Getting Promoted with Emperor, Chosen, and RICH

Hey y’all, I decided to finish my second cycle a few days early and start my washout. Was getting recon after my last 2 loops of Emperor on Thursday and decided it’d be best to start the washout a little early rather than force more loops in.

Just got word yesterday that my sales manager is likely leaving for another job, meaning her position will open up soon. She hasn’t officially gotten an offer yet, but I anticipate in the next few weeks she will be putting in her 2 weeks notice. The sole purpose of this stack is to set myself up to be promoted to take over her position.

Emperor, Chosen, and RICH seem like the perfect trifecta to land me the job. I’ll be starting this stack next Wednesday, Jan 19th after my 5 day washout.

Had a couple questions for @SaintSovereign or others in the community.

  1. What circumstances is it appropriate to use Chosen from Within versus Chosen? Are they interchangeable meaning appropriate to run Chosen one day and CFW the next loop day? Or is it essential to commit to one for the full cycle?
  2. For the purposes of being promoted, it advisable to give more airtime to Emperor and Chosen, or Emperor and RICH, or is it recommended to utilize all 3 equally? I.e. Running RICH once a week and having Emperor and Chosen running the rest of the days, or vice versa…

These quotes from username SaintSovereign may help:

You can find listening instructions on the support site

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@Ice : If you’re applying to a leadership position, I’d say Chosen and Emperor should get you there. Interviewing for jobs is largely a perception thing. They need to see you as the person to can fill the role. RICH might not be of any help for that.
Personally, I would replace RICH with Love Bomb. The stack would be Chosen + Emperor + Love Bomb.
Love Bomb would make people just loooooove you. Imagine what that could do in an interview especially in sales.


@ksub thank you for the input I hadn’t even considered Love Bomb as an option but you’re definitely raising some good points. I’ll certainly be keeping that in consideration as I go through my washout.

What has your experience been like using Love Bomb?


@Ice : I never ran Love Bomb. My opinion is based solely on what I’ve read on this forum. However I work in marketing and I know first hand the importance of being likeable to close a deal or to be hired or to get a promotion. If there is a sub that can create an aura of love around you and get people to relate to you more easily, I would definitely use it for interviews. Love Bomb is that sub.


After consulting with the flow master @Invictus I’ve decided on stacking Emperor, Chosen and RICH for the foreseeable future. Love Bomb sounds awesome but when it comes to sales job I need that aura of wealth infused in me as sales is all about bringing home the bacon.

Going to start today with Emperor and RICH. Chosen will be on day B. I’m excited to see where this takes me, as I’ve got word from my current manager she will likely be putting in her 2 weeks notice next Monday.

This promotion opportunity is IMMENSE for me and could potentially double or even triple my income depending on performance. I’m excited to test the manifestation powers of RICH, while continuing with the internal drive, status and determination of Emperor. Coupled with the external leadership and positivity in Chosen, I could not envision a more perfect stack for these purposes.

Let’s get this :bread:


I’m back and feeling amazing about this stack already :slight_smile:

Just ran Emperor followed by RICH and am feeling an overwhelming sense of positivity and contentment, knowing that I’m on the right path. It’s good to be back (on ZP subs) :joy:


Chosen on Friday and Emperor and RICH today. Last night I reviewed some audios from interview coaching that I had in the past. Brushing up my skills and getting prepared for the upcoming interviews. Getting my resume in order today as well. Just trying to be as prepared as possible for when the time comes :slight_smile:

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Been noticing a change in my music preferences since using Emperor ZP (and especially once I started stacking with RICH).

Typically I listen to EDM or rock music, and occasionally hip-hop. I haven’t listened to much hip hop in the past couple years and predominantly chose EDM music. But since starting with Emperor, I’ve been favoring rap music HEAVILY. And not just any hip-hop music, I’m inclined to listen to the heaviest most masculine lyrics and beats like 50 cent’s “Get Rich or Die Trying” album as an example.

The happy upbeat EDM music I usually like is almost a turn off to listen to at this point. The masculinity of Emperor is really encouraging me to listen to music that matches that drive, grit, and masculine ambition.


2 of my favorites:

I’ve also noticed Emperor ZP drawing me towards old school rap songs, it’s either that, or I end up putting on AMVs of badass anime characters, and find some pretty cool songs, like these 2:


I notice Emperor is killing my perfectionism, which is highly welcomed. For most of my life, I have been mr. perfectionist, trying to make sure everything is perfect before completion - which either led to excessive procrastination OR taking wayyyyy too long to complete tasks.

With Emperor, I get to a point where I efficiently complete my work, and subconsciously know when to move onto the next task, rather than getting caught up in mulling over every last detail over and over and wasting time. I even caught myself just now slipping back into these old patterns, and heard a voice in my head clearly state “nope, it’s done.” And I closed the tab and moved on.


Damn, didn’t know AMV was a thing. I am really too old :slight_smile:

Share your playlist!

Damn sounds like something I’ve needed for my entire life. Emperor’s gotta make an appearance in my stack one day, hopefully sooner than later.

I’m late to the party but couldn’t agree more!

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This is going to be saved in my database of posts under “awesome unexpected results”

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Noticed some significant attraction from the ladies today. Struck up a conversation with a cute sales rep in the elevator today. Nothing crazy flirty but her vibe and the way she was looking at me was telling me she was into me.

Also when leaving the office building I was in, I caught another girl blatantly checking me out.

It’s interesting cause this is not a super sexual stack (besides Emperor) but still noticing the results in this department, despite not putting any effort towards dating at the moment. I’m all focused on my business, building wealth, and hitting the gym, and it seems the ladies are taking notice.


Some cool RICH manifestations I wanted to share from today:

A client randomly gave me $20 cash today to “pay for my lunch” - he insisted I take the money, which is something I’ve never really experienced before.

Also, was looking for a place to get my car cleaned and was intuitively drawn to head to a spot that had everything I needed to clean my car for FREE.


Same effects today. Even though my focus is fully on wealth, empire building and career advancement, there’s been some noticeable attraction from the women I encounter.

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ZP is making me question whether or not I truly want the promotion or not. It would be cool and a lot more money, but also a lot more work. I feel my true calling is entrepreneurship, and perhaps it would interfere…

Got some reflecting to do


Wanted to clarify a realization I had around the idea that Emperor is “anti-social”. The term anti-social is the wrong way to look at it. On Emperor, I’m extremely social when I want to be.

For my job in sales, I can schmooze and flirt and be witty and express all the social characteristics necessary to be a successful sales man. When it comes to my career I am very extroverted.

When I’m done working, even when friends hit me up to hang out, I find myself preferring to stay home alone, because I have weighed the ROI of those meetups. Outside of work I have been more introverted.

I find I prefer to conserve my energy for my goals rather than “waste” it on mindless hangouts.

Therefore, I have come to realization that Emperor will mold your level of sociability towards the goals you have set for yourself, and different environments can induce different sides of the Emperor within.