Investing in subliminalclub

Sorry i lost my temper

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You certainly can say what you want, I don’t want to stop you. However the fact you feel you are under Daddies thumb is irrelevant to me pointing out you have nothing of substance to offer the SubClub business.

You mentioned providing capital, this implies giving money to get an amount of ownership not simply giving someone a free gift.

In any case, they appear not to need any money as producing subs is hardly a capital intense business compared to say Oil exploration and production.

And why would they want you on their team when by your own admission you have no skills and can only offer money.

By your own admission you come from a third world country. And in your country you can use Daddies money and position to get what you want.

Its not the same in America, Western Europe or Australasia. Society is richer, there is more rule of law and people have more choice.

However there is a better currency than money. It is power. So I suspect Daddy is not very high up the totem pole.

Which country are you from and what does your dad do, and remember you can answer this without giving away your anominity.

It’s okay, @Alphamale. I recommend not replying to @remarkable. He’s an intelligent fellow but many times he expects others to have the same ideals as he does. Just ignore it else your mood will go.


A good and viable question!!

I wish subclub have all the monetary resources that help them create and expand more . I wish more people know about subclub and use it . This will help our world immensely.

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You have a history of firing condescending comments to members. He asked a perfectly legitimate question, yet you were extremely harsh like he had committed a hideous crime. WTF is wrong with you ? your are a coward who sits behind his keyboard bullying and patronizing members. Just because your own personal life is in ruins.


Thats because I always outframe you
You say money is not important in US. but it is.
And in a nondual and interconnected universe there is no need for rational reason for things to happen.
I see it possible to join sub club or even do sth bigger than them and you dont.

Yes you are right he really is a bully, but a cyber one.

@remarkable - seriously, man. There is good reason why you keep on triggering people. Please introspect why you do so.

There could be truth in what you say and many times I find your comments useful. But I think you can learn to be a bit more social.

Run something like True Social or Daredevil for a year. I seriously think you need something like that.


Ok, what do we know.

Subclub have already turned down offers for additional capital. They have limited themselves to just two people knowing the IP for obvious reasons. They are already at the stage where they are setting up the backend of the business wrt production, customer care etc which will be scalable. They are profitable. More marketing spend does not equal more customers in the general sense and there will be a limit to the effectiveness of FB ads.

But they operate in a specific niche within a niche.

As such, subs will always be apart from the mainstream for a multitude of reasons including normies not thinking subs work/govt mind control, doesn’t apply to them, its all just too much effort etc.

So where does that leave us. We each, as individuals, have to be the change we want to see.


That remains to be seen.

No, I pointed out that there is plenty of money in America so your Daddies money is vastly less important than it is in your own country.

This depends on the universe being non dual and interconnected. Also your culture would be one that emphasises and reinforces this thinking. Yet there are reasons why subs and sub club appeared in America and not your country. You need to consider why this is so. Would it be possible that something like this could happen in your country?

I see no reason why you could not work for Subclub in the future. America has notoriously open boarders and sub club will be looking for entry level customer service people in the future but you will need to brush up on your language skills and anger management.

Now you’re talking. Just don’t rely on Daddies money or social compulsion.

To obtain this level of success I suggest you give yourself a foundation of running AM for a year.

Good luck.

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You were warned before:

And again:

And calling people an idiot is insulting their mental capacity according to both Oxford and Merriam-Webster online dictionaries. You have done this before.

Tact and respect is expected on this forum, even when you are defending someone, and even when someone generally contributes positive, valuable posts as you do.

Please take some time to consider this, and stop posting such negativity here.

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Beside the bit harsh response, i think
@remarkable has a good point.

Subclub already makes great money, they don’t need investment imo to scale their business.

What they might need is more skilled people to handle support /operational mechanics of the business.

You should focus and improve your own life i think that should be the focus first :slight_smile: gl brother.


How did that happen that nearly everyone know how reality is for Subliminalclub and others?


