Friday's Favorite Modules

bump! :smiley:

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Any new reviews?

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Okay okay, I think it is time for another review


Your fenrir breakdown and review was really detailed, I can confidently say it’s the best review/breakdown for people who really want to understand the module and know what to expect.

I was about to remove fenrir from my future custom, when I read this review I decided to keep it, and I think your reviews can be really helpful for the community.


Rating: 10/10

No module has EVER had such a big impact on my social life as Gloryseeker — from being a regular mostly unknown guy I immediately began rising in fame at my university, building a huge circle of friends and seducing the most popular girls. Stacked with Wanted Khan, the effects of this module have been truly unreal.

Gloryseeker will help you achieve true fame in a way that fits you perfectly. It will guide you on how to do so, assist you with creating an air of fame around you, and instill in others a sense that you are on the path to great glory…

As written in the sales copy the fame will be very specific to you and your situation…

I am a medical student at the top university in my country. Every year 30000 students from all medical universities in the country are coming together for a self-organized festival. Each uni is producing a song for that each year— the ones participating and performing are considered the “cool kids”, are very well known and it is not easy to get into that circle (even more so if you have no obvious musical talent like me lol).

  • One of the first things that happened was me getting invited to participate in another university’s music video through a girl I share a deep connection with. While Khan made her like me a lot it :wink:, it was Gloryseeker that manifested the opportunity. So I boarded the train and quickly befriended all people participating in that video, including the directors, camera guy and singers — getting me a leading role in the video. One of the hot girls commented how “she cannot believe I am already so connected and included with the people here”. Just by my vibe a lot of people first (wrongly) assumed I was one of THE GUYS organizing the music video in my city (at that point, I did not even know the name of the people organizing it at my uni lol).

  • Gloryseeker mostly works through changing your overall vibe that makes other people far more receptive to you, but almost similarly to True Sell it also gives you little hints from time to time on how to rise higher in your social standing, befriend high-quality people and get into those social circles only VIPs are allowed. So in a calculating manner, I used the fact that I participated in another uni’s music video to get in touch with the people at my college slowly “infiltrating” that social circle :smiley:

  • Soon after coming back, this happened:

  • On OG Khan (and even Wanted Khan without Gloryseeker) I was never truly satisfied with the quality of girls and had issues getting the most beautiful women sexually interested in me. With Gloryseeker, this changed COMPLETELY. I have never hooked up with so many women that represent my personal 9s and 10s (without bullshit myself). I am now the guy that naturally ends up with the hottest women in my social circle. It is nothing that I do particularly different, it is just my vibe that makes them attracted to me. This fame aura is truly a cheat code and I would definitely keep it secret and not tell you about it if you were studying with me at my college haha.

  • I have now also befriended all the people at my university who are participating and organizing the yearly music video. I have not bonded with them as deeply as with some of the people from the other uni, but they are all greeting me whenever they see me and have saved me a space in our music video. With that, I am the only guy I currently know that has ever participated in two videos from two unis in one year. That’s what I am currently “fame” for and that I am going wild when partying according to some stories and rumors hahahh.

  • Coincidently, I downloaded an app that tracks my Instagram followers right at the time when I started running my custom with Gloryseeker. In the past 4 1/2 months, I have gained 130 followers! I have a private account and I do not accept anyone I don’t know, so that’s the actual amount of people I got to know in that time and exchanged Instagram with. Gloryseeker always reminded me to exchange contacts when I meet new people to stay in touch, normally I would have forgotten that :slight_smile:

  • Every year around my birthday, it is time to throw a party and I always got sad realizing that I do not have so many people I genuinely want to invite to my birthday. My dream was always to invite 50+ people, and have a 60-70% girls ratio. This year was the first time where I managed to achieve that! The party was spectacular, a few people were even driving from all around the country (often for more than 4h) just to get here. What made me really happy was that I got a lot of comments about what amazing friends I have, which is so true :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Feeling very blessed.

  • Now I talked so much about the festival but haven’t talked about the actual event yet. At the festival wherever I went I got greeted by people all over the country. My friends commented how they cannot walk with me anywhere without people approaching me. That is how it feels to run Gloryseeker :sunglasses:

Sorry that it took so much time to post this review but I hope the wait was somehow worth it. I try to write the next review much much sooner though haha.


Hey @friday are you going to make more reviews?

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Maybe one day :slight_smile:

where my man @friday has gone?

Will be back in 4 days, heres monday today.

But you are right maybe he is living the dream and has forgotten all of us

He may have seven figures business, living somewhere in Hawaii and checking only SaintSovereign’s posts to only know about anything new.

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The magnetic force of the new drop is overwhelming maybe he will appear

He will check descriptions and maybe the main threads of these new baby turtles and will go on with his life.

aw just found this thread got super excited and it was only 2 modules reviewed