Into the Abbys to my real kNOw-self - Dragon Reborn Stage 4 + Alchemist Stage 1+ Love Bomb Prototype (FINISHED)

During running my former stack I decided to stack Dragon Reborn Stage 4 with Alchemist Stage 1 since my journey has revealed to me my true self and it’s time to improve my meditation quality and the stillness of my mind to discover my real kNOw-self and develop my energies. Here are the results I got thanks to my former stack.

I don’t have specific expectations since a spiritual journey is full of surprises but I assume that my concentration skills, energy level and mindfulness will improve a lot during the ride.

  • I’ll be running Alchemist Stage 1 for 200 hours along with 200 hours of Dragon Reborn Stage 4

I think the only Ultima used by me during this journey will be Love Bomb since I think that aspect of me still needs an improvement.


Phase I Total Exposure Time: 10/400

I went to a Buddhist temple and had some insight yesterday. In my native language (Polish), the words “hate” and “see” are closely related. Widzieć = to see, Nienawidzieć = to hate (Nie = no, na = on). In other words “to hate” means not to see and not to see may mean to be blind. I concluded that (real) love is not blind, hate is blind. Hatred makes you blind and to truly see there must be no hatred in you and you should be open to love for life, the world and people.

Another thing, yesterday I was wondering which path I should choose - Hatha Yoga (focused on purification) which prepares for Kriya Yoga (working with energies) or start with Kriya Yoga straightaway. I woke up at night thinking about Kriya Yoga which may mean Alchemist is urging me to take the more advanced path.

Later on, at night I felt a slight pain in my heart, the chakra I’m working on and needs the most improvement.


how is the letting of any grief?

It’s a very good question even though at first it didn’t look like one. I’ve let go of a lot of my grief related to my childhood and my brother’s suicide yet I feel I still need a bit of healing in that area but it’s rather about filling in the hole which has left after the grief was “removed” (neutralized) by DR Stages 1-2 and I think nothing better than love (Love Bomb).


haha yes the question was specific even if it might not seem so at first.
you mention your anahata needs work, that’s one reason I asked.

In my experience if there is a ‘hole’ after grief was removed, its a level of neutrality/numbness to block from deep layers. But obviously only you can know that, I’m not qualified to ‘advise’ you, but one friendly voice to another, I would urge you to consider that distinction if it seems appropriate, and anahata is a main point of focus for you.

I also hear a structured kind of achieving orientated towards mastery in your communication that I admire.

I have found that kind of adeptness can often be accompanied with energetic difficulty in the Anahata.
As achievement and proficiency can at times overlook feeling the heart but more importantly can often be born from being the one strong and capable enough to look out for and manage the care others and never being given the care they need, and there can be a grief that gets unfelt in this.

Anyway, I just like being a contribution when something jumps out at me, so if any of that offers anything great, and if not Dragon On :slight_smile: :dragon:!

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Thank you for your post. I think what I’m doing now is oriented to the issue which is discussed.

I feel I have to focus on that chakra before I move to Ajna 100% and actually I’m planning on helping that chakra by using QL at some point in the future. For now, I have to focus on Anahata (Love Bomb and Loving-Kindness practice), continue my healing (Dragon Reborn Stage 4 and yoga) and work on my meditation practice and energies (Alchemist).

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You’ve come a long ways bro!

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Phase I Total Exposure Time: 74/400

I’m still new to meditation and to Buddhism (I’m practicing Theravada meditation) and I’ve read one and a half book about that and now I know what it is about and how to set my own technique but what strikes me most if it comes to meditating is that a lot of people think they can just sit down on a cushion regularly and get awaken one day just like that, no matter what. They don’t include the vital part of the path to enlightenment which is leading a moral life. It seems to me they assume they don’t have to keep their shit together and that they can put it on other people and then sit down on the cushion and get enlightened. They don’t even know why they want to get enlighten and what it is about and many of them think they have got enlighten already but to me it’s impossible to call yourself enlighten if your life is not moral.
To me, meditation is only something which can help you deal with your own inner shit and give you some valuable insights but moral life is key. A lot of people have got enlighten without a single minute on a cushion because their moral life was their meditation and their work for the greater good was their yoga. I think enlightenment is about better understanding of what’s good what’s bad and always choosing good. I don’t think I’ll ever change my view on that matter.

