Flight of the Golden Dragon - Dragon Reborn Stage 3 + Mogul + Love Bomb Prototype (FINISHED)

Total Exposure Time: 82/400

I’ve finally dealt with one old fear and excuse I had for over two years. Over two years ago I had unprotected sex with a stranger who told me later on she had had a boyfriend who was an injection drug user in Cebu (the Philippines) where, I found out, over 70% of the drug users was infected with HIV. I tried to forget and eventually I forgot about that but Dragon Reborn + Love Bomb reminded me about that old issue a couple of days ago. I started pondering on that and my subconscious, my fear of getting tested made me want to avoid the confrontation so I started looking for the numbers… but ultimately I decided to deal with that demon and I did. I got tested 2 hours ago and I’m NEGATIVE. :slight_smile:

I encouraged my gf to take the test too so she did and it was negative too.


Total Exposure Time: 106/400

I’ve started learning about Yoga and Muay Thai in order to strengthen the connection between my body and soul as it’s strongly advised for healing traumas and all the emotional/psychological pain. On top of that, these are great ways of self-development both, spiritually and physically.

It seems to me DR ST3 truly helps you look deeper into your true self since a very old notion of mine has occurred to me as clear as never before. I’ve always wanted to be nobody but myself - “my” no-self to be precise, just exist and revel in that 'feeling" of pure existing, with no identity, no ideal me, no childish goals like buying a car, having sex with multiple women or you name it. The only goal is to just exist and revel in being alive, feel complete on your own without any need of having something and being someone.

My Mithrandir is calling me… just take another step forward on my pilgrimage to the End of “My” Days.


Total Exposure Time: 140/400

DR St3 and Mogul have helped me rediscover my natural gifts and the path I’m meant to follow. It’s strongly related to spirituality which was always the strongest point of mine although I’ve never been very religious or interested in mysticism or spirituality following rather my philosophical and scientifical passions. I’ve never followed any spiritual school or done any kind of spiritual practice (apart from my natural way of cultivating my spirit, that is) but I’ve always considered my spirituality well-disciplined and ascetic. I think the only missing point was the right teacher who could show me his way of doing those things and I’ve finally found one - Sadhguru, whose charisma and attitude is really appealing to me. I’ve listened to some of his lessons and I find them quite interesting and now I’ll be moving to learning Yoga from him. I want to become a yogi, master some aspects of this art and later on help people on their path. The funny thing is when I was a boy some people saw a priest in me and a couple of years ago one woman called me “Healer of Souls”. I have a lot of things to learn and start practising Yoga so I’m going to stack DR St4 with Alchemist and BLU.


I’ve just finished my very first session of Isha Kriya and I feel awesome, I feel I’m going to love doing it and learning more from my teacher. Apart from that, I have some books of his and some other books about Yoga and Buddhism. Here I come! :slight_smile:

@James you could check it out too.


I don’t know if it’s the placebo effect and I don’t really care, I still feel wholesome after my Isha Kriya session. :slight_smile:


Total Exposure Time: 144/400

Mogul and DR St3 helped me see my path clearer. My priorities/goals and who I want to become ultimately (which may change, of course, but my intuition and my reason say “that’s it, mate!”) occurred to me in a new light while running this stack. Therefore, it helped me choose my very next move on my path if it comes to subliminal programs (Alchemist+DR St4) and my conscious self-development (the foundations of Buddhism, Hatha Yoga and meditation).

The combination of DR St3 and Mogul forced me to start looking for new ways and possibilities and ultimately led me to the insight into my real self and its yearnings. On Mogul, I understood that the best way to monetize your potential is to start from developing your natural gifts and following your passion, finding your real purpose and becoming devoted to it. Once you’re devoted to your purpose nothing can stop you and there’s no room for any shadow of a doubt.

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How did you get from 0 to 30 hours of exposure in two days?

Do you listen 15 hours each day?

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Usually 16 hour a day. 8 hours for Mogul and 8 hours for DR. I interlace the tracks.


Total Exposure Time: 192/400

I feel physiological shits on the visceral level which were caused by my current yoga practice but DR might have helped foster them.

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Total Exposure Time: 234/400

I feel and I know that I’m done with healing on a very deep level and I’m 100% positive DR and Love played a huge role in that transformation. Although it was an Isha Kriya meditation session which brought the ultimate realization to me. I don’t know yet how it’s going to affect my life but I’m ready to face anything now. Here’s what happened two days ago.

