Is Anyone Here Actually Getting Significant Results From The Seduction Products?

I’ve shared it a couple of times here, but definitly subclub’s subliminal turned me from a guy who doesn’t really get laid (except that girl once or twice a year), to being more in control and having fwb.

Thing is, it is harder to measure “am I gettinh results” with external goals like getting laid because other people are involved. If it’s only a productivity sub, then it’s not the same! You will feel it!


I understand where you’re coming from. I think what you’re gonna get on this forum though is a lot of guys working through complex problems. The ones who don’t post are just going about their lives. So you might see a disproportionate amount of people on here not getting the results you expect.

But I’ll ask you this. If you don’t use subclubs products who else is out there? They’re powerful tools but it is on the person using them in the end. I just really don’t see anyone else competing in this field that is worth the attention. So if you just went about your life as usual and used them it seems like you’d have nothing to lose. So why the hesitation? It’s really only a waste of time if there’s a better alternative but I’ve yet to find one.

Hey guy, I wish what you just said could be permanently written on the top of this forum. Things take time. People are expecting life changes in a matter of 2 or 3 months. Totally unrealistic. Things take time. Find a sub, stick with it for at least 6 months if you want to see good solid results. Instead most of us, keep switching subs every 2 or 3 months. Or we keep adding more and more subs to our stacks.


External validation, insecure masculinity (“I laid 10 girls, I am such a man”), and an oversexualized society.

Regardless, this thread seems to drift apart. The actual question was about results of people going out and laying hotties immediately.

To be fair, this SPECIFIC question I haven’t seen anyone journal except that one guy who got banned somewhat recently for telling everyone to not comment on his journal haha
However, I honestly just think the guys who run these kinds of subs never even CARE about the forum. They see the program, they buy, run it, get results or not, and that’s it. Remember to join the forum really only gets mentioned in an email after purchase. Dude’s prolly just delete it right away.

Personal opinion

I think the guys who seek that would be better off with a healing sub or something to redirect their mental set-up. The guys posting on this forum are trying to fix complex situations and problems, this is why they journal here and want feedback.

You don’t really need feedback from a forum if you laid a woman. Like what kind of a journal would that be?
“Ran Libertine. Got laid. Shit works! kkthxbb”



I can understand your attitude of skepticism, especially if you’ve had a history of buying products and not getting the results you had hoped for.

Even if there were dozens of “I used Libertine and got laid by a new woman every week for the past 4 month” posts, someone could still wonder if those posts were real.

But I don’t think any of that matters. What matters is that you get the results you have hoped for.

If you are open minded enough, you could purchase Libertine or what ever you might have in mind, and try it as per instructions. I would encourage you to select one program to try for at least 21 days before purchasing a second one. If after say 25 days or so you don’t feel satisfied, you can request a refund.


I can understand how you might feel annoyed or frustrated when you are making efforts and taking time out of your busy day to reach out and help someone seeking answers, as well as standing up for SC.

Please in the future do so without outbursts of name calling and harsh language. Patience please. :person_in_lotus_position: Or just don’t post. Flags are also good.

Because of the people who do post. You glossed over them, handwaved away their results, including the individual who used Libertine and had amazing sex with a celebrity in his country.

Second, upon reviewing your account, you have not purchased Libertine – only RICH and Beyond Limitless.


y all falling again for it



Which ones?

If you haven’t seen them already, check out the Support Article on Reconciliation.

That’s interesting, I’ve seen several awhile back, and more than a few on just Libertine alone. Perhaps it isn’t as well reported as others, though.

Hm. I feel as if me, if I hadn’t had sex in awhile and felt like I was invisible to women because of x, y and z and suddenly, I had attention, and OBVIOUS attention at that, I’m sure the new focus on me would feel like clear skies after weeks of storms.

Which is definitely noteworthy to others in a similar situation. It’s all about perspective.

Several. Most don’t post often because they’re busy doing what your question asked, but they’re here.

  1. If you haven’t, start a journal.
  2. If you aren’t, start taking action towards getting significant results. You get what you put in.
  3. Be consistent with your subliminal use.
  4. Don’t expect the subliminal to do number 2 for you. Manifestation WILL occur; but the level, quality and direction of the pathway is dependent on the builder; us (you, in this example).
  5. Anything else I have would be energetic/esoteric, so I hope that little bit helps.