Alchemist at work?

Also I feel I’m moving towards Shikantaza (a form of Zen meditation) and I shall see how it goes.

Thanks for reading, folks! :slight_smile:

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Yes!:person_in_lotus_position: I think you might get to enlightenment before I do.

Hehehe! :metal:

People have to understand there’s no quick fix. If your life is a mess and you cannot keep your shit together no amount of yoga or meditation will lead you to enlightenment. Yoga and meditation can help you keep your shit together and work on it but only moral life can lead you there. And that element is what Westerners tend to be blind to, they don’t even want to hear the word “morality”. And I mean universal morality, not Christian, Buddhis or whatever. All the religions and moral systems have the same common ground; keep your shit together and don’t put it on other people.

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You’re in a good mood tonight. Are you channeling the Loki archetype?

Yeah, it’s a beautiful morning indeed, here in Thailand :slight_smile:
@Azriel and you may be interested in this content. It’s great!

It’s only about the epistemology of awakening. Still, we have to bear in mind its moral aspect which is vital. I forgot to mention, the moral aspect is related to KILLING YOUR EGO(ISM).

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I didn’t mention that before but a couple of days ago I did a meditation session focused on my main trauma related to my brother’s suicide. So here it is:

After dealing with my traumas in Stage 1 and 2 I revisited them during my meditation and I was surprised at how calm, observant and non-reactive I was during doing it. After I finished the session I didn’t even think about “the object” of my meditation (my traumatic experiences). I reminded myself (and revisited actively in the meditation) about my brother’s body lying in the blood (he stabbed himself), his funeral and many other occurrences related to those two events. I don’t feel any need to revisit my trauma related to my father’s way of abusing me since I just think the way Jesus teaches; “Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do” - so it’s rather moral than psychological.

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Phase I Total Exposure Time: 82/400

I feel negative energies leaving my body and mind. I’m more grounded and almost non-reactive and 100% responsive instead. I like it a lot! :slight_smile:

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You’ve come a long way man! I’m happy for you!

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Phase I Total Exposure Time: 120/400

Yesterday I spoke to my father on the phone and we talked about our spirituality and the other civilizations of the past and what left of them (Melengübü, Moʻai, the Pyramids, some city carved in a mountain in America and how Hindu gods might have been people of the older civilizations depicted as gods). Anyway, at the end of our chat, he told me I could come back home (to Poland, I’m in Thailand now) any time since its door is always open to me and that till he’s alive I don’t have to be worried about my material situation. I know these were words only but the point is he really meant it and that was really profound to me. I’m feeling like my ego (loved child) and alter ego (hated child) are entering different dynamics right now. It feels weird but I feel it’s going to be a change for the better. Something like a transition from “hated child” to “loved child” or maybe merging both. I’m not sure yet. Alchemist and DR at work… :slight_smile:


Wow man! This is really profound! I’m happy for you! It sounds like some deep healing in your relationship with your father!


Phase I Total Exposure Time: 152/400

I’m forging my spirituality by merging Jesus’ teachings, Kriya Yoga and Theravada Buddhist meditation. I’ve gone back to reading the Bible after twenty-five years. Also, I took special care to find the right resources for practising Kriya Yoga and that meditation. There’s a lot of BS since everybody can publish.


Hey @Sub.Zero,

since you’re studying meditation practices, etc., you may have already come across this person; but just in case, I want to recommend him.

He may be the CLEAREST, most comprehensive, and most organized on this topic. If not the most, then one of the most:

Shinzen Young

(overview of the whole thing)

(detailed discussion of mindfulness as a specific sub-category)

(IKEA or engineering manual)