I was just doing that Isha Kriya meditation and towards its end, I intentionally created (visualized) an image of still water and drops of water falling into it creating ripples. And then it changed by itself in some kind of inner movie I just let happen. The drops changed into a waterfall and there was a rock wall behind it then I saw two figures behind the waterfall (between the waterfall and the rock wall) I couldn’t discern at first. Then it occurred there was a woman and a man, both Indians and suddenly I realized it was Shiva and Shakti (yes, I know it sounds crazy). Then a child appeared in her arms and they were both very happy about the child. I focused (unintentionally) on the child and it was white-skinned and blue-eyed. I realized it was me (I know it sounds even crazier). Then they had me realize that they were my real (divine) parents and my parents were only my biological parents. They “told” me (but it was like just letting me know telepathically) they always loved me, watched and helped me. Suddenly, I found myself sitting (in the lotus position) on a rock in a desert and there was only a starry night sky above me. I felt everything was perfect and felt an immense inner peace and I got faith everything would be okay and all I have to do now is to just be. The whole “movie” lasted around two minutes only and after that, I didn’t feel extraordinary, just normal. Later on, I pondered a bit about that “movie” and concluded that each of us is their child, each of us is a child of the Universe.

Since then I’ve been experiencing an extraordinary feeling of calm and a slight bliss.


This is profound.


Total Exposure Time: 316/400

I don’t know how much of it is DR doing but even though I started practising meditation only two weeks ago (I had never done it before) I’m having some symptoms of my mind being unified in accordance with the ones described in the book on meditation I’m reading. It occurred I’m at a very high level in meditation since I have no problems in holding my attention on the meditation object and staying aware without the feeling of dullness as long as I want almost effortlessly. The symptoms of the unification are I’m much calmer in general but apart from that, I smelt the smoke of an incent while meditating but there was not any around me and it lasted around five seconds only, I also felt bugs crawling on my face but of course there weren’t any. I read in the book the most important part of the whole process is purification yet I didn’t experience any while meditating (unless the experience I described above was) and I don’t even feel any need of it… not anymore, not after what DR has done for me. It’s definitely the best sub I’ve ever listened to. Now, Alchemist awaits me, which I’ll be combining with DR St4 (Alchemist St1-3).


these oddities can indeed be form of purification from the meditation work I’m familiar with.


It’s time to sum up my ride even though there are still around 20 hours of listening to this stack.
Here’s what I expected of that stack and what it’s helped me achieve:

  • getting even more immune to negativity
  • reduce the self-talk even further

I definitely see an improvement in that matter. The negative self-talk has disappeared completely and negative thoughts appear really rarely, I would say most of my thoughts are rather realistic than negative. On top of that, the situation of my family is really bad but it doesn’t affect my high spirits much, I’m rather concerned about that in a practical way. I’m much more present and much less in my head.

  • a stronger reconnection with my true self

Well now, I could write an article about that one. Stage 3 has massively helped me rediscover myself and pointed at the things I need to be focused and worked on. It also directed me toward the “me” I want to become and made me strong on the path I chose. There’s no room for vacillation or second-guessing anymore. I know my core even better than I ever did (which was something I didn’t think I could have a more profound knowledge/awareness of) and I have a clear vision on how to strengthen myself.

  • a stronger me

That confidence in the path I chose that Dragon Reborn helped me attained is priceless. I feel that from now on I’m going to be only stronger and stronger both spiritually (so also mentally-intellectually) and morally (self-conduct, setting my goals and choosing methods of attaining them).

  • instilling more positive beliefs, habits and feelings about money

What I noticed is I have no hard feelings about money anymore and although they’re not a priority of mine right now I’m open to every opportunity which could potentially lead me to the riches. That’s quite a feat since I despised money for my whole life.

  • increased motivation and productivity towards earning/making money

I’ve started blogging about a newly founded passion (Yoga and Meditation) and I’m confident that it’ll give me a lot of opportunities to earn money in the future.

But the most important thing Stage 3 gave me was building foundations for my self-leadership and allowing me to have better (more real) insights into life and myself.

Also, I got that insight (described above) which was like some kind of awaking which helped me better understand that we’re all part of something great (the Universe) and the only thing we’re “obliged” to do is to just be, experience our life, embrace it and let come and go things we have no control over and that our most basic duty towards ourselves is to cultivate the trust that everything on our path leads us to its end.


I’ve found it takes me some effort to think negative, and it feels boring.

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Yeah, I forgot to add that I’m much more present and much less in my head.


As I read your experience I feel a huge burning sensation in my chest and my eyes got all wet.
Im for some reason experiencing a state of profound happines for your experience and at the same time I identify with it deeply.

Note: Im listening to DR right now.


I’m really glad if I can inspire even a little change for the better. Thank you.


im sold. lol

Fasten your belt tight then. lol