was hit with a flood of ideas. I have 5 posts planned in the coming weeks. I wrote the first couple posts at work, but lately, I’ve been having to actually work at work, tragic. I make use of my time on the weekends and write.

I had a flight of ideas and thought about remaking my trading ultima I bought a few months back. I enjoyed that ultima and was doing quite well trading crypto when I was listening to it. I have it in my cart but not sure about buying it yet. I don’t want to risk the recon, especially with the bloom and motivation I have now. Anyways, here it is. The first six in the list are the original ultima build, the rest are additions. A post by RVConsultant inspired this build.

Updated Trading Custom

Emperor: House of Medici Core
R.I.C.H. Crypto Core
Intuition Enhancer
Virtue Series: Temperance
Secret Source
Wealth Limit Destroyer
The Way of ROI
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Fortune’s Favorite
Virtuoso di Matematica
Stress Displacement
Secrets of Akasha – Wealth
Current Invoker

Here is the post from RVconsultant for reference:


And I accept no blame or responsibility for how successful you become.

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As a writer your work is everything you have.
I would absolutely fix the first book if you´re not happy with it!

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That is the direction I want to go. I’ll fix the first one. It won’t take as long, I’ll mainly be adding stories to the chapters. The lessons and exercises provided will all remain the same.

Haha, then who am I going to thank when I make it big? :wink:


Yourself, and Subliminal Club.

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I ordered the trading custom. I’ll add that to my stack after my next washout.

I’ve been thinking about changing my listening pattern. The 3 day break between each title when using the three-title listening pattern leads to a strong bloom of creativity and focus. Less is more when listening to ZP. I’m thinking of listening three days a week. Do Emperor Fitness ST2 on Monday, Writing Custom on Wednesday, and the Trading Custom on Friday. I’ll do that pattern for three weeks, then take the fourth week off and repeat.

I started watching a course on different trading strategies. It’s mainly ascending triangle breakout patterns. I’ve been looking at how to set this up with the trading bots I was using. That way I can set up everything including buy orders, targets, stop losses. That way if I see something that meets the pattern of a potential breakout I’ll set up the bot, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll get stopped out at a 5% loss and move on. Anyone who has traded in crypto knows that a handful of bad trades can be made up by one good one. It’s all about risk management.

I’m going to do another cycle of Emperor Fitness ST2. I want to continue my focus on fat loss for the last month of my training program. I can’t say I notice much of a difference between ST1 to ST2, which isn’t a bad thing. I’m still focused on my diet, fasting, and getting in my workouts. My weight is still going down. I’m down 22lbs as of six weeks on the program. I also don’t need anything to get myself fired up to work out. I’ll do some jumping jacks for a minute, then I get going.


I’m happy to announce that I’m back below the 300lb mark. I’m at 298 now. That is a huge victory for me. My work uniform fits me better, I can tell my face is skinnier. I feel great. I think the extra fat loss from EF ST2 finally kicked in. I’ll be doing my washout next week. I’ll do one more loop of ST2 on Sunday and that will complete my first rotation of it.


Hi @JayFlex. How are the ZP customs for you?

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They are good. I’m doing my washout this week. So far everything is going well. I had some recon on Monday but I think it was more overwhelm than anything. I listened to EF ST2, the trading custom, and Ascension Chamber on Sunday.

I’ve developed an obsession with learning to trade options. That desire came after listening to the trading custom. I read a book and I’m going sell some call options on stocks I have in my personal account. I had no idea I could make income by selling these. I’m already up in value on the stocks so if they do sell at the end of the contract I’ll just buy them again.

How’s your current cycle going?


Options I see. I was thinking of getting into some options strategies but I do not have a large amount that I am willing to risk.

Currently I am on my second week of AM + Stark ZP. First week was getting used to the new stack. Now the productivity push is kicking in a bit. Still early stages.


The washout went well. I had some recon at the start but nothing that stopped me from being productive.

  • I finished month 2 of the workout program. I’m down 27lbs total so far.

  • I spent the last week learning everything I could about trading options. This morning I made my first trade by selling a covered call. I made $75 in premium for a month long contract. I’m already up a huge amount on this stock so if it sells at the end of the contract I’ll buy it again.

  • I’ve been watching a Webinar on market cycle movements and it’s changed the way I look at stocks. I also bought the guy’s book. Initially I was a little put off because I paid a lot for the book and it’s tiny, but once I read it I understand the true value of the book. The author put zero fluff or theory in the book. It’s all actionable advice on how to watch market cycles, recognize patterns on charts, how to find stocks, and when to enter and exit positions.


What book?