Friday's Favorite Modules

Here I am gonna share my distilled knowledge and rating for q-store modules after 20 customs of experience.


Please tell us about the module you think are included in specific cores

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Wtf 20 custom woweeee


Have you used some of these modules?

Natural Winner
Male Enhancement

If so could you describe your experience with them or try to differentiate those that have some overlap, such as Jupiter and Tyrant.

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What are your favourite/highly recommended custom modules?

that‘s what this thread is all about :sweat_smile:

i will do it one by one whenever I have time


What a fucking tease :rofl: :rofl:


I am running Wanted after all :wink:


For @subliminaluser

Can you compare sphaera magnetica to earthshaker sexuality, explain the aura component to gloryseeker and whether or not gloryseeker is an unconfirmed aura subliminal, and comment on the best module to have better friends in your life?


Thanks for the tag, @Billions. Yes, I would very much like to know about the Earthshaker module especially in light of a custom I’m planning which had Sphaera Magnetica instead of Earthshaker in it because I didn’t consider the latter.

Source: The One Custom Goal: Get The Best People. How? - #8 by Billions


10 posts in, still waiting for those drops of distilled knowledge. :wink:

I do wonder if this belongs in Journals or Comments though.


I’m so looking forward to what you drop here that I accidentally saw ‘Saturday’s Favorite Modules’.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-05-07 um 14.42.25

Rating: 10/10

This module helped me generate the strongest “I don’t give a fuck” mentality I ever had, boosting my confidence to insane levels, while integrating my “shadow” side in the most natural way making me a more comfortable/wholesome/authentic man, which makes Fenrir my favourite module ever.

At times, your goals, your success, your family and friends, even your life can be under threat from those who have the purest malevolent intentions towards you and all that you hold dear. At times like these, you must be ruthless and remove your opposition with merciless precision.

Since running Fenrir, I have encountered two situations where people tried to take advantage of me or my loved ones. I won both. One was my dentist trying to cheat me into paying 500$ more than necessary. I was literally fighting him for the past 6 months with the utmost satisfaction. Even after I got that invoice down from 700$ to 200$, I did not let it go because of his audacity to think he can get away with it and continue his scam with other people. I kept collecting evidence, put him in a tight spot, determined to not stop until I have ended his whole career.
Luckily for him, he sincerely apologized a few days ago and I am now considering dropping it.

Fenrir will awaken and give you reigns over the most cold-blooded aspects of your inner being, which not only will be your weapon against malevolence but help you in achieving your goals and furthering your ambitions in any area of life, through pure, calculated cold-bloodedness and indomitable, feral spirit.

If you have a goal or if there is something you want to do that might be socially risky or not acceptable, Fenrir will give you the permission to follow through on that. It is now YOU who determines what is acceptable or not and not socially imposed ideas. You no longer play society’s game, you are above it. That’s where the inner confidence comes from that Fenrir builds. If there is something you truly want to do, you do not give a fuck about what other people might think. You immediately act upon opportunities and stop overthinking decisions.
In business, it lead me to do some stuff in the legal grey area (never harmed anybody).
In seduction, e.g. in situations where there is another man competing for the same woman, your mindset changes to: “Hey, I’ve been willing to help you every other minute of every other day before this. There’s only one of hers, so tough fucking luck, but I’m taking her. Sorry, but I’ve worked harder than you for this, and this is my reward for being so caring and generous the rest of the time. The only way you’re getting her is if you beat me straight up, and that ain’t happening.”

Fenrir will also guide you when it is optimal to be completely ruthless, and when it would be more beneficial to show kindness and mercy

That’s the most important part. When reading this people could get the wrong notion that Fenrir makes you an asshole or mean, which could not be further from the truth. If anything I have become nicer to people and people are friendlier to me.
Repressing parts of yourself (e.g. your cold-blooded side, your anger etc) always leads to depression. Fenrir helps you to allow and integrate those “shadow” sides, which not only makes you extremely confident but also deeply delighted & satisfied from the inside, which transfers over to the people around you. This module adds a whole new dimension of self-development to any custom. The beauty of Fenrir is really how smooth this integration is. I never acted out, went violent or felt a lot of negative emotions in the first place. You get control over these emotions and express them in a balanced, charismatic and authentic way.


That whole post was intriguing, to say the least.

Thanks very much.

Will enjoy reading whenever you make time.

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I hate you… I finally was able to remove it of my plan for my future custom making it 20 and you just drop a bomb like that…pfffff

How am I supposed to keep certainty now ahhhhhh !!!

Eagerly anticipating the full list, but at this pace it looks like it’ll take a year before it gets done.

Fenrir review was excellent though, will definitely add it in an archetype custom that I plan on making one day (once I’m done testing all the archetype subs in the store).


Great review! Fenrir looks great for people after they have been doing some healing. Looking forward to the next one! Hopefully not in June/July :joy:

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I get accused of being an asshole so much in my daily life, I’ve avoided this one simply because I didn’t want to become cutthroat.

This was worth the read for me. Thanks for sharing.

@friday did you abandon this one? :frowning_face:

He fenrir’d himself. just kidding! The most cold hearted, and kind, merciful thing he could do because it would unleash the most benefits is let us discover for ourselves what these modules are like. It’s also a testament to their effectiveness as demonstrated by his most likely doing better things that are providing greater payoffs for his fulfilling life.