Using wanted and primal seduction iron throne . I have different encounter with my prefered women type. And they now receive me differently than before.

  • Getting close to me physically.
  • talk to me like I am the only one in the world.
  • telling me their intimate aspirations.
  • around women I found myself apprecting them and not my self-conscious type that paralyzed by analysing of what to do . I am relaxed in my skin. And here is what happens my attitude changed (I just realised this as I write to you :star_struck: thanks) before all I want was wanting to make women’s talk to me. Now I am entertaining and engaging the women’s I am with.
    Now I notice the subtle aspirations of the women I am with for example I refused some of her childish behaviour she told me with anger all I want is to play. Noticing the play word .and I changed my style with her. To fulfill that need.

I am not annoyed or frustrated please do not pretend to know how I feel.

Have a good day.


I totally agree, too much trash in the sub-conscious will result to slow progress,

Thats why i really would love to see sub-club suggesting healing subs before buying anything

You might have desires out of insecurity, and you cover them up with it


I haven’t used a seduction sub in almost a year, but yes while I was running them for an extended period of time I was getting laid like crazy. I was also bartending, had a very active social life, and went out to game for hours a day. What the subs do is give you the mindset nescissary to be attractive to women. Think about all the poor people who win the lottery and months later have no money, they stay poor because their mindset keeps them poor. Once you have the right mindset, put yourself in a position to become successful with women and the Bessi art attitudes and actions will flow almost naturally. I had friends calling me a natural and that I had the most potential in game they’ve seen, and before I was running these subs that was not the case.


You’ve highlighted some important points.

I had considered that possibility that you were not annoyed or frustrated by using the word “might”. So you clarified that it might be possible for someone to use harsh language and name calling even if one isn’t feeling anger or frustration.

Sometimes when I’m extending genuine empathy, I’m possibly inaccurate. I also realize empathy can be a risk for me as some people might object to, protest, misconstrue, or reject my use of empathy in what I offer or how I offer it.

Also “pretend” could be ambiguous. It could imply feigning the process of (that is, feigning to be empathic when I didn’t feel empathic), or it could imply falseness in the content (the guess I had about your feelings was inaccurate). If you meant in that you weren’t feeling annoyed or frustrated, and you didn’t actually feel that way, then I was inaccurate. If you meant it that I was extending empathy when I felt none, then you are inaccurate.

I would like you continue to post because you have made valuable posts in the past, and I expect you to do so in the future.

Please remember when you post that what ever you might be feeling, even if you are feeling nothing, and regardless of how you interpret or respond to what is posted, you are still expected to follow the rules for respectful posting.

As I look back on your posts, you seem to have an inclination towards insulting people’s mental capacity. Please stop the name calling, insults, and harsh language.



can you give us some details?

how long after using the subs did you start getting laid like crazy?

how many girls did you sleep with during this “crazy” period?

how many girls had you been with before you started using the subs?

which specific sub gave you these results?

you see this is exactly my frustration with seduction products and this forum.

everything you just wrote might sound great to YOU but to me that all means nothing.

the only thing to me that is real results is did you actually sleep with the girl.

everything you wrote here to me is irrelevant.

how many girls did you actually sleep with after using the sub?

and i yes i understand that not everyone looks at it from my perspective but i find it weird that no one at all seems to be reporting lots of sex with new women. 99% of seduction reviews are like yours.

you have seen several reviews of libertine where guys claim they are sleeping with a lot of new women after using it?


can you link me directly to these posts?

im pretty sure i have read 90% of that thread and i do not remember much actual results being reported with my definition of actual results being sex with new women.

yes it is all about perspective and yes if you are some incel who has never even kissed a girl then having girls look at you is great.

but im not coming from such a starting point and the sales pages of these seduction products imply must more significant results then this.

again, my question is the same, where the guys getting laid like Rockstar’s?

surely there are other guys like me who buy these products as aspiring PUAs, ladies men, players, whatever you want to call it…

surely im not in the minority in being a guy who is interested in these products because i want to sleep witha lot of new women

surely there is a reason these products are marketed in a way that implies the buyer will get laid like a rockstar after

so where are the results? please link to any direct post of someone getting laid like crazy after using subs.

What I write for me is great leap considering the community I live at . The religious beliefs of womens I interact with . Having sex where I live need a different setup due to the conservative type community . And the laws regarding sex ,That it should be between married people.


Results from khan

Results from primal seduction