You’re asserting a false dichotomy. Something can be harsh and factually accurate. You’re also using the word “merely” to imply some sort of exclusivity as though if something is factually accurate then it obviates harshness by default. The word “merely” is also a minimization of the emotional impact it’s having on others.

As for emotional impacts on others, this is why we think respect and tact are important, rather than automatically defaulting to ease our conscience or evade accountability that others’ are responsible for their own emotional reactions. Use tact and respect, and if someone reacts poorly, then they might very well need to be responsible for their own emotional reactions.

In general for everyone to know, if any post contains taunts, harsh comments, insults, etc., then the poster is likely to be held accountable.

While you are posting some positive considerations in this thread, you are also sprinkling it with factual phrases that could be taunts. I think you’re smart enough to understand this and focus on the “taunts” input rather than focusing on the “could be”, which I put in to indicate I can’t prove it, rather than as giving you a chance for asserting plausible deniability.

Egging someone on:

This is a form of escalation. Escalation is unacceptable on this forum. De-escalation and re-direction is.

And there is also the frame you have of asserting final authority and interpretation of something, which I’m guessing makes you very successful in business or negotiations, but please tone it down on this forum.

And again, I agree. You @remarkable have made important points and contributions on this forum. If you @remarkable get banned, it will be for your tone rather than your ability to speak honestly and bluntly.

Please understand tone is to be considered here. Grammar, word choice, and overall context of a post. Respect. Tact.

As for a previous incident to perhaps make a further point:

That’s what @Budewr and others have been mentioning over the course of months. What you think might be funny, may not be funny to others. What you think is “just fine” to post, others find it harsh or even humiliating.

Declaring someone as humor impaired is once again a way to use language to assert some sort of authoritative frame over the situation to dismiss feedback contrary to what you want rather that considering it as a source you can improve even if it might not agree with your values. You’ve used a similar method before.

TBH I see you as someone who is quite skilled and knowledgeable about money, finances, and business based on your posts. You seem to know those topics very well.

Your Socratic style of questioning has changed minds. So you got that down well, I think.

Yet also I realize that your MBTI might be one that probably has empathy as a blind spot, and perhaps in the interpersonal realm you overvalue winning and a competitive perspective over harmony and collaboration.

I’d encourage you to challenge yourself, which I also think you have. Overall, I think people seem to be less agitated by your replies and I think it’s more to do with your style of writing than anything. So congratulations on that.

Thank you for your graceful exit from the conflictual interaction. Still I want you to continue to interact on this forum. You have changed minds for the better. Just please, would you put a bit more F in your MBTI and a bit less T?

Please consider your posts from this point on very carefully from a perspective of respect and tact. This might be the last time I warn you.

And one more thing, for someone who is making a “humorous” comment about someone else’s spelling, perhaps check and improve your spelling first. “Smily” is not in the Merriam-Webster or Oxford online dictionaries. It’s “smiley”… unless you were writing “smily” to humble yourself… or maybe this is an example of your humor, in which case if it is an example of your humor, I think it’s funny.


I am locking this post for now.

I might unlock it later. Or not.



I’m glad for your results. They sound life changing.

However new you might be to this forum, respect and tact are prized and expected here, even when someone might be acting hostile towards you.

If you want to support Subliminal Club financially beyond buying products, please submit a support ticket.


@Leandros @Sub.Zero @Phoermes @Simon @Lion @Sebastian_Po @Budewr @Valygar @aaa @RakashaMashaPasha @sid @Rusty1

I noticed you intervening by redirection, supportiveness, assertiveness, positivity, encouragement, and perhaps there was a bit of light-heartedness somewhere in there.

@aaa Thank you for the tag.

For those of you who flagged a post in here, thank you.


I don’t know how many more times I’m going to warn you. This forum is about personal development, while we create a harmonious, supportive community with discussions.

From here on out, please keep that in mind and examine your posts through that lens before pressing reply.

FYI, everyone – @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher has been granted full authority to suspend members who continually break the rules and escalate fights. If you find yourself at the end of a ban, @Fire nor myself will intervene, so don’t complain to us.